Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1210: Dark Demon Heart

The turbulence of the turbulent world is accompanied by a magical spirit that overwhelms the world, making everyone feel depressed from the bottom of their hearts, as if facing a huge world, unable to resist.

From this point on, it is not necessary to say that even Nie Yun knew that it must be King Shura who had found the heart of the dark demon!

Otherwise, such a powerful force will not burst out.

"Nie Yun, Yueer, Yan Zhi, go and stop King Xiuluo! Qiu Sheng leave it to me!"

The beard shouted a long howl, the strength of his body was surging, floating in the air, waves of violent air followed wave after wave, his palms slammed forward, a huge palm volley flying towards Qiu Sheng.

Time and space under this palm print, instantly disintegrated, crisp like a piece of glass.

This is the first time that Nie Yun has seen Xu Xi exert his full strength. It is indeed a half step against the heavenly powerhouse, and it is really terrible!

"You want to fight me alone, it's not enough!"

In the face of his attack, Qiu Sheng no longer looked like the previous Confucian, humming coldly, and blasted with a punch.

His boxing power is bright and upright, with a sense of kingship and monarchy, giving people a sense of justice and invincibility. When they appeared, they swept the power and were domineering.

"Half-step scolding heaven? I didn't expect you to break through, very well, it seems I look down on you!"

As soon as the concubine hit his hand, he knew if Qiu Sheng fist came in. Xu Yan already knew the strength of the other side, his eyes were dignified, his palms were mixed, like a river scouring the sand, and like picking stars in the sky.

With his dancing hands, all the surrounding auras of space and time were driven to spin, making a whimpering sound. A force that blew the soul gathered and suppressed.


The two masters collided, and time and space broke apart.

"Let's go!"

I don't know how to do my best from the beginning. In order to hold Qiu Sheng and leave time for himself and others, Nie Yun rushed straight in the direction of the birth of the Dark Demon Heart.

"Want to leave? Did you leave?"

However, he hadn't flew far. A palm seal came in the sky and was standing in front of Qiu Sheng fighting Xu Xu. I did not expect that he could make such a powerful attack while fighting.


Yan Yan's cold hum. The palm was flipped, and a weird thin line burst out, piercing the palm print in front of it.


I was touched by a thin line. The palm print shattered directly.

Soul Master ranked eighth, and naturally has a unique means of attack.


Knowing that this was not the time for entanglement, Nie Yun pulled Lingtai Lingyue and continued to fly forward. In a blink of an eye, he flew out of the area where Qiu Sheng and Xu Yan fought.

Although Qiuqiang Sheng's strength is strong. But Xu Yan and Yan Zhizhi are not much weaker than him. The two teamed up together and expected that they would not lose.

Avoiding the attack of the other side, Nie Yun and Lingtai Lingyue proceeded all the way, this time without further obstruction, the two soon saw a huge ball appear in front of them.

This ball is about the size of a star, releasing the deterrent force of being born without disturbing people. It makes people feel persecuted before they come. Extremely uncomfortable.

内部 Inside the ball, a thick breath of magic suffocates. Nie Yun's practice of spiritual rhinoceros practice can't help speeding up, as if he saw the most perfect tonic.

Dark Heart!

"It's a bit unexpected for you to be here so soon!"

As soon as the two came to the planet, a faint laughter sounded, and then a young boy slowly flew over from behind the planet.

King Shura!

His deity finally appeared!

"I should call you King Shura or Nie Tong!"

He exhaled, and Nie Yun did not see the nervousness of King Xiuluo, but hummed with complex meaning in his eyes.

"You can call me anything. I am both Nie Tong and King Shura!" King Shura walked over with a slight smile, and behaved elegantly, as if the opposing sides were not enemies, but friends for many years.

"You came fast, but unfortunately, I have begun to refine the heart of the dark demon, I believe it will take time to refine!"

King Shura finished pointing at the huge planet in front of him.

At this time, Nie Yuner found a faint black gas fishing net that enveloped the planet, and seemed to be constantly suppressing the power it radiated, trying to refine it.

"Yueer, do it!"

I know that once the other party's refining is successful, the strength will definitely increase. No one can stop it at that time. Nie Yun whispers, and the Beidou sword in his hand raises a sword and stabs out.

The bland sword was slowly moving forward in the air, and instantly turned into countless blades, as if the entire sword awn enveloped the world and swayed the edge of the cutting world.

Yi Yihuan!

Although he knew that this brother was in front of him, he did not show any sympathy.

I want to rescue my brother, only to defeat King Shura first. This is an inevitable problem. The kindness of the woman will only put him in trouble, and he will never be able to rescue his brother.


Yantai Lingyue also knew the person in front of him was strong, Xiumei frowned, and punched him.

炼 Her refining the scriptures of Spring and Autumn, her strength is like a rainbow, she punched a puppet that pierced the heavens and earth, tearing a passage to hell.

"Brother sees his younger brother, he doesn't talk about his family at all, it's not good to shoot directly!"

In the face of the two's attack, Shura Wang didn't care, smiled in surprise, and leaned his thin palm forward.


The powerful and unmatched one sword Huanyu is like a seven-inch poisonous snake. Despite its mighty power, it still cannot escape the opponent's fingertips.

The first move blocked Nie Yun's trick, so decisive, it was appalling.

"See if you can stop me like this!"

Qiu Yijian was pinched by the other side. Nie Yun's face did not have the slightest expression of depression, but was as flat as water. The Beidou sword turned into a half circle and stabbed from a strange angle.

招 This move seems to violate the concept of human physiology. It seems impossible, but it is stabbed out. It is powerful and powerful, and it is more powerful than the previous sword.

一剑 诛 天!

The pitying moon swordsmanship only creates three styles at present, one sword breaks the dust, one sword atlas and one sword kills the sky.

This trick has not been used because it is too powerful. At this time, I tried my best to play it. The strength of the whole body cooperated with the fairy power to form a bright sword.

"This trick is a little more interesting ..."

Seeing the power of this sword, King Shura's face was dignified for a moment, but he immediately laughed, and greeted his fingers again.


When he pointed his finger at the top of Jian Jiantian, he immediately discovered that something was wrong. It was not how powerful the move was, but ... the power of the move was nothing but an empty shelf.

"False move?"

立刻 He immediately knew that this was a false move, raised his head violently, could not see it when he was calm, and was instantly replaced by apathy.

I saw Nie Yun playing a imaginary move. At this time, he had come to the heart of the Dark Demon. The ice sword in his left hand stabbed out, and the black gas connected to it was cut in a blink of an eye.

It turned out that the full-strength attack just was a stunned shot, and the real purpose was the heart of the dark demon.

King Tang Shura has been using deception to deceive others, using various methods to make others fooled, never dreaming, even himself, was treated the same.

难 "No wonder you are my brother. I have always underestimated you. Since this is the case, here is your burial place!"

There was a hate flashing in his eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ The original provocative look disappeared, his body flickered, his palm extended, and he grabbed Nie Yun.

"Want to do something to him, let me talk first!"

The palm of his hand has not come to Nie Yun, a clear drink sounded, Lingtai Yu hands rolled and crushed.

Nie Yun already had a battle plan with her in the bottom of her heart. No matter if she fights alone or joins the two, she is not the opponent of King Shura. Instead, you might as well find a way to refine the dark heart in front of you.

Because of this, Nie Yun deliberately made a false move. When the other party didn't notice, he came to the heart of the Dark Demon and tried to refine.

"Only you? Also worth it?"

King Xiuluo raised his eyebrows and kept punching under his feet.


When the two masters' fists collided, the solid and muddy world immediately cracked a huge mouth, and Lingtai Yuhuan, who was on the platform, sank and a blood spewed out.

"Nie Yun, can you refine?"

Anxiously, he shouted.

"Be able to refine, but I need at least ten minutes, or else stop him first!"

Seeing Lingtai's attack in Yantai, she was injured. Nie Yun was anxious, and she was about to rush over.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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