Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1218: Revive him!

This method of initiation is not like the blood resonance that Xiaolong imparts to Nie Yun. It not only causes great damage to the recipient, but also causes great damage to the infused person.

Although he can transfer the power back again, he can't recover the peak and will inevitably fall.

In other words, Xu Xun was originally half-step scolding the sky mirror, because this time the indoctrination is likely to fall to the peak of Xianjun, or the late period of Xianjun.

Moreover, not only that, the recipient is very painful in receiving strength, it is even more painful to lose strength, and originally had extremely high strength. At this time, it was released, and it was forced to lose its rank. If it was accidentally, it would collapse.

But if the power is not released and returned, the inculcator will not only die, but the recipient may be eliminated by many forces and eventually explode.

All in all, this method is extremely dangerous. If it wasn't for Nie Yun's first talent and unlimited potential, I am afraid that anyone would not be able to bear it, and he would die during the indoctrination process!

Because of this, even though I have known this method for a long time, Xu Yan has not found the right person, and it is impossible to create a scolding powerhouse.

"Nie Yun ..."

The strength of Qi slowly flowed into the body, and Lingtai Lingyue regained her strength. Then she looked forward and changed her face.

Nie Yun's body was gray at this time, just like a zombie. If he didn't breathe, he seemed to die at any time.

"This is the result of instilling power into an overdraft, and I have no other way ..." Xu Yan shook his head with a sigh.

"How can this be? Why didn't you say it before?" Lingtai Lingyue couldn't help being a little angry.

Bian knew that it was so dangerous that he would not let him instill power.

"You know a lot about Nie Yun. Even if you have to say it, will it stop him from accepting power? And was it still the case?" Yan Zhi stood up and interrupted her.

"This ..." Lingtai Lingyue looked condensed.

I fell in love with Nie Yun. How could I not understand his thoughts? At that time, no one could do anything about it. This was the only way to stop King Shura. Do n’t say that if you knew it, you would agree without hesitation. !!

This is Nie Yun and the place she loves.

For the obsession in your heart, you can stick to it without fear of any difficulties!

If it wasn't for this personality, how could it have grown from an unknown kid in the world in just two years to the most pinnacle character in the heavens and the earth!

If it wasn't for this persistence, how could it be possible to open up the first talent that no one can open ...

"Can he recover?"

Knowing Nie Yun's choice, Lingtai Lingyue was not tangled and was full of worry.

"Receiving the empowerment, breaking through strength, and then losing strength, the span is too large, far beyond the load that the body can bear. If he can persist in the past, he may get great benefits. The soul is annihilated and completely dead. All we have to do now is to wait for it, and rely on his mind to break through the difficulties. No one else can help! "

I ’m not yet a fairy monk. After receiving the initiation, I reached the scouring mirror directly, and returned to the origin from the scavenging mirror within a day. Already.

This situation, even he has no better way to solve it.

"He looks like he wants to recover autonomously, I'm afraid I don't know how many years ..."

Yantai Ling Yuexiu frowned, with anxiety in his eyes.

Nie Yun at this time has the same body as a zombie. Without careful observation, I am afraid it will be difficult to find out whether he is breathing. In this case, let him recover autonomously.

I am afraid that King Shura has destroyed all the six heavens and earth, and has not yet sobered up.

"Don't he swallow up that half of the Dark Lord's heart? It should not have been refined. If we help him to refine, he may be able to stimulate his potential and make him awake again!"

Suddenly, Yan Zhidao.

"Yeah!" Xu Yan and Lingtai Lingyue blinked at the same time.

Without saying anything, they really forgot about it. At that time, King Shura refined half of the Dark Demon's heart and advanced to scold the mirror. Nie Yun snatched the rest and swallowed it directly, because it was too late to hunt King Shura. Hua, good guess, should still be in his body!

The heart of the dark demon, the foundation of the demon world, is transformed by the core of the ancient floodland. From the half of the refining, let Shura King break through the sky mirror to see the preciousness. If you can help the refining, you will definitely be awake, even a hundred feet. Go further!

"Although it is a good idea, I don't know how to refine the heart of the dark demon!" Yan Zhi shook his head.

The idea is to come up with it, and the methods that are not implemented are useless.

这个 "This is simple, Nie Yun has practiced the spirit rhinoceros practice method. I am very familiar with this set of exercises. As long as I find a way to excite and let his body rotate automatically, I will definitely refine the heart of the dark demon!"

Begged 捋 beard said with a smile.

虽然 Although he hasn't practiced the practice of spiritual rhinoceros, he is one of the founders of this set of exercises and knows the mystery.

"Need us for help?"

不需要 "No, you must step back ten feet each, don't get hurt by the force that he spews out, I'll do the rest!"

Xu Xu took a step forward, held the acupuncture point of Nie Yun's vest with one hand, exhaled, and a hot air flow immediately entered the meridian along the latter point.


In the blink of an eye, Kung Fu Nie Yun seemed to be boiling, his body was burning, and hundreds of holes in his body shot black magic gas at the same time, like a gas arrow, hitting the rocks on the ground into powder.

Xu 臾 叟 is like a phantom. The palm of his hand keeps shooting down, and each point will trigger an acupuncture point, and soon these points are connected to form a light and dark flashing meridian.

If Nie Yun is awake, he must know that connecting these acupoints together is exactly the way in which the rhinoceros refining system works.

Buzz buzz!

Breath runs for a week, Nie Yun's body makes a roaring sound, like a ferocious dragon lying dormant.

At the same time, the magical energy emitted by the acupuncture point is getting stronger and stronger, and the attack power is stronger.

There was heat coming out of the hoe, and his feet walked according to special steps. He still slaps a hand on Nie Yun from time to time, but it doesn't look as easy as he did just now.

"Must succeed, Nie Yun will be fine ..."

Seeing the scene in front of her, Lingtai Lingyue clenched her lips, her eyes full of worry.

"Relax, he'll be fine! The first talent is not just talking!"

Yan Yanzhi saw her worry and came to comfort.

"Although he has the first talent, but he has no immortality ..." Yantai Lingyue shook his head.

"There is no immortality talent, but the first talent is the general outline of all the talents in the world. With this outline, even if the physical damage is serious, you can slowly recover with an idea. This is the law of chaos. questionable!"

Yan's firm way.

"Law in Chaos?" Lingtai Lingyue was a little confused.

"The ocean of chaos is endless. It is much bigger than the six heavens and earth. There are even many worlds like the six heavens and earth. There are even larger places. People who walk in it respect the law of chaos! In fact, Shura King For the strong man from the big world, extinction is also his mission and law, which cannot be changed! "

The way of shame.


Yantai Lingyue was shocked.

She always thought that the heavens and the earth are the core of the heavens and the world, and did not expect that there is a world larger than this in the chaotic ocean!

"How do you know this ..."

Huantai Lingyue didn't finish asking, but she understood and regretted it.

Bei Beixing Xingjun wants to make weapons that surpass the magical artifacts and swim in the ocean of chaos ~ www.readwn.com ~ I must have known these news for a long time, and Yan Zhi has something to do with him and naturally knows some!

"It doesn't matter to tell you, in fact, after the death of the Big Dipper, I have always wanted to enter the chaos and look for such a big world. Unfortunately, my strength is limited. Chaos contains countless powerful lives. If you rush in, you will only die nine lives!"

The way of shame.

"You will die for a lifetime?" Lingtai Lingyue said, Yan Zhi's strength is absolutely top in the six heavens and earth. She must die for a lifetime, how terrible should the chaotic ocean be?

"What are you looking for in the big world? Do you complete the Big Dipper's last wish?" Knowing that it is so dangerous, and want to go, what is it for?

"I heard that the big world in the depths of the chaotic ocean is even more powerful than ours here. It can be achieved to a higher level, and it can even reverse the time and resurrect the dead ..."

Yan Yanzhi paused, looking at the many palaces in front of the Big Dipper, in a tone with Xiao Suo and hope.

"I just want him to live again!"

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