Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1211: This is bad!

"ten minutes?"

Yantai Lingyue's heart was cold.

尽管 Although her current strength has improved, she still has a certain gap with King Shura. If she really fights, she will definitely not be able to survive in ten minutes.

Unable to stop King Xiuluo, he would certainly not allow Nie Yunan to stabilize the heart of the Dark Demon. Instead of being broken one by one, it would be better for the two to unite.

"Let's stop him first, we can't refining, but we can't keep him from refining!" Lingtai Yinyue bite.

The main purpose of this visit is to prevent King Shura from refining the heart of the Dark Demon. As long as this is done, it will be a breakthrough!

"it is good!"

Xie Nieyun also understood this principle, and no longer cares about the heart of the dark demon, and fists with his hands in the air, and the man twists his waist in the air and turns to collapse.

The ninth heavy King Kong glass body matched 300 times of strength to make a punch.

Although this collapse boxing is the simplest and most direct attack method in the battle, ordinary people can use it, but it is one of the most practical boxing methods. The avenue is derived from the peak, and it will turn decay into magic, and turn complexity into simplicity. Now Nie Yun This is the case. It seems to be the simplest move, but it covers dozens of positions in Zhou Tian. Even if the opponent is King Shura, it still feels difficult to shake and cannot escape.

"I haven't done anything with you for a long time, let me see today what you have the ability to be my brother of King Shura!"

King Shura is also a decisive person, knowing that it is impossible to refining the heart of the dark devil without solving the two in front of his eyes, his eyebrows are raised, his eyes show indifference.

的 The other half of his soul recognizes that the person in front of him is an elder brother. He will not admit it. Now he suppresses the other party in a short time and just fights with him to see what Nie Yun is qualified to be his brother of King Shura.

When the body swayed, the teleportation generally crossed seven or eight meters, and it was also a punch.

He hit his fist against his fist, and in the face of Nie Yun's extremely powerful collapse, he chose to hit it hard!


The two iron fists bumped together. Nie Yun was fighting the King Shura in a real sense, but felt a pain in the bone joint of his right hand, and the whole arm exploded instantly.

Hard to compare strength, he is not the opponent of King Shura!

However, King Shura was not good. The fist head was a hollow balloon, and the phalanx was all broken. It seems that the ninth weight of King Kong's glass body matches 300 times the combat power, which caused him a lot of losses.

"Very good, good body, but if you have only this strength, you can't do it if you want to be my opponent to King Shura!"

When the arm was shaken, the broken phalanx was intact, and the breath of King Shura was not insignificant, but the fire was burning in his eyes.

In front of him, a special talent ranked first, second, ninth, and tenth owner, one is the owner of the third day Taoist master, swallowing anyone, can make him a qualitative leap, than Drop the Dark Demon Heart!

"Really, it's not easy for you to kill me!"

Nie Yun's whole body shook, the broken arm recovered as before, and the martial arts Dantian spun quickly, and his breath became stronger and stronger.

He was originally a brother entrusted by life and death, but at this time he was an endless enemy.


He grabbed the palm of his hand, the space in front of him collapsed, and the four beasts that had been conquered flew out.

Since the four great beasts of Chaos, Chaos, Chaos, and Poor Qi became Nie Yun's pet, they obeyed his orders.

"It seems that you have conquered these four unreliable guys, but they can betray me and they can betray you!"

Glancing at him, Shura Wang sneered.

"There is no need to stir up alienation, this world does not need Shura to execute the world, and you will not be able to win forever!"

I know that the other party is provocative, and Nie Yun doesn't care.

At this time, the four beasts, together with him and Lingtai Lingyue, were in a siege situation. Although they could not be killed, it was still possible to stop him from refining the heart of the dark demon.

"Really? That's hard to say!"

King Xiuluo chuckled, suddenly his body moved forward quickly, and a rainbow-like boxing mane burst out. The direction was not Nie Yun nor the four big beasts, but Lingtai Lingyue.

"Thousands of hands barrier!"

The immortal force behind Lingtai Lingyue diffused, and in the blink of an eye, thousands of transfigured palms appeared, each with a different fingerprint, and pointed forward at the same time.


The thousands of fingerprints formed a huge barrier, blocking the front, the light waves flowing, emitting the majestic majesty of heaven.

This majesty is terrible to the average person, but it is nothing to King Shura. He was born to destroy the heavens, and how can he care about this pressure.


The colorful boxing bangs collide with the Qianshou barrier, the force is crushed wildly, "click!" Lingtai Lingyue couldn't bear it. From the battle to the end, half a breath didn't persist.


I didn't expect King Shura's strength to be so violent, much stronger than when he fisted with him just now. In the anxiety of Nie Yun, the tower pillar impressed in front of Lingtai Lingyue.

At the same time, under the order of Nie Yun, the four beasts shot one after another. However, King Shura seemed to count all of them, laughed, and retreated sharply. His cooperation between the advance and the retreat was flawless, no The slightest flaw left all the attacks aside, without hitting him at all.

"You just played with me once, and this time you return it!"

In the laughter, King Shura had disappeared from the spot, appeared in front of the heart of the Dark Demon, and his palms stretched out, reaching directly into the core of the planet.


Seeing this scene, Nie Yun was half-cooled.

修 This Shura King is really playing tricks too much, just pretending to attack Lingtai Lingyue, the actual real purpose is still the heart of the dark demon!

He had played with the opponent once before, and the opponent used the same method to fight back again.

"If you want to refine the heart of the dark demon, you can save it, Daming Meditation Bead!"

Lingtai Lingyue's fingers moved forward a little ball appeared.

He is the jealous meditation bead that Nie Yun stole from the Buddhist world.

宝 This treasure was obtained by the Buddha of Shakya from chaos, one of the most precious treasures in the world of Buddha. At this time, she was sacrificed by her without hesitation.

The Buddha and the demon do not coexist. Although the meditation bead of Daming is far inferior to the heart of the dark demon, it can also offset some of the magical properties and make the heart of the dark demon lose its original effect.

"Want to contaminate the Dark Devil's Heart with something from the Buddhist monk? Good idea!"

King Shusuo chuckled, the other palm was drawn in a half circle in the air, and the space in front of him immediately twisted, making him feel like entering into another world. Although the power of Daming Meditation Pearl was not weak, he could never attack the front.

"The painter is empty!"

This trick looks simple, but it is a painter's void that is difficult for the most powerful of the immortals to use. With a strong mental force and action, it cuts out another space-time in a short time. They are not on the same parallel plane. Even if they are ten times stronger, they will not hurt them.

This trick, Nie Yun just heard about it, never seen it, never thought that this king of Shura would use his hand, and was so skilled!

以来 Since then, does it not mean that the other party is already invincible and can no longer be defeated?

"Bei Dou Sword! Frost Sword, one sword kills the sky!"

Suppressed the momentary turmoil, Nie Yun was as calm as the sea, and the talent of the Master of the Heavens was matched with two long swords, and he struck out two moves with one sword.

The two great tricks merged before King Xiuluo came to the front, forming a dazzling sword awn that radiated the heavens and the earth, and struck in the air.

This is the first time that he has opened two bows at the same time and performed two sets of one sword at the same time. He did not expect not only success but also perfect fusion!

I was able to do this for the first time ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is not only related to the dexterity of the natural masters talent, but also to the fifth form of martial arts talent.

Without these two inverse talents, it wouldn't be possible.

"You really surprised me!"

The integration of the two major sword tricks not only made Weitai Lingyue and others feel strange, but even King Shura was a bit surprised, but he did not care, his mouth raised, and he still had a playful smile.


At the same time, the fused Jianmang stabbed over, but the situation that made him expected did not appear. Just like the attack of Lingtai Lingyue, it stabbed from King Shura to the front, as if stabbed into the air, without any effect. .

Painting the hand to hide people in another spacetime, as long as this spacetime is not broken, it is impossible to hurt the people in it!

"A sword of fusion will never work in the sky. Is it necessary to use vitality bombs?"

This space formed by King Shura is extremely stable. He must not be injured without breaking it. The fused sword is already the strongest trick. Is it necessary to use vitality to succeed?

But the energy bomb has not been compressed for a period of time, and it has almost no effect!

It is impossible to give him this time to look at King Shura ...

This is bad! (To be continued. This article is provided by The Shinshen Tuban Group @ 飘香 波 域. If you like this work, you are welcome to () vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users Please go to read.)

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