Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1240: Team up (below)

"Join them?"

Chaos Jinling glanced at Nie Yun and saw he was pure in his eyes, hesitated without the slightest greed.

As a different treasure, an object that countless people want to get, he has never cooperated with others, but in the immediate form, cooperation may be symbiotic, but it may also be shaved and killed by donkeys. Without cooperation, it will die!

A moment later, Chaos Jin made his eyes flash with determination.

"Well, I believe you. Let's cooperate to deal with King Shura first!"

Chaos gold made his teeth.

"Poor, pitiful, brother Nie Yun, I have to admire your eloquence. This waste is much worse than His Holiness the Lord!" King Shura laughed. , There is only one purpose, that is, to refine you, and the union is just an excuse. When you defeat me, you will have no escape! "

"This ..." Chaos Jinling hesitated again.

"Haha, brother, let's fight again, I'll take a look, what a trick you have practiced!"

Seeing his indecision, King Shura's purpose was achieved, and Chang Xiao made a sound and suddenly shot at Nie Yun.

The blood-red palm stretched forward, pinching the planet, and the thick Shura murderousness with a strong **** smell turned into a huge blade.

The shadow of the sword envelops the four wilds, covering all the azimuths that can be receded around, leaving no way back.

"Nie Yun ..."

Lintai Lingyue and Xiaolong stood behind him and wanted to join forces with them.

But before they came, several fist winds blasted them, and Lord Qiu Sheng, who was rescued by King Shura just now, blocked them.

Although His Holiness Qiu performed the technique of blood sacrifice, his body was greatly damaged. Nor is Xiaolong and Yantai Lingyue able to compete at present, but fortunately they have countless ways to save their lives. There was no failure for a while.

In fact, they all know that their battle is only auxiliary. The real key is Nie Yun and King Shura. No matter which one wins, one wins, and the other loses completely.

"This means just wants to trap me? Destroy Jianqi and run through Changhong. Shura Seal, ruined by a thought!"

Nie Yun was not frustrated by the chaos Jin made hesitant, but smiled slightly, opened the bow from side to side, the two swords merged, and at the same time displayed a sword to destroy.

The two great tricks are fused together under the control of the Heavenly Master, cutting through the chaotic giant axe. Cut through the darkness of the world, and ignite the light in the endless void.


A lightning flashed and thunderous, and Shura ’s murderous gas was cut open and divided into two pieces. Jianqi did not stay in the slightest, and continued to shoot at Shura king.

Destroyed after the fusion. The increase in strength is not as simple as one plus one, but faster and stronger, with infinite sword meaning in the sword energy, mixed with the meaning of heaven. Once in front of you, it is unstoppable.

When ordinary Xianjun saw this trick, he would be directly stunned by the mystery contained in it. No matter how hard it is to resist, King Shura is not an ordinary immortal. Although he is alert in his eyes, he doesn't care. He gently scratches deeply in his right hand.


A sword piercing the sky, he was easily grasped in the palm, as if picking up a straw, extremely simple.

"Brother, if you just do that, it will really disappoint me!"

Blocking the sword after the fusion, Shura Wang smiled slightly.

"King Shura is worthy of King Shura. It seems that you have completely consolidated your strength in the early days of heaven ..."

Nie Yun spit out a sulky breath, although shocked, he did not have the slightest fear in his heart.

Being able to catch the destruction of the sword after the fusion easily shows that the strength of the other party has completely consolidated the early practice of scolding heaven.

The promotion speed is even more terrible than yourself!

"Yes, I have consolidated Xiuwei. Although it is the weakest in this realm, it is still a scolding heaven, not something you can compete with!"

King Shura came step by step, raising his hand was a punch.

His boxing looks breezy and powerless, but he knows how terrible it is when confronted.

Nie Yun's body fluttered hurriedly, her five fingers spread out, and a fused swordsman ushered up.

It was the smaller version of the bomb.


The fist collided with the reduced version of the vitality bomb. King Shura, unlike Lord Qiu Sheng, did no harm and hit again in the air.

"Strong Dantian, three hundred times the fighting power!"

The musculoskeletal structure of the whole body is arranged in another state. It is densely numbed, the waist is twisted, a force spreads from the lower leg, and the whole body's muscle whip shakes forward and collapses.

Nie Yun's muscle force was learned secretly in the demon world. It can penetrate the power of every cell on his body, and the strongest attack force erupted in an instant.


The air in front was compressed into a pie, and a huge sound wave swept up.

After the attack, Nie Yunzhang took a few steps back and looked ugly.

Even if he performed the strongest trick, he was still vulnerable to King Shura who scolded the heavens.

The difference between the two is a big realm, which cannot be compensated by pure power.

"Don't hide it, I know that your talents have begun to merge. It's not just as simple as the Nine-Pin Driver, let's take out your best strength now!"

When Nie Yun was repulsed again, the excitement of King Shura's face was not revealed, but a slight dignity.

He has a high bloodline, a strong bloodline, and a high level. Each confrontation seems to be worthy of being blocked. In fact, the opponent must have hidden strength. Otherwise, how can he do such a standard and such a fierce confrontation without being injured?

"Still seen by you!" Nie Yun chuckled, and his breath was raised again.

King Shura is right, his fusion talent has increased, not limited to nine.

On the way before, I realized that the talents that originally resisted each other gradually began to merge. Although not all Dantians were fused together, they also merged a variety of different types. These Dantians formed a special structure and rotated around the main Dantian. Let him improve a lot.

If not, how could it be possible to confront King Shura who scolded the heavens without falling into the wind.

The reason why the fusion talent is not displayed, Nie Yun is just afraid of being discovered by King Shura! The hole card is called because the opponent does not know. Once the opponent understands your background, it is difficult to figure out what he wants.

It is a pity that King Shura's eyes were wicked, and although hidden deep, he was still seen.

"The spirit of fusion turns into a sharp sword, one sword breaks the dust, one sword is a universe, one sword smashes the sky, one sword is destroyed, and the four swords are one!"

Bringing together a lot of Dantian's fusion qi, Nie Yun converged into a sword, started his stroke, and the sword qi broke out.

Jianqi evolved into the four major tricks of Lianyue Sword in the air and merged together to form a unique Jianmang shot at Shura King.


The air of fusion is Shura ’s murderous nemesis. Nie Yun has mixed more than a dozen special talents, which are more powerful. This sword air does not seem to be as powerful as the sword of the previous Beidou sword, but it has slightly changed the face of King Shura.


King Shura's scapula was pierced by sword air, and the sword air formed by the fusion air also made a sound of "squeak!" With the meaning of corrosion.

"Very good, it's worth my weapon!"

The big hand grabbed into the void, and Shura descended into the sky like a tidal wave, dissolving the sword formed by the fusion of qi. Shura Wang hummed with a big hand, and a long sword appeared in the palm of his hand.

This time is not the sword of Shura, where the blood and blood are gathered. The appearance is very similar. The sword's murderous energy converges into a storm. It seems that if you just move casually, you can set off a storm and tear the world.

Seeing this sword ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun's face was dignified, and he was not excited about the success he had just hit.

The level of this sword has obviously surpassed the level of the magical artifact, even more powerful than the chaotic treasure that the Lord Qiu took out. The repair of the heavens is to match such a powerful weapon. Is the most terrible.

"This is the Shura bone sword unique to the Shura family! It is made up of countless Shura skeletons, and the level surpasses the magical artifacts. Do not touch it, otherwise no weapon can stop it ..."

When Nie Yun's attitude was solemn, a voice sounded, and he turned to see that it was the former chaotic golden order.

He lives in chaos, knows a lot about King Shura, and knows the origin and power of his sword.

Having said that, Chaos Jinling stared at Shura King with a cold look in his eyes, and when Nie Yun came over, he turned his head and said lightly.

"I agree with you, if you want to kill him, you can only unite, let's ... join together!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation, monthly support, your support, Is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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