Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1215: you are crazy!


King Shura retired and greeted him. The two masters collided, the vortex became more intense, the surrounding time was chaotic, and the space became powder.

"Here is the vortex of black wind, the entrance to another world, fight here, we will die if we can't make it! Or that sentence, you and my brothers join forces to share the glory, why bother for those ants!"

He blocked Nie Yun's attack, and Shura Wang hissed.

"Share Ronghua with you? I won't cooperate with the executioners, they don't work together!"

In the cold laughter, Nie Yun punched again.

Although I have n’t experienced the extinction of the ancient times, many things I can see from entering the spiritual realm. Once the extinction is carried out, it will definitely be life-threatening, and there will be countless deaths and injuries. Besides, in cooperation with him, I am afraid there will be no bone residue left at the time !!


His eyes narrowed and firm, and each punch of Nie Yun made the black wind of the black wind vortex faster. After a moment, the strong wind speed made both of them dangle a little, making it difficult to maintain their shape.

Even powerful men who scold heaven can blow, this black wind vortex is extremely strange!

However, now Nie Yun has no intention to investigate the strangeness of this place, and only wants to suppress the King Shura in front of him, regardless of the rapidness of the black wind, and continue to catch up.

"Your brothers are really the same, they are all crazy!"

King Shura was a little scared.

He and Nie Tong's soul symbiosis have always been troubled. Although Nie Tong's strength was not good at first, he has been unyielding, especially when he touched on his brother's question, he was simply an indestructible Xiaoqiang.

After several confrontations, he was a little scared. In the end, he could only negotiate a compromise method to let him preside over his body, improve his strength, and get benefits.

Because of this, despite the fact that King Shura is an old monster that survived in ancient times, his strength has grown rapidly, and his soul is still almost the same as Nie Tong.

If it wasn't for Nie Tong's soul this time, he would fall asleep first, and he wouldn't have shot at Nie Yun!

Because I have n’t started yet, I was stopped by the other party!

I thought that while he was asleep, he quickly killed Nie Yun, but he didn't expect that this guy could accept the strength of his nine lives and directly reach the scolding heaven, and he was so obsessed with suppressing himself that he didn't even need his life, so he had some. collapsed.

I really have the same tenacity as the brothers, and they insist that no one can stop them.


I didn't know what he thought, Nie Yun rushed over again, ignoring his words.

他 In his opinion, the suppression of King Shura will never save his brother, and he will never solve the responsibility and curse on Lingtai Lingyue!


It was a series of collisions again. King Shura blushed. "I won't fight you, I'll go first!"

I turned and fled.

His extremely fast power was also very clever. He jumped out from the black wind vortex in a blink of an eye and fled straight into the space and time.

"Don't go!"

Xie Nieyun followed closely.

It is not difficult to reach the scolding heaven as long as you do not escape into the center of the Black Wind Vortex. The two fled one after the other, each exhibiting the fastest speed, and the chaos of time and space quickly passed under your feet.

"Abominable, I don't think you can chase!"

He was chased out of nowhere, and Shura Wang was so angry that his teeth felt itchy, but there was nothing he could do. He gritted his teeth and turned towards the spirit realm above his head.

In the past, Nie Yun's strength was too weak, and it took a year to pierce the diaphragm. At this time, King Shura, as a strong scavenger in the heavens, was extremely fast. After dozens of breaths, he had made a hole in the diaphragm of the spirit world and drilled Go in.

He has no way to run after Nie Yun chases, intending to hide in the spirit realm.

There are countless creatures in the spirit world. The strong men of this level fight with great aftermath. Once there is a lot of deadly injuries, in his opinion, Nie Yun will have some scruples. Then, he will be able to escape!

"Even if you are in the world today, you don't want to escape!"

Limited time to maintain strength, how can Nie Yun waste such a great opportunity, no matter where he goes, let alone the spiritual world, any place in nine days and ten places will follow closely!


As soon as the two powerful scolders entered the spirit realm, the whole source of the spiritual realm suddenly sensed their horror and produced fierce rejection.

Reprimanding the sky mirror, even the heavenly path is repelled. Although the heavenly path of the spiritual world does not have an autonomous consciousness, it also has a perception of danger. It is known that these two men are too powerful and do not want to let them in.

However, even if the heavens become human beings, they will not be able to stop the scolding strong ones, let alone an unconscious mind.

In the overcast sky engulfed by thunder and lightning, Nie Yun and King Shura confronted each other, and the breath burst from their bodies squeezed all the current to one side, and they could n’t help them.

"Here is the spiritual world. As long as you start, one continent and one region will be destroyed. If you continue to do it to me, you will become a sinner in the spiritual world!"

He looked down and gave a smile to King Shura.

"Really? It is better to be sinners than to destroy them all!"

I was too lazy to argue with each other. Nie Yun raised her eyebrows no matter how many people died. She rushed over again and punched again.

His fist has not been reserved because it is the spirit world. He is still full of power. His fist shrouds the mountains of the spirit world, the sea roars, and countless cities and villages are destroyed instantly.

你 "You ... you are really crazy!"

King Shura originally thought that he had some scruples, but he did not expect that he was even fiercer than himself. Regardless, he didn't care about the number of deaths and injuries in the spiritual world, and his heart was more timid.

This Nima is a lunatic, a full lunatic!

The potential of King Shura has not yet been fully tapped, and he has just reached the scouring goggles and is not yet stable. If the repair is completely stabilized, where will he be affected?

It seems that the strength such as avoiding the front edge has been completely consolidated first, then let's talk!

"Go!" The heart thought this, and turned and fled.

"Don't go!"

Nie Yun followed closely behind.


The two men chased one after the other, wherever they went, the spirit world was violent, and the space was fragmented. As long as they fought, the stars would fall and the sun and moon would be dull.

After chasing and escaping one by one, the speed is extremely fast. In a moment, the effort struck from the spirit realm to the demon realm, and from the demon realm to the demon realm. The space and time barriers of the six heavens and earth, shattered by their violent and raging forces, seemed to be gone.


The Jiu Xiao Palace, the highest spirit in the world, sits on the tall throne, and the palms of his hands are rubbed constantly, with anxiety in his eyes.

On his side, Yantai Chuangyu and others sat side by side, and the ten patriarchs lined up according to their positions.

After experiencing Nie Yun's trouble with Jiuxiao Palace, several former patriarchs of the ten major families died. However, some people soon took over. At least in the hearts of the secular people in the spiritual world, they were still high and inviolable.

"King Shura went to the world of Hun Tian. Once the heart of the Dark Demon is successfully refined, it will definitely break through and reach the scolding sky. At that time, no one in the world can fight, and the calamity will be staged again!"

Yantai Mo Yun said the news he got, with a heavy tone.

He Xu arranged for them to do one thing, which just made them discover the plan of King Shura. When he went to seek him, even the world of Zhou disappeared, so he hurriedly convened the top ten families to discuss countermeasures.

"The calamity of King Shura is inevitable, and we are willing to throw the last blood for the spirit world!"

"Our solitary family only died of war and did not give in. Rest assured. It would be a breakeven to kill one Shura, and earn two to kill!"

"No skin will be attached to the skin! If the spirit world is destroyed, there will be finished eggs under the nest? We will not shrink, we will fight Shura to the end!"

The ten clan leaders are filled with indignation ~ www.readwn.com ~ with unshakable ideas.

Although the top ten families have been spoiled for many years in the spiritual world, they can still distinguish clearly in front of righteousness.

"The horror of King Shura, you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you can't even imagine it ... his strength, even if all the immortals combined, can't fight!"

Yantai Moyun looked ugly.

He and Sugao are brothers. They are both old monsters who have survived from the ancient times. They have personally experienced the last calamity and were deeply impressed by King Shura.

"Even if you can't win, you have to fight, you have no regrets!"

不错 "Yes, no regrets!"

Everyone applauded.

"Very good!" Seeing the attitude of the crowd, Motai Moyun stood up. "In this case, we will immediately assemble all the strong men in the top ten families and form a large array ..."


His words were not finished. Suddenly, two fighting figures rushed over from a distance. When his fists touched, Jiuxiao Palace trembled immediately.

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(To be continued. This article is provided by @ 郗 葶. If you like this work, you are welcome to () vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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