Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1234: Ascent

"The so-called yang is not masculine, but yang-qing, yang-qing, is the spiritual way of all things in the world, which is the so-called aura. Only by continuously training and absorbing can we continuously improve our strength. , Become immortal! "

"The same is true of martial arts practice. The layering of the reiki is turned into a part of the body. With the power of Dantian Qihai, the whole body is tempered, and the reiki is infused into it, which leads to the prosperity of the human body ..."

"It seems that we have the same goal, all kinds of cultivation methods, different starting points, different theories, and finally all come together to form one! This is like flooding, from the upstream to the bottom, it can extend countless rivers, while pushing up against the rivers, it can Found that all waters are homologous ... "

"Thousands of exercises are the same, so are thousands of talents!"

"The fusion of talents illustrates exactly this situation. Thousands of avenues merge into one, which is what Taoism calls Tao one, two, three, and three!"

"That's it! That's it!"

The light flashed in his head, and the sense of Ming Wu became stronger and stronger. Nie Yun seemed to have grasped a certain key point, but was still unable to succeed.

However, he also knows that as long as he succeeds, many talents in the body will definitely be melted into one furnace, even if chaos golden order is not needed, breaking through the heavens is just around the corner!

"Nie Yun, Nie Yun ..."

My heart was pondering, and suddenly a shout sounded, looked up, and saw Yantai Lingyue and Xiaolong look over in doubt.

"It's all right!"

The inspiration in his head was fleeting and could not be found. But Nie Yun didn't care.

Epiphany depends on chance. Although I didn't grasp the key point just now. But it is tantamount to finding the exposed tail. As long as enough time is given, it can definitely follow the vine and find its own true avenue.

"I have felt the breath of Chaos Jinling, right on the top of Sendai. Shall we go there?"

Xiaolong said suddenly.

"On it?"

Nie Yun froze.

Dengxiantai seems to be only a few dozen square meters, and if anyone can see it at a glance, His Holiness Qiu Sheng and others are obviously not on it. Don't they find out where the Chaos Golden Order is?

"Dengxiantai doesn't look very big. In fact, there is room in it. It is where the immortals of the past have been feathered. It is not as simple as it is seen by the naked eye. Since Xiaolong senses it, let's go quickly!"

Seeing his doubts, Yantai Lingyue explained with a smile.

"Oh. Let's go up then!" Nie Yun nodded and walked forward.

Dengxiantai is on four sides, corresponding to east, west, south, and north, and each side has a high staircase extending upwards.

"The Lord of Taoism believes that human life has a unique process just like spring, summer, autumn, and winter in nature. The four forms of eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults are similar to those of insects. Human death is like insects from The pupa is transformed into an adult, and it is called the pudding ascendant! This ascendant station is based on this theory. The four directions correspond to the east, the west, the south, the north, the south, the spring, the summer, the autumn, and the winter. Only one person is allowed to travel, and two are not allowed to go together. So, if we want to go up, we can only choose one channel each! "

Before coming to the passage, Yantai Lingyue Road.

"East, North, South, North, South, East, West, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter ... Well, I'll go this way to the east!" Nie Yun laughed.

"I'm going south!" Xiaolong nodded.

"Then I'll go west, then let's see who goes up to Sendai first!"

Seeing the crowd's selection, Yantai Lingyue said with a smile, and when Jiao's body moved, she flew straight to the west stairway.

Nie Yun and Xiaolong were unwilling to fall behind, and each chose a passageway and stepped up.

As soon as he walked up the aisle, Nie Yun felt at once in another environment, where the foliage was lush, the flowers were luxuriant, and the water was rippling and green.

As if spring came back to the earth, there was a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere everywhere.

Going up the stairs, each step is pleasant and light.


While walking up, Nie Yun admired.

This ascent to Sendai is really weird. If ordinary Tianxian has such a feeling, it is very simple to let the strong man of his strength fall into it. It is really scary that the six senses can't tell whether it is real or unreal.

As I walked upwards, the more intense the feeling in my mind, it seemed that an invisible big hand would pull him into a special mood.

"I'd like to see what's so special about this so-called ascent!"

Feeling the constant attraction of this power, Nie Yun was too lazy to continue the confrontation. He happened to want to see the Taoist practice method of the quota. When his spirit moved, his eyes were dark, and he fell into a fantasy again.

Unlike Sansei Bridge this time, Sansei Bridge was unguarded, and this time he took the initiative to enter.


Upon entering it, a loud cry was heard, and a baby fell to the ground.

Now, as on the Sansheng Bridge, he looks at the video and, as a bystander, stands quietly not far away.

"This is ... Niefu in Luoshui City?"

Hearing the sound, Nie Yun noticed where he was, and he couldn't help crying or laughing at a glance.

The place where the illusion pulled him in was actually Nie Fu in Luoshui City.

He did n’t have much feelings for Niefu. Regardless of his past life, he has been abandoned by his family since he remembered, and lives in the most marginal place of Luoshui City. Although he returned to the family in this life, and made his father a patriarch, in a real sense I didn't stay in the clan for a long time, and I didn't know it very well. If I didn't know the courtyard very well, I'd be afraid of remembering it.

Just born a child here, who will it be?

With doubt in his heart, he looked in the direction of the sound, and then saw a midwife running out.

"Congratulations, Master Xiaotian, a son!"

Then a young man appeared with excitement in his face, and it was difficult to curb the inner excitement.

"Is a son? Haha, I have a son in Nie Xiaotian!"

The youth happily got into the house.

"Nie Xiaotian ... is this baby me?" Nie Yun blinked.

When he saw his father when he was young, he realized that the child who was crying just now was himself, and the illusion brought him back to when he was born.

At that time, the father was still the genius of the family and had a strong spirit. If it was not for Nie Haotian's mischief, he would probably become the first Qiongzong strongman and even the supreme strongman in Luoshui City.

"Haha, like me!"

The father's excitement sounded.

"Brother, my nephew is very energetic. Other people ’s children are going to sleep soon after they are born. You can see how energetic his eyes are ..."

As the father appeared in the courtyard holding Nie Yun, who was just born, a laughter rang, and a young man very similar to Nie Tong came over.

Like Nie Tong, he has the blade-like power in his eyes, full of energy and energy, showing strength with every move.

Nie Yun's third uncle is also Nie Tong's father!

At this time, the third uncle was not dead, and he was not even married. Although not as dazzling as his father Nie Xiaotian, he was also a rare martial arts wizard.

"I looked ordinary at the time, and nothing special ..."

Looked at the new born, smiled slightly.

He was born like countless children, without any special, came clean, the first thing to come to this world is crying.

Standing in place like a spectator, watching myself grow from birth to growth, a little bit rebellious.

Later, his father broke through, and was seriously injured. He was severely injured. Later, the third uncle got married, but was killed in an accident. At that time, the third wife was pregnant. In order to take care of the child in the womb, she bears humiliation.

When Nie Tong was born, it was indeed different from his own. The wind and thunder were overwhelming, and the sky was overcast with clouds. It seemed that the dragon was lurking. At the moment the child was born, the sky was clear and the sky was bright.

Nie Tong's extraordinaryness can be seen from the birth of the child ~ www.readwn.com ~ Indeed, how could King Shura be ordinary?

But because of this extraordinary, Nie Haotian was jealous, quietly put down the poisonous snake, and petrified the poison of his legs ...

The scenes of childhood and childhood are changing in front of him. Nie Yun watching as if watching another person, witnessing the growth with his own eyes.

However, after childhood, Nie Yun suddenly discovered the problem, which was different from what he remembered.

"Why am I ... not practicing?"

Nie Yunzheng is in place.

Regardless of the memory or the illusion on the bridge of Sansheng, he is a cultivator, the most real feeling, but what appears before him is another one, never cultivated, just an ordinary person!

How is this going? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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