Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1232: 3 Health Bridge (middle)

At this time, Nie Tong was not King Shura, but his younger brother, the one who was conservative and painful, but the one who dared to give anything for his brother!

Step by step, stiff legs came slowly, like two dry branches, ridiculous and pathetic, but the sword in his hand was not pathetic at all.

The angle is strange, and the power is amazing and terrible. After a sword, even if there are more and more monsters around, it is difficult to resist.

"With me, no one can hurt my brother!"

Nie Tong's firm eyes came along with the cold voice, every step seemed to hit Nie Yun's heart.

Especially Nie Yun, who was injured and fell to the ground, eyes wet again.

"Brother, come, I rush out with you on my back!"

With a deep cry, with a firm and unshakable thought, Nie Tong grabbed the injured Nie Yun with his left hand.

扑哧! Flutter!

With this movement, several monsters around him immediately saw the flaws, and various weapons stabbed in. At that moment, blood splattered in front of them.

Nie Yun on Nie Tong's back felt only a hot face and a thick drop of blood dripping on it.

"Nie Tong, let me down, you are hurt ..."

Nie Yun shouted anxiously.

"It's the blood of the demon!" Nie Tong smiled softly, as if the blood was not his.

"Are you really okay?" Nie Yun was still not assured.

"It's all right!"

Tan Nie Tonghua's legs moved, and he walked forward step by step, with each step, a demon fell down.

There are more and more demon around, and more and more are killed by him.

Nie Yun on his back could never dream of it. The brother who has always been considered a waste would be so fierce and possess such powerful strength.

"Nie Tong, why are you so strong and how did you learn swordsmanship?"

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer demons around, almost all were killed by Nie Tong, and Nie Yun shouted excitedly.

Alas, Nie Tong did not answer him, but continued to move forward.

扑哧! Flutter!

The last two monsters lay at their feet.

"Nie Tong we succeeded, we escaped, thank you, I didn't expect you to be so powerful ... Rest assured, when we escape, my brother must find a good doctor to help you treat your legs ..."

When he saw that he was out of danger, Nie Yun shouted in excitement, but his shout was not over yet, and his body sank suddenly.


Tan Nie Tong fell heavily to the ground.

"Nie Tong, Nie Tong ..."

Then Nie Yun realized that something was wrong, and hissed out with a hissed voice.

Tong Nietong looked at it. The vitality had been cut off in his bright eyes. It can only persist to this day with a conviction, and his body was covered with sword wounds, blood dripping down, and even the shoes under his feet were completely wet.

"Brother, I'm not waste, I seem to ... still be useful!"

Soft voice, as if beating on Nie Yun's weak heart, tears burst out ...

It's a pity that even more tears are useless. Nie Tong gradually closed his eyes in his arm and lost his breath.

"Nie Tong ..."

The scene in front of my eyes kept showing, and the other Nie Yun watching next to it knew that this was the scene of the previous life, and still didn't stop crying.

This time has long been like a stone carving, deeply carved into my mind, can no longer be driven away, the scene in front of me, just re-remembered again.

"Nie Tong, I want to save you ..."

Bian Ming knew that the past time was irretrievable. Nie Yun still rolled his fingerprints and nodded to Nie Tong who was awake.


However, his handprints had not yet come to Nie Tong's body, and his mind was dizzy, and the scene in front of him changed again.

There is blood everywhere, and there are countless dead bodies floating around.

A faceless teenager walked over slowly.

Ye is still Nie Tong, oh no, it should be said that it is King Shura.

The opposite of him is still Nie Yun, but this Nie Yun is completely different from the previous one.

"Brother, I didn't expect that we would still play against each other or go through such a terrible situation!"

He came to him, and King Shura looked up at Nie Yun with the same affection and worship as before.

"Let it go, you are not King Shura, you are Nie Tong, my brother!"

Nie Yun snorted softly.

"Let it go? Dream it!"

With a long howl, Shura King changed his face, saying that a sharp spike stabbed out.


Nie Yun didn't know if he didn't avoid or didn't want to avoid at all. In the desperate eyes, the blood flowed out along the spikes, and the pain in his heart was severe.

"Whoever stops me will die!"

King Shura growled.

"Let Nie Yun down ..."

At the same time, a girl rushed over with determination.

Yantai Lingyue!

"Hum, you're looking for death!"

King Xiuluo's face sank, his palms scratched forward, his thin fingers with an unstoppable power.


As soon as Lintai Lingyan's eyes darkened, they were blasted into powder and the vitality was cut off.

"Yueer ..."

Nie Yun did not expect that King Shura's movement was so fast and his strength was so strong. His whole body shook and his heart was about to explode.

"Dare you be bad for my boss, you're going to die!"

A five-pronged golden dragon flew over, but, just like Lingtai Lingyue, before he came to the king of Shura, he was pointed at him, and "Boom!"

"Little Dragon!"

Watching Xiaolong's big eyes gradually dimmed in front of her eyes, Nie Yun's head exploded, regardless of the pain in her chest, and punched Nie Tong's heart.


His heart burst instantly.

"Brother, thank you for killing me. This is equivalent to killing King Shura. I am also relieved ..."

The heart burst, and the vitality of Shura Wang Nie Tong gradually dissipated and the momentum weakened, but a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Nie Tong ..."

Only then did Nie Yun realize that the person in front of him was not only King Shura or his own brother!

"It's okay, brother, as soon as I die, King Shura is better than death, it's equal to me killing him. You should be happy to have such a younger brother ..." Nie Tong laughed, as simple as before "It's just me The desire to practice swords freely, and to teach swordsmanship at the gates of Da Zongmen, cannot be realized, brother, you must help me realize ... "

Tong Nie Tong fell to the ground, and vitality slowly disappeared.

"Nie Tong ..."

Nie Yun screamed.

为什么 "Why? Why is King Shura my brother? Why ..."

In the howling roar, Nie Yun was in a state of excitement, and a huge sadness rushed forward, which was about to explode.

"Nie Yun, what's the point of you still alive? For the past life of Nie Tong, you have no regrets, and suffered 137 sword injuries without regrets! In this life, you are willing to let your soul fly away, without any hesitation! If it was not to save you How could it be a corpse? How could it be possible to live with the soul of King Shura? It's all your fault! "

"You even killed him for your lust, it's not as good as a beast!"

"It would be better for such a meaningless person to die! Even if he died, he would defile the place ..."

A loud voice sounded in the air, and Nie Yun's face holding Nie Tong's body was getting darker and darker, and the whole person's breath became more and more chaotic.


Take a sip of blood.

"Yeah, what's the point of being alive? My brother is dead, my wife who loves me is dead, and it's better to die because of me!"

There was no light in Yun Nieyun's eyes. He grabbed the spikes in front of him and pierced his heart sharply ~ www.readwn.com ~ No ... "

Nie Yun, who was watching from the side, wanted to stop but found no ability to intervene. The chaos in front of her eyes again, a flash of light, and entered another space.

This is an ordinary courtyard, simple but not dirty, clean and refreshing.

The two teenagers are practicing swords in the hospital. They are fighting each other with laughter.

"Brother, your trick is not good, it seems not as good as mine, you see!"

The young boy smiled, his fingers moved, and the wooden sword in his palm turned into a ray of light. The angle was tricky and weird. I don't know how this trick was made.

"Great, little copper, how do you practice, quickly teach me!"

The elder young man was startled, and quickly backed away, and seemed to be stunned by the power of this trick, shouting in a hurry and excitement.

"Hey, okay, brother wants to learn, I will teach you ..."

The young boy laughed, the wrist turned, and the wooden sword in his palm turned into a special light, rolling constantly.

The two teenagers are playful, each excited with excitement.

"Is this my future life?"

I saw this scene in my eyes and saw the happy and contented expressions of the two teenagers. Nie Yun suddenly realized.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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