Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1219: Scolding body

"Reversing time makes people resurrected? How is this ... possible?"

Yantai Lingyue is hard to believe.

No soul imprint left, no immortal talent, once the true spirit dies, it is equivalent to complete death, how can it come back to life?

This is absolutely impossible!

Even King Shura can't do it!

"Do you know how my soul realm was established?" Yan Zhi asked instead of answering directly.

Yantai Lingyue shook her head.

Yan Yanzhi is an old monster that has survived in ancient times. Since she is sensible, the soul world has been established. How to establish it, she really does n’t know.

"I created it through soul worship!"

"Soul sacrifice?" Lingtai Lingyue was a little confused.

Soul Master has countless believers who are called soul masters. They paid a great price for sacrifice and called Yan Zhi to fulfill their wishes. This kind of thing she had seen before.

From this situation, we can know that the sacrifice needs an object, and the soul master Yan Zhi also has to sacrifice ... who is the object of the sacrifice?

不错 "Yes, I landed out of sacrifice through sacrifice. In the realm of the soul, as long as the true spirit does not dissipate, even if there is only a trace, it can gradually recover. This is the mystery of the realm of the soul! Even my soul master, there is some explanation!

Yan Yanzhi continued: "If you don't understand this, Xiao family of your top ten families, you know!"

Yantai Lingyue nodded.

"The Xiao family can revive the strong ones who left their imprints on their souls through sacrificial sacrifices. Who are they sacrificing?"


Yantai Lingyue was surprised.

Yan Yanzhi said that she hadn't noticed it before, but now she imagines it is true.

The Xiao family's people sacrificed themselves in exchange for other powerful resurrection, which is difficult to understand by itself. Even if she is a celestial master, it cannot be explained. Now it seems that the chaotic ocean on her head is indeed not as simple as imagined.

"Nie Yun has the talent of Aura Master, and the Aura is endless. Where does this Aura come from?" Seeing that she had begun to doubt, Yan Zhi continued.

Lingtai Lingyue was speechless.

Vital energy Dan Tian can extract vitality from the deep, endless power. These vitality neither belong to the spiritual world nor the chaotic world. If we carefully consider it, there are indeed many weird places.

Is there really another world outside the chaotic world that they didn't know before?

"I used to go deep into the chaos, Xue Jing'er picked it up in it. She is a chaotic life!"

Yan Zhidao: "I only doubt these things based on what was left by the Big Dipper, and there is no exact basis. Besides, the sky is vast. Although our strength has reached the peak of the six heavens and earth, we can still fully understand the chaos of heaven and earth. Do n’t catch it. Perhaps King Shura knows more about the heavenly scolding power! ”

Yantai Lingyue never thought about these things. At this time, he heard this kind of explanation and said nothing, but was trying to say a few words, but felt that the other party's words carried deep truth and could not be refuted. .

The kung fu of the two men's dialogue, Xu Xun's action is also at the last moment, he moves fast, like a teleportation, still shooting wildly on Nie Yun, every time, it will cause a sound of sullen thunder.

Soon, these thunders were linked together, as if the torrential rain was coming, and the entire Big Dipper Palace was shaking violently under the force of violent force.

"Back! Leave here!"

Yantai Lingyue, Yan Zhi, and the four beasts were wondering, and when they heard Xu Xi suddenly drank, they felt a huge force covering them, their bodies flickered, and they escaped from the Big Dipper Palace, teleporting in the spirit. A vast and uninhabited wilderness.


才 They just stood still, a familiar figure appeared not far away, their bodies trembled, their blood vessels swelled up, and a long hissing sounded from the sky.

吼 This roar was painful and breakthrough, and the sound rushed for nine days, tearing all the clouds in the sky, causing countless thunders.


The air waves around the figure's figure kept blasting, blasting the ground into a circular deep pit, and the powerful vigor inspired Tianjie to form hundreds of thousands of miles of clouds.

"Nie Yun ..."

When I saw such a large area of ​​cloud thunder, Yantai Lingyue face changed.

As a Heavenly Master, I know the terrible punishment of Heavenly Tao. Such a large area of ​​clouds, even the strongest peak of the immortal may be bombarded into **** and completely die!

"Don't move, can you thoroughly refine the heart of the Dark Demon, and watch this time when you are sober and awake, and hold on to it, Nie Yun has endless benefits and can't support it ..."

He said that Xu had stopped and said that, although he didn't continue, everyone understood that once he couldn't survive, it would be death!

Boom! boom! boom!

With the words of Xu, the clouds in the sky couldn't hold on anymore, and a thick thunderbolt struck down.

Each of these thunderbolts has dozens of squares, with the power of tearing the space. By strength alone, it is dozens of times stronger than the other side of the Buddhist world!

Each thunderbolt is comparable to the attack of the immortal monarch. Dozens of them are mixed together. Even if the immortal monarch peak is caught in it, it will be busy and uncontrollable.

In the eyes of everyone, Nie Yun, like a demon who is not afraid of the thunder, stands in the middle of the thunder and lightning, his body is constantly struggling with strength, and a roaring cry.

Although Lei Thunder's voice was loud, in his shout, it was completely covered, as if the whole world had only one protagonist in a moment, that is, the boy under the cloud.

突破 "Breakthrough!"

I wonder how long the Thunder bombarded, and suddenly Nie Yun hissed.

A huge force swept through, Xu Xu and others watching from the side only felt the hot air rushing at the same time, while a follower flew backwards and kept flying out of millions of kilometers. Then they stopped and looked at each other with surprise meaning.

每 Each of them is standing at the top of the six heavens and earth, and the air waves generated by the breakthrough will push them out millions of kilometers without resistance. What is this strength?


Red clouds filled the sky, purple light.

"It's Xianjun! Nie Yun has broken through the realm of Xianjun ..."

I saw this scene, Yantai Lingyue face a joy.

Breaking through Xianjun will have a vision of heaven and earth. When she broke through, she had such an effect. It seems that Nie Yun successfully broke through Xianjun's realm!

No wonder grandpa said that as long as he persists, there are huge benefits, and now it looks like it really is.

Nie Yun's accumulation, she knows better than anyone. Half a step in the fairyland, you can kill the middle and late period of the fairyland. This accumulation is almost impossible to break through! The cost is definitely tens of times, or even hundreds of times that of ordinary people!

突破 And now a smooth breakthrough is definitely a great opportunity and great benefit!

The shouting sounds in Jin Yunzhong continued, and the thunder sounded in the teenager's body, as if the whole person was a few inches tall, with an irresistible British spirit.


With a fist punched upward, under the violent fist power of the sky, Thundercloud disappeared and the sky returned to clear again.


Nie Yunfei came over.

"you succeeded?"

Huantai Lingyue greeted him with joy, and rushed into his arms.


Xun felt the tender body in her arms and stroked her soft hair, and Nie Yun laughed.

It is indeed dangerous just now. If it is not necessary to have a deep understanding of the spirit rhinoceros body training method, there is no problem when it is activated. I am afraid that he is still a half-dead with weak breathing like before.

It ’s terrible to scold the heavens, being rejected by the heavens and the earth, and the power is suddenly lost. There is naturally a special force between the heaven and the earth to suppress him ~ www.readwn.com ~ If it is not necessary, I really want to wake up and do it for millions of years No!

"Dark Devil's Heart Refined?"

Uncle Xu also flew over.

"Hmm!" Nie Yun nodded.

Speaking carefully, I should also thank the Dark Demon Heart this time.

If it wasn't for this thing to provide energy and let him break through smoothly, it would be almost impossible to lift the repression between heaven and earth!

Although it is only half of the heart of the Dark Demon, after thorough refining, he still successfully broke through the immortal realm, especially the spirit rhinoceros refining method, and it directly reached the ninth major achievement state!

King Kong glass body is only the ninth important stage of the early battle with Xianjun's combat power, the spirit rhinoceros refining system is the ninth major achievement, even if the immortal Jun comes, I am afraid that is not an opponent!

"Your physical body ... the spirit rhinoceros refining system and the diamond glass body are completely integrated, and you can't see the Buddha and the genus, have you reached ..."

I glanced at it, and Xu suddenly stopped.

"Oh, yes, I already have ... the heavenly flesh!"

Nie Yun laughed.

Ps: Early birds get worms, and early birds get eaten by birds ... For the sake of Laoya, the minimum monthly ticket is recommended. . . (To be continued. This article is provided by The Shinshen Tuban Group @ 飘香 波 域. If you like this work, you are welcome to () vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users Please go to read.)

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