Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1241: Inheritance of Taoism (Part 1)

"Do you agree to join me?"

The words of Chaos Jinling seemed like a dawn in the darkness, which made Nie Yun's eyes bright.

Originally, Shura King took out the pressure brought by Shura bone sword and was swept away.

Chaos Jinling is stronger than his strength. Even if they can't defeat King Shura together, it is not easy for the other party to defeat them.

"Since I am offering a Shura bone knife, even if you are united, it is useless!"

Looking at the bone knife in front of him, King Shura was reverent and hummed coldly, a little in the palm, and a knife volleyed down.

This knife-like cold wind spreads across the bone marrow, the space in front of Nie Yun is in front of the knife-like, as simple as the foam, without any resistance.

"I'll fight his blade, you take the opportunity to attack!"

Since choosing to unite, Chaos Jinling didn't hesitate. With a long cry, his body greeted him.

Suddenly, a strong golden light emanated from the air, and then it kept shrinking and turned into a small token.

As soon as the token appeared, it immediately evolved a strong atmosphere of chaos, like a thing that travels through eternity, simple and vast.

Actually change the ontology directly.


Shura's bone knife hit the token, making a crisp sound without hurting the slightest.

"This is Chaos Golden Order?"

Seeing that the body of Chaos Jinling was so powerful, he easily blocked the Shura bone sword, Nie Yun was shocked, and then reacted, the wings of the Phoenix unfolded, the whole body was covered with gold scales, and he flew to the back of Shura King, and punched with a punch.

This time it smelled of sneak attack, and the cooperation in front of Chaos Jin Ling complemented each other. It was where King Shura had a hard time fighting back.

Once he backhands against Nie Yun, Chaos Jinling will surely shoot in front. Without hands, you will be hurt.

Although the two masters have not cooperated, the individual strength is too strong. Coupled with the determination of joint spiritual communication, they will exert their strengths at the first hand.


Sure enough, the cooperation of the two made King Shura a little uncomfortable, his avatar was weak, his brows were raised, but there was nothing he could do.



Nie Yun's fist came. Just when he thought that King Shura was bound to be hurt by a frontal hit, a dark shadow flashed in front of him, and the shout burst suddenly.

Shura, who had previously fought with Lingtai Lingyue and others, did not know when he was standing in front of him, and was burst into a boxing.

However, Nie Yun's fierce punch was under his resistance, and he lost his strength and had no effect on King Shura.


Kung Fu in this moment. King Shura broke free from the control of Chaos Jinling and went straight to Nie Yun's chest with a backhand.


In anxiety, Nie Yun's fists greeted him, his fists fought, he flew out, and his arm was torn.

"These Shura were created by King Shura alone, and each one is willing to die for him!"

Such a good opportunity is lost. Chaos Jin Ling was a little bit emotional, and turned into a human form again, exhaling breath.

The relationship between Shura and King Shura is as if the son treats the mother, and once the mother is damaged. They were also damaged, even if the mother died. As long as King Shura is okay, he can be resurrected as well.

"This trick can only be used once. I see what else you can do. Chaos Golden Order. I gave you a chance before. You do n’t know how to cherish it. Since you are trying to die, do n’t blame me. Turn! "

After avoiding the attack of the two, King Shura turned to look at Shura who died for him. His eyes were so cold that his palms became even more weird and he grasped them in the air.

The sky was immediately wrapped in a huge palm, and a special breath landed in the sky, enveloping everyone.

"what is this?"

Nie Yun dodged, but was also shrouded in it, but did not feel any abnormality. He was wondering. He suddenly heard a wheezing sound. Turning his head, he saw that the chaotic golden face was like gold paper, extremely ugly.

"This breath has power that I can't resist and can refine me ..."

He shouted anxiously.


Nie Yun was cold.

King Shura has refined the Chaos Golden Order many times and knows his weaknesses. Once he is completely in control, he will definitely lose!

"Stop me!"

With a long hiss, Nie Yun fought with both hands, and Beidou Sword and Han Bingjian stabbed at the same time.

Knowing that such an attack could not harm King Shura, what Nie Yun had to do was to disrupt his rhythm so that he could not refine the Chaos Golden Order.


King Shura had been prepared for a long time, his face was low, and his left hand continued to maintain the refining chaos gold order, and his right hand greeted him.


Turning his hands over the clouds and covering his hands with rain, like the world overturned, Nie Yun couldn't resist, his body was shaking for a while, and he was almost photographed.


At the same time, Shura Bone Sword cut sharply with a sharp chill.

Once hit this time, even if Nie Yun is ten times stronger, he will be killed directly. The situation is extremely serious and extremely dangerous.

"Nie Yun, I am chaotic and golden. Once born, I am destined to be refined. The reason why I insist on fighting is to find a stronger master. You ... meet my requirements and not be refined by him. Better to give you, open your soul, and accept my strength! "

When Nie Yun couldn't hold on, suddenly an idea came into his mind, and then he saw Chaos Jinling rushing straight up.


Unexpectedly, Chaoling Jinling would make such a decision at the most critical moment. Nie Yun knew for a moment that he knew that it was not time for nonsense, and his soul was open.

Chaos gold makes this class of treasures have an autonomous consciousness. If they want to refining quickly, they must open their souls. Although this is a bit dangerous, the situation in front of them can only choose to believe in each other.

"Hum, want him to refine? Really don't take me seriously!"

King Shura saw the decision of Chaos Jinling, sneered, and Shura's bone sword turned into a streamer and severely chopped it down.

This position is very tricky, and it is exactly where Chaos Jin Ling moves forward. If he continues to move forward, he will be sure to be cut, and if he looks at the power, even if he transforms himself, he will be spiritually destroyed.

Chaos Jinling stopped abruptly, and Daoguang Kan passed in front of him.


Where the blade of light crossed, the space was separated and torn in half.

"Come here!"

Splitting the space with one knife, Shura Wang sneered, grabbing again, the space where Chaos Jin Ling was located was swept up, and he himself was struggling like the items wrapped in the sheets, but could not leave anyway.

"Let him go!"

Unexpectedly, King Xiuluo actually had such strength. He turned the space into zero and cut it out stiffly. Nie Yun screamed and rushed straight to the past.

His direction was not Chaos Jinling but King Shura.

"He was taken by me, can you stop me?"

Facing the rushing Nie Yun, Shura Wang sneered, his eyes glared sharply, and his palms danced to the sky.


A dark energy mass spread from the depths of the void and slammed into Nie Yun's vest.

This force did not know where to enter the realm of the Tao, the whole world agitated was whining, and the air was flowing everywhere.

In the fierce atmosphere, the ancient buildings that had stood for many years have suffered great difficulties, turning them into ash and flying around.

"Shura is murderous? Resist!"

Feeling the power of the bombardment brought by the energy group, Nie Yun didn't dare to neglect, he quickly raised his hands, and the air of fusion within the body converged into a column and greeted him.

This energy group is composed of Shura killing gas. These killing gases are different from the ordinary killing spirits scattered in the spiritual realm. They are extremely pure and flame-like. As long as they stick to the body, they will make people change, difficult to control, and methods of confrontation. There is only fusion.

The vitality Dantian kept extracting strength, and many Dantians spun around in the body quickly, and roared.

Under tremendous pressure ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun is like a monkey being crushed under the Wuzhi Mountain, struggling to support it.

"I see how you stop me!"

Holding Nie Yun down for a moment, King Xiuluo exhaled a sigh of relief, showing a trace of unhealthy blood on his face. It seemed that the use of this trick had caused him great harm.

"I will refine this chaotic gold order now, and then kill you all!"

Turning his head to look at the chaotic golden order in the trapped space, King Shura's eyes showed fiery meaning.

"Do not……"

Watching King Shura's palm stretched out towards Chaos Jinling, Nie Yun's forehead was cramped, knowing that once it was allowed to succeed, the six heavens and earth would surely be in trouble. A roar in his heart, in anxiety, there was no flash of feeling in his mind. The secret of Sanqing, suddenly a slight shake!

ps: The third is here, ask for a few monthly and recommended tickets! !! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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