Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1212: Power instilled!

"Let's try it together!"

Yantai Lingyue also recognized the opponent's tricks, and his face was ugly.

"Well, that's all it can be!"

Nie Yun had no good idea for the time being. He stepped back and greeted the four monsters, and the two beasts and four beasts formed a matrix.

Together they want to play the strongest power, they can only use the formation method, fortunately they are Xeon, they are not unfamiliar with the formation method, any combination can play the most powerful formation method.

"Everyone makes the strongest attack and see if he can break his painter in the void!"

Not much nonsense, both the four beasts knew what was going on, accompanied by a shout from Nie Yun, and the strongest attack at the same time.

Nie Yun is still a fused sword, and Lingtai Lingyue exhibits the fist of heaven. The attack methods of the four beasts are not the same as that of humans, but they are very terrible in accordance with the special characteristics of the body. The formations are united, as if a hurricane was rolled up in the turbulent world, and the surrounding space was ripped apart to form a dark blade.

Daomang slashed straight to the place where King Shura was.

"To tell you the truth, the last thing I fear is union, if the union is useful to me, I don't know how many times I will die early!"

Seeing the dark sword, King Shura neither dodged nor was nervous, but chuckled slightly, and his slightly thin arms stretched out slightly.


For a moment, the palm of his hand gathered countless Shura's murderous spirits, and instantly formed a shield-like thing.

The swordman formed by the two men and the four beasts hit the shield, as if the ice cube touched the steel, and it directly melted without any effect.


When the crowd was weird, suddenly the heart of the dark demon in front of King Shura suddenly shrank and became a piece, as if swallowed by refining.

"Well, he is borrowing our power to refine the heart of the dark demon, and can no longer continue to attack!"

Xie Nieyun understood and quickly stopped the people.

The attack that they just made combined the strength of six people, even if it is necessary to sacrifice that strength, I am afraid that he can not only block but also use this power to refine the heart of the Dark Devil. This method is simply terrible!

"The Shura Way controls people's hearts and strengths. The six of us have different strengths, but they are also unified. Even the tricks combined by the matrix method can be easily resolved by him. Because of this method, King Shura was able to survive in ancient times. Galloping, countless masters siege without dying! "

Yantai Lingyue also remembered that her eyebrows were frowned.

In ancient times, such as strong forests, many masters did not kill King Shura, which shows that he has a unique means to resolve the group attack. It seems that such an attack not only has no effect, but also accelerates the refining of the Dark Demon Heart and then attacks. Go on, gain more than you pay.


When the two of them were frowning, a sudden loud roar suddenly appeared, and King Shura seemed to break through some kind of magpie, and the whole body emitted a bright light, shining on the four sides.

"Cursing the Mirror! Oops, by refining the Dark Devil's heart with the power just now, King Shura has broken through the Scattering Mirror ..."

A sharp shout Xu Xuwen flew up in panic.

At this time, he lost his previous calmness, with panic in his eyes, Yan Zhi followed behind, and his breath was a bit slumped. It seems that they were fighting the Confucian Qiu Sheng's puppet, and they all suffered a lot of damage.

As for Qiu Sheng who was not behind them, they did not know whether he was killed or injured.

"Spy the sky mirror? Is this the sky mirror?"

Nie Yun looked at King Shura and saw that the latter was turbulent and full of momentum. He stood in front of him like a dwarf in front of the mountains and had no ability to resist!

Scolding the sky mirror, surpassing Xianjun's super realm, only two people reached in the ancient times, a five-claw dragon king and a king of Shura. At this time, he had a breakthrough, which is equivalent to crushing the last rice leather of the camel, and it is destined to be difficult to fight. !!

"Although he reached the scolding mirror, he was not completely stable. Once the heart of the Dark Demon is fully refined and fixed, the six ends of heaven and earth will come!"

Yan Yanzhi also looked ugly.

"What should we do? We just attacked him in a matrix formation, but instead he absorbed the power and accelerated the speed of refining the Dark Demon's heart. In this way, sooner or later he will be fully refining and it is impossible to stop ... "

Yantai Lingyue said anxiously.

The heart of the dark monster was originally the same size as the planet. After the change just now, at least one of them was successfully refined by the other side. Zongcang's refining was only a matter of time.

"If there is a scolding strong man who stops him now, it should work, except for this, there is nothing else ..."

Xu Shaowen shook his head.

"The scolding strong man? Where to look? Little dragon is not here ..."

I thought the other party would have a good idea. I didn't expect this result, and Nie Yun couldn't help shaking his head.

"The Five-Clawed Dragon Emperor is useless even here. He hasn't fully recovered yet. He is similar to me. He scolds the goggles at most half step ..." Xu Yanwen's face was dignified, more and more ugly, and suddenly his eyes brightened, looking Nie Yun "There is another way!"

"Huh? Hurry up !,-

Hearing that there was another way, everyone was shocked.

I was already desperate, at this time there was a feeling of desperation.

"Rely on you!"

Xu Xu Yanwen looked at Nie Yun with firm eyes.


Nie Yun for a while.

"It's very simple. You have endless dantians and endless power. Even if you are strong, you won't be exploded to death. Several of us will instill the power of the whole body on you at the same time! Let you have a scolding sky in a short time The strength of the mirror so that King Shura can be stopped! "

Bear 臾 official told his thoughts.

"Instill power into me?" Nie Yun's eyes widened.

"There is only one way, and it is the only way! Don't talk nonsense, let's start, this is the method of energy instillation. Take a look at each of them, and start right away. As long as it is supported, it will have the strength of scouring the sky mirror in a short time to solve this hidden danger! "

Wu Xu Yiwen pointed his finger a few times, and several rays of light shot into everyone's mind, and said anxiously.

"It seems that this can only be used, let's get started!"

I looked at this light again, and Nie Yun nodded in agreement.

套 This method of instilling power is somewhat similar to Xiao and Long's original blood resonance, which can integrate their strength into their body in a short time, so that they have a stronger combat effectiveness.

However, this kind of power is not its own. If it is used up, it must be returned, otherwise, many kinds of forces will explode and die in the body sooner or later.

Moreover, the process of indoctrination is different from autonomous promotion, it is very painful, and if you are not careful, it will fall, but now there is no other method feasible, and only this method can stop the other party!

"饕餮, chaos, poor, strange, Yueer, Yanzhi, you should all read it, then, let's get started! When you transfer energy, you must be attentive, don't think about it!"

I know that for a long time, when the other party thoroughly refines the heart of the Dark Demon, I will have no chance. Seeing Nie Yun's consent, Xu Yiwen will not hesitate anymore and yell.

"it is good!"

The two beasts and four beasts knew that this was a dead life, and used the strength of everyone to forcibly improve their strength to break the situation, and nodded at the same time.


The four demon pets are surrounded in four directions ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lingtai Lingyue and Yan Zhixu's history stop at the top of Nie Yun and at his feet.

With a rush of fairy force tearing the tide-like sound, Nie Yun was completely surrounded by the power of three people and four beasts.


As soon as the power of the four demon pets and the three powerful men entered the body, Nie Yun suddenly felt that it would explode at any time, the hair grew instantly, and the temperament and expression of the whole person changed dramatically.

The flesh is harder, and the sea of ​​air is more expansive. With every move, it has the power to dominate the world and to traverse the ages.

However, as the strength is promoted madly, the pain also comes, especially the strengths of the four big monsters and the three strong ones are not the same. The integration into the body is like the strong and powerful. The countries in general are at war. The body seems to be unable to withstand it completely at any time. Explode.

Fortunately, he used to be a fellow initiate of Buddhism and Demon, and he has merged completely different powers. With experience, the unknown method slowly runs, the ancient voices in the body are endless, and these mixed air streams are slowly suppressed.

"Hold on, you must succeed!"

Both eyes are red, and the power that accompanies the surge is more and more. Nie Yun seems to have broken through the limits of the body, becoming more powerful and more difficult to control.

(To be continued. This article is provided by The Shinshen Tuban Group @ 飘香 波 域. If you like this work, you are welcome to () vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users Please go to read.)

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