Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1220: Confucian betrayal

"Scold the heavenly body?"

The crowd was startled.

Although the physical body is more suitable for close combat than the fairy force, long range attacks and some martial arts cannot be performed, but it also has an extremely obvious advantage, that is, invincible defense!

Does not the physical body that scolds the heavens justify that he already possesses a combat power that is comparable to those who scold the heavens?

Even when Xu Xi and Shakya Buddha in the heyday were only half step away from heaven, he didn't know how far away from that diaphragm, he actually possessed the body of heaven away ... It is definitely the first person in heaven and earth to deserve it!

"Speaking carefully, I also want to thank my Fairy King!"

Nie Yundao.

"Immortal monarch?" The crowd was confused for a while.

In fact, Nie Yun said quite well, indeed he would like to thank his immortal monarch.

He is the owner of the first and second talents, and the calamity caused by promotion is much more powerful than ordinary people. This time, he is even more powerful. Even the strongest in the late period of Xianjun may not be able to stop it, not to mention he has not Reach Fairyland.

At this moment, the spirit of the rhinoceros body refining and transforming the dark spirit's heart broke through the ninth weight and the Vajra glass body conflicted.

The conflict between the two major exercises of the Buddha and the Demon came very fiercely. Instead, ordinary people had already exploded. Nie Yun was anxious, and he used lightning to bring thunder and lightning into his body, and completely merged these two contradictory exercises.

Usually, even if he was a thunderbolt who reached the fifth form, he would die if he introduced such a violent amount of power into the body. However, with the resistance of the two major conflict techniques, the three forces appeared to balance and slowly merge.

Therefore. Nie Yun's physical body broke through smoothly and reached the level of scolding heaven!

What is the concept of scolding the heavenly body? That is, if the Buddha of Shakya fights again, he can be punched into a meatloaf with one punch!

Even if he encounters King Shura again. The flesh alone can fight without falling into the wind!

In other words, the current strength is not weaker than that after getting the empowerment, and even without the conflict of strength, it is more relaxed!

After reaching this level of strength, Nie Yun rushed to a special force between heaven and earth to constantly reject him, and seemed to want to push him out completely.

I can't believe that this power poses no threat to him. Ignore it!

"You haven't said before, what about King Shura? What about Qiu Sheng in Confucianism?"

After listening to Nie Yun's explanation, everyone secretly shouted his luck. Xu asked.

Lu Qiusheng was trapped in his Zhoutian world before being destroyed by King Shura.

"Escape! I didn't catch up!" Nie Yun shook his head.

To be honest, even let Shura King catch up with him. It's impossible to kill. My brother Nie Tong and the other are one person. I really want to kill him. What should my brother do?

Want to seal ... the opponent's strength is not weaker than him, I'm afraid it's hard to do!

Actually, letting it escape is the best way.

虽然 "Although I fled and suffered minor injuries, I should not come again in a short time!"

Nie Yun explained.

"Well, this is the best. We also have the preparation time. If we come again at the time, it may not be the case if the deer is dead!" Said Beard with a beard and laughed.

Nie Yun's progress is in his eyes, knowing that if enough time is given, it will definitely make rapid progress! It is not impossible to fully enter the heavenly exclusion!

"King Shura will not appear in a short time, I will go back to rectify the ten big families! You must also work hard to cultivate, find the feeling of scolding heaven, and find a way to successfully advance!"

Without the pressure of King Shura for a short time, Xu must relax and laugh.

灌 After initiation, his strength was also greatly damaged, and he must find a way to make up as soon as possible.

"I want to go back to the demon tribe, prepare in advance!" Yan Zhiyan said concisely.

Although King Shura will not return in a short time, sooner or later, he will have to fight against the heavens and the earth, and it is better to be prepared earlier than to be busy.

"Since you are all gone, Yueer and I have returned to Yueyue Pavilion!"

Nie Yun holds his fist.

"it is good!"

Everyone left and left.

Xie Nieyun returned to Lianyue Pavilion with Lingtai Lingyue and the four beasts.

The flesh reached the scolding realm and no longer needed to fly. It could tear the space and jump. Although Liyue Pavilion was far away from here, in his opinion it was no longer a distance. It took less than a breath to reach the place.

"The owner is back!"

"Did you see the battle between the Lord and King Shura? Too great ..."

"Of course, you don't care who the Lord is. The Lord is the first genius in the world. It is no surprise to defeat King Shura!"

"Everyone was afraid of King Shura before, there was a cabinet owner, no problem ..."

As soon as I returned to Lianyue Pavilion, I heard murmurs everywhere. Everyone in the pavilion saw Nie Yun's return, and stars appeared in his eyes, full of worship.

The battle between King Nieyun and King Shura was almost known by the propaganda of the ten families and the six heavens and earth. Before, the panic caused by Shura's extinction was swept away and replaced by the worship of Nie Yun.

I, especially those of the Yueyue Pavilion, are filled with pride deep inside.

"Your fame is better now than before ..."

He heard these words in his ears and Yantai Lingyue laughed.

The former Nie Yun caused a lot of trouble in Jiuxiao Palace, although it also inspired many people, they are regarded as radicals in the hearts of everyone, doing things without particular attention to consequences, courageous.

Now, King Shura of the war will run away from Xiu Qi. This battle has established his identity as the most powerful man. No one dares to question it. Instead, he has strong worship and trust.

"Nie Yun, the Confucian world has announced that it will be separated from the heavens and the earth, and now it has alliance with Shura and become the world of Shura!"

Ignoring the gaze of worship, Nie Yungang returned to the most central hall, and Xiao Ran came up.

"Confucianism announced that it was separated from the heavens and the earth? When did it happen?"

Nie Yun for a while.

The movement of the Confucian world is too fast!

"Just now, all the first-class forces in the heavens and the earth have been notified. Moreover, they also said that from today on, the Confucian world will be closed to the outside world, and it will not be connected with the other five. ! "

Xiao Xiaoran said the news.

Qiyuege Pavilion has the Chiyou God Beast, and now it has Nie Yun, Yantai Lingyue, and the four big beasts. It is definitely a super-class force in the six heavens and earth. Even if it is Confucian, you do n’t dare to offend, you can only inform in advance.

"Into the Confucian realm will be killed? Confucian realm seems to have sincerely turned to King Shura!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

设计 Designed His Holiness the Sacred Lord in the vortex of the black wind, and added the sacrifice of His Holiness the Qiu, and almost killed him. This shows that there has been an endless situation with the Confucian world. It is no longer possible to ease it!

However, it is unthinkable that the Confucian world has frankly turned to King Shura.

Doing so is tantamount to enemies against the other five and openly betraying humanity.

"Do you have any other opinions on this matter?" Nie Yun asked.

"The other five roads have no news for the time being. The Buddha world is closed and does not communicate with us. The demons in the demon world are not here. The ten families in the spirit world are not unified. As for the demon world ... The five-clawed dragon emperor has not returned. No idea! "

Xiao Ran shook his head.

As a realm, the Confucian realm is a master. If you cooperate with Shura and attack aggressively, you will definitely lose more than you get. Now the other five realms ca n’t agree. There is really no way.

"There is no news from the other five realms, let's not worry about it, wait for them to pass on the news to us!"

I thought for a moment, and Nie Yun waved his hand.

He must have a plan for things in the Confucian world. He doesn't care so much.

Furthermore, a huge Confucian world ~ www.readwn.com ~ is not something he can only defeat Yueyue Pavilion.

"By the way, Nie Yun, the two immortals of the demon world have been here for a long time. They have been waiting to see you, but you have been very busy. There is not much time to push it to now ..."

I didn't know what Nie Yun meant, Xiao Ran didn't say much, suddenly remembered something, and laughed.

"Who is the Fairy King? Who is this?" Nie Yun didn't know any of the Fairy King. Why come here to find yourself?

"It's the ancestor of Yulong and the magic Zhenzi ... These two are the immortals who survived from the ancient times. It should be for the Five-Clawed Dragon Emperor!"

Xiao Ran guessed.

"Oh!" Nie Yun nodded.

It makes sense for the Five-Clawed Dragon Emperor, the Five-Clawed Dragon Emperor is the leader of the demon world, they know the resurrection, it is normal to find it, but I did not expect that the two immortal kings who survived the ancient times will be so patient and stay Li Yuege waited.

"Let them come over!"

Thought of this, Nie Yun smiled and nodded.

"Well, I'll call them here!" Xiao Ran stepped out, and the two elders came over for a moment.

Ps: I took three lessons and held an hour-long examination meeting. Tomorrow mid-term exams, "Students at www.readwn.com must take the exam well ...

There is one more at 12 o'clock!




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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