Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1199: # 1 talent


Xie Nieyun was speechless in shock.

He Xu's conciseness is clear. He already understands what the epoch is.

Should be a method of describing the times. When an era develops to a certain stage, King Shura will appear and die, then start again, and start again and again!

So, is King Shura really immortal? unstoppable?

"Since ancient times, many amazing people have gone, but no one has been able to block the footsteps of King Shura, not to mention other epochs, but the last one! The last epoch was the world of Taoism, people The world is not divided into six, but there is only one flooded world. Among them, the strong are like forests, the masters are like sand, and countless! Unfortunately, they are still defeated in the hands of King Shura, although in the end King Shura was also killed by the five-clawed dragon emperor. However, the entire world of floods and famines has been completely divided and cannot be restored, and it has become the current world of heaven and earth! "

He Xuxi seemed to see his doubts, explained it, and then asked, "Do you know why Shura hates the demon so much? Why is the demon and human beings hostile?"

"do not know!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

Since his memory, the battle between the demon and the human has not been interrupted. Humans regard the demon as an enemy, and the demon has always wanted to destroy humans, as if there is no room for fire. But if there is any contradiction between the two races, he still I really don't know.

"Hey, in fact, all blame humans!" Xu Yan sighed and turned to look at Yan Zhi. "This thing you say!"

"You are a human being, you are more convincing when you speak. Otherwise, others will think that I have made mysteriousness!" Yan Zhi waved.

"Well then, let me talk about it carefully. Although it involves the face of the human race, since I want to explain it to you in detail, I won't care so much!"

He Xu said: "In ancient times, everyone in the heavens and the earth practiced meditation, and there was only one human race. At that time, King Shura appeared to execute the plan of extinction, and mankind faced a huge choice. Either fight or surrender!"

"Drop? Fight with Shura, can you surrender?" Nie Yun was a little strange.

Shura burned and plundered. Unbelievable, how can we surrender without human beings?

"Hey, if human beings had this idea at that time, they wouldn't be doing stupid things. At that time, King Shura's combat power had not reached the extreme, and he sent Shura's messengers to lobby everywhere. As long as he surrendered, he could divide the borders and even divide the world Come, form several realms, and humans and Shura will not interfere with each other! "

He Xu said that he stopped and kept shaking his head.

Although Nie Yun did not experience the ancient times. Hearing this also understands that the insidiousness and means of King Shura can confuse the human fairy. Commitment to rule by territories is terrifying.

"Countless people believed his promise at that time, but some people did not believe it, so the human race was divided into the main war faction and the main surrender faction. The two factions fought endlessly, and internal contradictions appeared!"

"The current human being ... is the Lord?" Nie Yun realized one thing.

"Ah, yeah! Now the ancestors of the human race were the main surrender, and they wanted to surrender, and the main war faction had an irreconcilable contradiction. Finally, the main war sent to fight and decisive battle with Shura. The battle was shocking. The heavens and the earth collapsed, and the continent broke down. The king Shura exhibited the strongest 冇 shura murderous and devoured all the main war factions. Later, although the main war factions completed the victory, they were too tragic. In the absence of humans, I thought that it was too severely attacked by Shura's murderous spirit, and there was an irreversible change in both the offspring and myself! "

The beard must be uttered.

"The main faction is ... the demon and the demon tribe?" Nie Yun finally understood.

No wonder he has always felt that the Demon and the Demon and the Shura are somewhat similar. The suffocation in the body is too heavy, which makes people unhappy. It turned out that they put in too much effort for the victory of the human race! This situation is caused by the common future of mankind!

I'm afraid that's why they expressed disdain for the ancestors of the humans who descended from the Lord at that time, which led to the contradiction between the demon, the demon, and human beings, which continues to the present!

"At that time, there were very many strong people in the demon and demon races, so they controlled more avenue rules, which is what we call 10,000 avenues, seven thousand demon, and only three thousand demon!" Many, the most advanced road rules are not much controlled by humans. In addition, they fight with Shura, their vitality is destroyed, and their fertility is extremely low. As a result, humans are getting stronger and stronger. Not as good as humans! "

Nie Yun nodded, knowing what was being said.

The six realms of the heaven and earth are the largest. The other six realms are similar to the vassals. All the lives of the demon world and the demon world are less than one tenth of the spiritual world! Because of this, the six heavens and earth are sometimes collectively referred to as the spirit world, which refers to a part of the spirit world.

If it wasn't for his detailed explanation, Nie Yun would never have dreamed that the ancestors of humans in the spirit world would actually be captives! But the monsters and demons who have always hated are actually the main battle faction. If not for them, how can the spirit world be today!

This incident is a shame and shame for human beings. I am afraid that it was forced down in the past, which caused not many people to know the true history!

It seems that the bad person he sees may not be bad, and the good person may not be good.

In the beginning, Nie Yun could not wait to kill all the monsters, and he did not stay, but now he knew these things and realized how narrow this idea was.

If it wasn't for their ancestors who threw their heads and shed blood to contribute to humanity, then there is still the spiritual world now, I am afraid that it would have become King Shura's world!

"You humans are despicable!"

Yan Yanzhi snorted on one side.

Whether Nie Yun or Xu Xuan, he could not say a half sentence.

"Right and wrong are all past tense! Now King Shura appears again, and a new catastrophe is imminent. We must actively respond, this time humanity will never shrink!"

Xu Xu looked up at Nie Yun. "It's up to you whether this catastrophe will succeed!"

"Me?" Nie Yun blinked.

虽然 Although his strength has improved, the gap between him and King Shura is too great. It is almost impossible to beat him!

"Yes, because you have a special talent in the first place!"

"Special talent in the first place? What is it?" Nie Yunru fell into the mist.

"The talent that ranks first is a collection of three thousand roads and one body, which is the so-called endless Dantian!" Xu said.

"Endless Dantian?" Nie Yun's face changed. "You know what I can do to Dantian?"

王 At that time, King Shura said that not only did he know that he could spawn Dantian, but did Xu also know?

"I already knew!" Beard mustache.

"But ... I can derive Dantian, not a special talent, but a nameless method ..." Since the other party knows, Nie Yun has nothing to hide.

He has been very strange about the origin of the Anonymous Method. The mystery of this method is incomprehensible. What is even more weird is that no one can practice except him, even his avatar!

After marrying Yantai Lingyue, he and Lingyue told everything about it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Including the unknown method, it is strange that despite the fact that Yantai Lingyue is a celestial master, he is also an immortal monarch. , This set of unknown methods still cannot be cultivated!

It seems that no one is qualified to practice this set of exercises except himself, full of mystery.

"Unknown method? Ha ha!" Xu Yan shook his head. "It has nothing to do with law, it is the law that appeared only after you opened your first talent!"

"The first talent was turned on ... you always said the first talent, but ... it seems that I don't have the first Dantian in my body!"

There are fifty dantians in Tan Nieyun's body. Now, except for the dantian used by the main dantian and the spirit of soul, all dantians have attributes and there is no so-called first dantian. Is it necessary to make a mistake?

"Are you ... wrong?"

I thought of this, Nie Yun said directly.

"It can't be wrong!" Xu Yan shook his head, his face showing certainty. "The first-ranked Dantian, in fact, not only you, everyone has it, but no one can open the form! This Dantian, what effect does it usually have? No, only with the morphological puppet turned on can you exert your power and have the ability to produce endless dantians! "

"Everyone has it?" Nie Yun's throat was dry, and he finally understood it, his eyes rounded, and some couldn't believe it. "Did you say that which is useless ... Lord Dantian?"




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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