Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1209: Lord of Confucianism

The higher the talent, the greater the price it takes to improve your strength. As a third Taoist teacher, Lingtai Lingyue has so much potential that almost no one can replace it, making it harder to get promoted.

Originally, she had just been promoted to Xianjun, and it took at least thousands of years to improve even a trace. At this time, completely refining the Spring and Autumn Sacred Books was tantamount to refining a master who was stronger than her. The strength changed immediately.

There was a fierce roar, and the strength was promoted all the way. In less than ten breaths, it broke through the early stage of Xianjun and entered the middle stage.

Steady at the peak of the medium term.

Although the promotion range is not particularly large, the combat effectiveness has more than doubled. If you fight Yan Yan again, even if the latter means do everything you can, you will not be an opponent!

The third Taoist talent is by no means a mere name.

No one can surpass the ability of leapfrog combat, except King Shura and Nie Yun.

"Thank you!"

Refining the Spring and Autumn Sacred Code, looked at Yan Yiyan, Lingtai nodded.

Although she can refine this scripture with her strength, it will definitely take a lot of effort. With the help of Yan Zhi, the speed has been accelerated a lot.

"No problem! Just raise your hands!" Yan Zhi waved.

"This should be the turbulent world, let's hurry up. After so long, King Shura should have found the heart of the dark demon!"

To interrupt the conversation between them, he must look forward with a serious look.

Appearing in front of everyone is a huge world, the space is more stable than the spirit world, although there is no vitality. But with a warm atmosphere.

It's as if this is the root of the whole spiritual world, where people live.

"It's so big here, how do you find the heart of the dark demon?" Yan Zhi's eyebrows narrowed.

This is not only her doubt. Even Nie Yun and others felt strange.

Although this muddy world is not as wide as the spiritual world, it definitely has a range of tens of times that of the floating continent, coupled with the tight space, even if you use your soul to find it, it is absolutely impossible without half a day!

"The heart of the dark demon is the foundation of the demon world. As long as people who practice magic skills. They will have a strong induction when they run magic skills, Nie Yun. This time it depends on you!"

Must be martyrdom.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

Of the four, only he has cultivated the spirit rhinoceros, which is the so-called magic power, and wants to use magic power to find it. You can only count on him.

focused. The eighth major achievement of the rhinoceros refining system slowly moved, the black eyes slightly reddish.

"over there!"

A blast of magic gas burst from his head and flew straight in one direction.

This enchantment, as if found the source, with joy.


"Follow up!"

Everyone knows that this is the effect brought by the heart of the dark demon, and is not surprised. They immediately follow the magic spirit and go straight.

The cloudy sky is solid. But time seemed a bit confusing, walking in between. If you don't keep your heart, you will quickly fall into psychedelics and cannot extricate yourself.

This is the characteristic of this world, just like the gravity of the planet, even if Nie Yun and others are beyond their abilities, they cannot get rid of it.

"It seems that the spatiotemporal flow outside is affected by the muddy sky world!"

Flying in it, Nie Yun finally understood the source of the chaos.

No wonder the time and space outside are so chaotic, all affected by this turbulent world, a small world actually affects such a large area, which shows how terrible the energy of this place is.

I have always wondered why there is no time and space in such a powerful place in the spirit world. It turned out to be here.

"Stay tuned, everyone!"

Flying, a loud voice sounded, and then a figure appeared slowly.

This figure has a demeanor, tall, with a strong book air, and mercy in his eyes looks kindly. When he hits the robe, his voice is clear and bright, but he is a great Confucian.

Although this Confucian did not release the pressure, in Nie Yun's view, it seems to be stronger than the sacred monk just now, with every meaning carrying the meaning of heaven, kingship, monarchy, and humanity, giving people a sense of difficulty.

"This is the master of Confucianism, Qiu Sheng! Owner of the Master on the sixth day!"

Nie Yun was wondering about the identity of the visitors, and Lingyue from the side of the ring came over.

"Master of Confucianism? Did he also surrender King Shura?"

Nie Yun's eyebrows jumped.

The betrayal of His Holiness was very annoying before. Is this the master of Confucianism, Qiu Sheng, one of the six peaks of heaven and earth, betrayed?

If this is the case, it is not yet known whether there are any betrayers among the other five avenues. If so, it would be a huge blow to humanity.

There is no battle, there is already a surrender, if someone told him before, it would be incredible.

"I was still wondering why His Holiness had your scripture" Spring and Autumn ". Now it seems that you have also taken refuge with King Shura, Qiu Sheng. Have you forgotten the contract between us?"

Seeing Qiu Sheng appear, the most surprised was not Nie Yun, but Xu Xu, his face was low, and his expression was a little bleak.

He and Qiu Sheng were friends for many years. At that time, they promised to work hard to save the six souls in the heavens and the earth, but he did not expect that he would finally betray him.

"Contract? I am now fulfilling the contract between us, in order to save the lives of the heavens and the world!"

Qiu Sheng shook his head and said, "Xu, let it go. King Shura can't be defeated. Fight with him and destroy six ways, so that countless lives can be better than surrender! King Shura has promised me, as long as we are willing to serve him Lord, you can end this world and let humanity continue to live and work in peace! "

"Why do you believe King Shura's words? He is the devil with unforgiving ..."

His face was ugly.

When talking with Shura about the conditions, it was simply trying to die. Now King Shura has not restored his peak strength. Perhaps he can listen to these nonsense. Once it is reached, I am afraid that this is the first person to kill!

"He will fulfill his promise. The era of the Era has experienced countless times. He has also lost his interest in continuing the destruction of the world. The only thing he needs to do is to get humans and Shura to live in peace, not to kill each other. As long as we agree to this condition, he will not Aggressive, not forcing us to the dead! "

Qiu Shengdao.

"Sura and mankind live in peace?" This time he had to wait for refutation, and even Nie Yun couldn't help shaking his head.

It seems that this Qiu Sheng is too simple. Shura is naturally addicted to killing, letting it be with humans, just like putting wild wolves into the flock, how can it live in peace?

Devouring human practitioners, they can advance the blood, between prey and predator, unless one party dies, it is impossible to prosper together. This is nature and cannot be changed!

"You do n’t have to believe it. King Shura assured me that as long as mankind tolerates Shura, Shura will never kill humans at will. In that way, the two major races are perfectly integrated, and there is no killing in the world. Unification, isn't it better than you die now? "

Qiu Shenglanglang said, in words, he was excited about the beautiful future built in his heart.

"It's impossible! It's not credible to talk about King Shura's words first. It's unforgivable to say that he died last time and killed all my loved ones. You just let it go. I don't want to turn my face with you, and I hope you don't. Let me down!"

Xu Xie swayed his hand and interrupted his imagination ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xu Xuan's parents and even more of them have fallen to the last disaster. It can be said that as long as those who have survived from ancient times, Both have the same hatred with King Shura, and it is precisely because of this hatred that they support their future planning and plan how to deal with King Shura.

"Different ways don't work together. He even forgot his ancestors, Xu Xun, what do you tell him so much, dare to stop, kill it!"

Yan Zhi's eyebrows were raised and his spirits were full of energy.

In the face of the old man in front of her, she was obviously more decisive than Xu Yan. Whoever dared to stop her against King Shura would kill anyone!

"It seems that you are surrounded by hatred and forget that the world is born. In this case, my Confucianists must defend the right path and guard the world, and if you want to pass, you must defeat me first.

Seeing the attitude of the two, Qiu Sheng knew that there was no possibility of mediation, and he sang a cold drink, and his momentum rose.

"Battle to battle, come on!"

Xu Qi's fire was also aroused, with his fists pinched, time and space were agitated.


As soon as the two sides were on the verge of fighting and fighting at any time, the whole world suddenly shook violently, and an extremely powerful force surged in.

"Heart of Dark Demon is born!" Xu Yan's face changed.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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