Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1216: Savior

"Who is that? Actually the fight hit here?"

"It ’s so strong, you just shatter the world, you can't stop anything, this ... Xianjun is not so strong!"

Seeing the two men fighting, all of them were stunned, with an incredible color in their eyes.

"It's Nie Yun!"

Suddenly a homeowner recognized the figure in the battle and shouted loudly.

"Nie Yun? Ah ... the other is, King Shura!"

Accompanying Nie Yun was recognized, and his opponents were also recognized. The strong men in the entire Jiuxiao Palace opened their mouths one by one, their eyes were about to protrude, and they were speechless in surprise.

Is Nie Yun fighting with King Shura? And is it in full swing? What's the matter?

The power of King Shura has been planted in everyone's heart. Nie Yun did not reach Xianjun some time ago. Although there are some adventures, after all, his strength is limited. How can he fight with King Shura?

"Anyway, Nie Yun is human. We need to help him fight against King Shura together. Are you ready? Array!"

After a brief surprise, Yantai Moyun stood up, his chest burning.

Although I used to have conflicts with Nie Yun, I also tried to discipline this young man according to Xu's explanation. There is no major enmity between the two. In addition, when life and death are at stake, even if there is enmity, it can be temporarily set aside.

Xutai Moyun gave a command, but found that everyone was still standing still.

怎么 "What? You just said it well, did you really dare to fight when you met King Shura?"

Xu's face sank, and Motai in Yuntai gave birth to an unknown fire.

刚才 This group of people just vowed to fight desperately with King Shura. But now it's too much for each one to move!

"No ... Lord Moyun of Taiwan, it seems. It seems that Lord Nie Yun has not suffered a loss, it is King Shura ..."

Just as his scolding was over, a weak voice responded.

"What? Is King Shura disadvantaged?"

Yantai Mo Yun was startled.

He and King Shura fought, even though the five-clawed dragon emperor had no upper hand at that time, so when he saw that the two men thought that Nie Yun was weak and was chased, he looked closely at this time. It really isn't the case.

Nie Yun, who was even worse than him, was so prestigious that every punch made King Shura unable to resist. Back and forth.

For most of the battle between the two men, King Shura was backing away to avoid it. Indeed, Nie Yun had the upper hand.

"King Shura from Nie Yun escaped ... I read that right ..."

He rubbed his eyes vigorously, and Motai of Yuntai felt that Tian Lei was bursting into madness.

He chased King Shura. This is something that countless epochs have never done. How did he do it?


He was surprised, the fighting Nie Yun and King Shura had torn the space, flew straight to the distance, and soon disappeared in front of them.

"Senior Mo Yun, what shall we do?"

的 The two masters at the battle left the Jiuxiao Palace for a while, and a moment later a homeowner asked quietly.

"Nie Yun actually chased King Shura ... This is a sign of humane ZTE. It seems that we are just around the corner to win. Let's catch up and see!"

Yantai Mo Yun let out his eyes and laughed. Vertically under his feet, he flew straight in the direction where the two had just disappeared.

"Let's go and see ..."

其 冇 Others also realized this at this time, one by one with a smile on his face, followed closely.

In the past, King Shura appeared, everyone was in danger, and there was no way. Now someone can chase him. This encouragement is too great!


Buddha world, Lingshan.

The Shakya Buddha sat cross-legged above the tall lotus seat and glanced at the many Buddhas in front.

"King Shura went to the world of the sky. Once he was allowed to refine the heart of the dark demon, even if I could not stop it, he would gallop for nine days and kill the world! He stole our linden tree and planted it Because if we budge in the Buddhist world, it will be difficult to achieve a positive result. You, the time of the decisive battle is coming. The last time we did not participate in the battle was because we arranged the Buddhist world and strengthened the Buddhist world. This time, we ca n’t retreat! "

"Amitabha can save millions of lives without death!"

"I waited for the Buddha, just to purify all beings, and all beings died in front of them and could not be saved. What's the point of achieving positive results?"

"Buddha rest assured, for the six souls of heaven and earth, there is no regret!"

Many Buddhas sat cross-legged on their mounts, one by one with solemn expressions, with firmness in their eyes.

Although the Buddhist circles did not participate in the confrontation with King Shura last time, it does not mean that they are greedy for life and fear of death, but it shows that they are willing to tolerate the burden for the goal, and they are hesitant to be vilified.

"Very well, we will start to arrange it now. At that time, I will personally attract King Shura to come. Can you incarnate the Buddha world with me and seal it here?"

Sakya Buddha nodded with satisfaction.

"Want to follow my Buddha!" ​​The Buddhas nodded and shouted.

"No, Buddha ..."

Seeing that morale was almost agitated, the Buddha Buddha was planning to continue, and suddenly a Buddha flew over with anxiety.

"Why is this so panic? Buddhism believes that the heart is full of emotions and anger, so why is it such a panic?"

The eyebrows of Shakya Buddha were raised.

"I was wrong!" The visitor quickly bowed his head.

The Buddha's gate practice emphasizes inner stability, and stability is like Taishan.

"What's the matter, let's say!"

Seeing his experience, Shakya Buddha's face was better, and asked.

"King Shura ... King Shura has come to the Buddha world!"


The Buddha Buddha almost fell off the lotus seat and stood up sharply.

"What did you say? King Shura came to the Buddha world? Why didn't you say it earlier!"

With anxiety on his face, the Buddha Shakyamak made two laps in situ, with an anxiety on his face. "Why did they come so fast? Shall they not stop them? Come so soon, did they fail? Oops, Buddha He's not quite ready yet, he's here, everything will be lost ... "

The Buddha Shakyabha kept circling around in situ, feeling anxious.

In the face of the monster of King Shura, I'm afraid no one can sit still.

"Yes, what is he doing here? How did you find out?"

He froze for a while, thinking of the key points, and asked Shakya Buddha.

"He didn't come alone, he was fighting somebody, and he broke the barrier of the realm and came here during the battle!" The answer came.

"Fight with others? Is it necessary? Is it bad? The old man must be not an opponent. Go, let's go with me!"

The shaky Buddha Buddha's face sank, his big hand was torn, and the volley flew out.


As soon as I stopped, I saw that Nie Yun and King Shura were fighting. The two of you came to me and rolled endlessly. The emitted power broke the space layer by layer. The entire Buddhist world seemed to be dealt a devastating blow. The mountains were destroyed. , The river dries up.

The strength of the two opponents is too strong, even if only a small aftermath of power is radiated, it is not something that the average immortal can afford.

"It's Nie Yun ... he is fighting King Shura and has the upper hand?"

The Buddha Shakyabha saw the situation in front of him clearly, and blinked hard, his mouth was difficult to close.

what's the problem? Why is there some confusion?

Qi Nieyun's strength is not very weak, can't he even beat his 20% strength? How could he fight so fiercely with King Shura ~ www.readwn.com ~ And the Shura King who scolded the sky mirror fell away every day?

"I know, it is instillation of strength! Nie Yun must withstand the instillation of the strength of Xu Yan and others, so that we can make rapid progress!"

After looking at it for a while, Buddha Shakyam understood it.

He and Xu 臾 叟 have been associating for many years, knowing some of his methods, this energy initiation is one of the most profound mysteries.

It's just ... Although the power obtained from the empowerment is huge, there will be various conflicts. How can Nie Yun use such subtlety, as if his own strength?

"Nie Yun? Buddha, is that Nie Yun who killed Simi Buddha?"

Other Buddhas also rushed over and saw the scene in front of them, one by one stunned.

对抗 In order to fight against King Shura, they have endured the martyrdom of countless people in the Buddhist world, and have worked hard for many years. I did not expect that this is the situation when King Shura entered the Buddhist world again!

There was no escape from being beaten by someone who rushed in ...

I can't force the Shura King, who is feared by all peoples in the world, into this way. This Nie Yun is too powerful!

The same situation also appeared in the other six places in Tiandi. Everyone's eyes were focused on Nie Yun, as if he had become a savior, and it was extremely dazzling. (To be continued. This article is provided by The Shinshen Tuban Group @ 飘香 波 域. If you like this work, you are welcome to () vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users Please go to read.)

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