Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1233: 3 Health Bridge (below)

From a series of scenes just now, Nie Yun has understood that this bridge should be the three-life bridge in the legend of Taoism. The previous life, the current life, and the next life, deduces the mystery of the three lives, and changes extremely poorly.

Sanshengqiao, three sighs, life is impermanent, and things are absolute.

Sure enough, my mind was thinking, the situation is resurging, and two young families practicing swordsmanship have undergone tremendous changes. For a time, the city has been washed with blood, countless screams have continued, and the parents and relatives of the two teenagers have died one by one.

In the end, the brothers turned their heads against each other, fighting on a mountain peak, and simultaneously dying.

"Is this the fate of Nie Tong and me? Doomed to be brothers?"

Looking at this scene, Nie Yun was as quiet as a stone, silent.

"No, I won't do that. Let's not say that Nie Tong has done so much. Even if he is not good to me, as an elder brother, he cannot let his brother fall and become a king of Shura!"

With a low whisper, Nie Yun's fist clenched.

What is impermanent and what life is so fateful, fate is in your own hands, so why borrow others!

From the beginning of an essay to the sound of the heavens, from the garbage of the beginning, to the endless Dantian, Nie Yunhe had counted on others, relying on his unremitting efforts!

"What Sansheng Bridge, what Sansheng sighs, my destiny is under my own control, and my life is up to me!"

Point your finger up, Nie Yun screamed, the violent voice split the waves of the giant ship, and the world in front of it exploded.


Nie Yun refreshed, and the scene in front of him was restored again.

Still standing on the suspension bridge, the clouds in front of me were misty, as if the previous experience was just a dream, it was completely unknown.

Turning their heads to look at Xiaolong and Yantai Lingyue, they saw their eyes still closed and seemed to be immersed in Sansheng's feelings.

Slap! Slap!

A tear fell from the eyes of Yantai Lingyue to the ground and fell into countless powders.

I don't know what she experienced, crying so sad.

Xiaolong didn't go well, either. The usual humbling appearance disappeared, his eyes were red, and it seemed that he had gone through life and death parting.

The Buddhist scriptures have the cloud, and life has eight hardships: life, old age, illness, death, love to leave, long resentment, longing for help, and five Yin Sheng.

As long as people are alive, they live in pain. Only with compassion and compassion for people and cut off the cause and effect, can they be detached and go to the other side of bliss.

Obviously, three sighs on the Sansheng Bridge, everyone has a special experience, and everyone will sigh for fate.

Knowing that the two had not recovered from the mood, Nie Yun did not urge, and waited for dozens of breaths in situ, Lingtai Lingyue opened his eyes first, and then Xiaolong opened his eyes.

"Just now ... it's Mitsui Bridge!"

Wake up, Lingtai Lingyue also understood, and the pale color that I wore when I was crying, and shook his head and sighed, "The Tao Sansheng Bridge is said to be a treasure from the depths of chaos. Being able to watch people ’s three lives can make people fully understand and understand the impermanence of life! Because of this, there are three sighs on the bridge of three lives, which means that as long as you sigh for three lives, you can basically see through the essence of life, and once again practice absolute power with less effort Improve! "

"Just sketch out the most precious memory deep inside of you and restore it again. As for the next life, it is even more illusory. There are few things, let's go!"

Nie Yun interrupted the feelings of Lingyue, and waved his hand.

This Sansheng Bridge makes people see through life, and it can gain a lot from cultivation, avoiding the devil's trouble, but people must live vigorously and enjoy the process. If you are less than 20 years old, you will have 70-80 years old feelings. What's the point without passion?

Cultivation is like sailing against the water, and retreating if you don't advance. Steady is good, but sometimes you need to be brave and advancing, decisively.

Take him as an example. If it is not all the way to be brave and advanced all the time, but to do everything with safety in mind, I am afraid it is difficult to say whether we can achieve the ninth weight of heaven and earth! Let's talk about the current strength!

Therefore, calmness is important, and the results must not be lost!

Besides, even if the Sansheng Bridge is even more powerful, it is only a magic weapon. It can at most evoke people's memory, how can it be born!

Considering these, they are all illusory.


Ningtai Lingyue and Xiaolong are not stupid people. After listening to Nie Yun's words, they all understood, and their mood was calm and they would not be affected again.

Being able to cultivate to such a state, a little bit of psychological shadow can be eliminated instantly without leaving any traces.

Unaffected by the Sansheng Bridge, the three quickly walked past.

Walking across the narrow suspension bridge, a huge mirror appeared.

This mirror does not reflect the appearance of a person, but envelopes the entire city of Xuhua and shows it.

"This is the" Zhutian Mirror "of the Lord of the Realm. It shines on the heavens and is unstoppable!"

Huantai Lingyue Road.

"Zhu Tian Jing? And this treasure?" Nie Yun was surprised.

Can shine the world of the sky, even if this kind of treasure does not drive the tower!

"Although this is an ancient artifact, it was completely destroyed in the original World War I. Now it has lost its previous effect and can at most shine the Xhwa City ..."

Yantai Lingyue shook her head.

Even the most powerful miracles have a life limit and can be damaged.

The celestial mirrors were very famous and powerful in the ancient times, but after the First World War, they were completely broken, and they were no longer useful. They can at best shine the Xuhua City. It is impossible to investigate the heavens.


After hearing her words, Nie Yun explored it, and as she said, she shook her head.

"The Sansheng Bridge allows you to see life clearly, the mirrors of the sky, and let people understand the world. This channel is actually the Taoist monk ’s training of monks. The end of it? "

Yantai Lingyue is strange.

"It's not something we can figure out if we're here or not, let's go. Even if we can't find it, we must never let King Shura take this baby!"

Nie Yun's attitude is calm.

Even if Xiao Long is right, Chaos Jinling is really necessary to advance to scold heaven, but for him, the attraction is not particularly great.

For others, scolding heaven is a gulf that cannot be crossed, and it should not be particularly difficult for him with the unlimited potential of his first talent.

As long as it is voluntary enough, promotion is only a matter of time.

Bypassing the sky mirrors, the three continued to move forward.

Behind the Sansheng Bridge is a wide palace. At first glance, it looks like nothing is empty, but when you look outside for a while, you find nothing, so you have to enter it slowly.

Upon entering, I immediately felt a coolness rushing into my head, giving people a sense of soaring sky, and then a huge high platform appeared in front of everyone, with three large characters written on it: "Climbing to Sendai!".

"Climbing on Xiantai, where the Tao is stepping on the fairyland, it is rumored that as long as you ascend to the top of the platform, you can enhance the body's yang to become fairy and mysterious!"

Seeing the high platform, Lingtai Lingyue showed surprise.

"Improve Yang Qi? Become a fairy?" Nie Yun was a little confused.

Chengxianchengsheng, how can I say so simple, without hard cultivation, want a pinch and long, no doubt dreaming.

If climbing to Sendai can really reach the top, I am afraid that no one in the Tao world can cultivate!

"This is the Taoist practice method, which is also called the core theory. The preacher of Taoism has explained it specifically. He said that chaos is divided into yin and yang. When the world is opened, yang is clear to the sky, turbidity is the ground, and yin and yang are the two. Miscellaneous breeds all things, yin and yang balance evolve into adults, and the yang is turned into a **** ~ www.readwn.com ~ The yang is higher than the person is turned into a spirit beast, the yin is turned into a void, and the heavier is turned into a grass, And to raise the yang in the body and reduce the turbidity in the body, you can be a fairy! "

Yantai Lingyue knew that the two did not understand, and explained in detail.

What she said are the core theories of the Taoism, representing another type of cultivation system, and the Qihai and Dantian of the warrior are completely in two directions. Two concepts.

"Enhancing yang, feathering ascends to immortal ... wonderful, Taoists actually have this theory ..."

Originally disapproving of Yang Yang's improvement, after listening to her explanation, Nie Yun was gradually surprised.

It is indeed the first race in ancient times. This theory directly talks about the essence of cultivation, and it sounds thoughtful when you hear it.

In fact, in the current martial arts practice, isn't it the process of continually practicing yang to practice the true energy?

A sense of enlightenment rippled in Nie Yun's heart. (To be continued.)

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