Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1245: Hell crystal

It is difficult to cross the heavens, and countless powerful people in the era have verified this. Although Nie Yun is confident that he can break through this barrier, it will take a long time and it will definitely not be allowed in time!

I have to reach the realm of heaven to perform the ninth Nirvana. How did these nine turns of Nirvana work?

"Not showing up ..."

The face of Xu Xuyi's expectation dropped down, apparently, even this result was strange.

According to the truth, scolding heaven should be the strongest force in this world. The ninth turn of Nirvana should be to break through this realm. Why isn't this the case?

"Senior, who created the nine-turn Nirvana in the end? Why don't you understand?"

Nie Yun asked in doubt.

He had previously said that the Nine Turns Nirvana and the Spiritual Rhythm Recipe are the crystallization of all the wisdom of their countless powerful men. He has also participated. If so, as a creator, he must find a way to motivate Nirvana.

"This set of exercises was indeed created by a group of old monsters of our year, but ... you have cultivated till now, and it has mutated and become different from our original creation! If you changed it before, even if you did not Feeling that the time of the ninth Nirvana, I can help you, but now, it is impossible! This set of exercises has been cultivated by you, has been completely integrated into your soul mark, and has become your unique cultivation method. No way to copy it! "

Xu Xu looked closely for a while, shaking his head and sighing.

"Becomes my unique cultivation method ..." Nie Yun didn't expect to get this answer, but was helpless.

Ninth Nirvana cannot be performed. This shows that it is a luxury to want to quickly break through the exclusion of heaven.

"Well, yes, you are the first talent owner. If you open a new Dantian now, it should greatly help the breakthrough!"

The room was dull for a while, then suddenly he had to narrow his eyes and think of a way.

"Yes, but I need a special flavor to open up Dantian ..."

Xie Nieyun was shaking his head, suddenly thinking of a place "Yes. Seniors, you follow me!"

After saying a stroke of his palm, he opened the space and jumped out.

Xu Xu didn't know what he was going to do. Followed closely behind.

After a short while, the two came to the inside of a mountain, where the cold air overflowed, making people tremble.

I found the thunderstone at the beginning. Snow Thunder Pool.

"Go in!"

He gave Xu an air of ice and a fire of fire. When I first entered the pool of water, I came to the vortex of the seal at the bottom and soon got into it.

As soon as Xu entered, Xu Xu was stunned by the sight in front of him. Obviously, despite his knowledge, he had never seen the scene in front of him.

"this is……"

"I don't know, these ices have the breath I need to derive Dantian, but unfortunately these stones are too cold. Even now they have the fifth form of ice master talent. They can't be removed!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

When he first entered here, he experimented again, and found that his strength was greater than the last time, but unfortunately, it was still impossible to take out those ore with special flavor from these cold crystal stones.

These stones are as if they came from the dreary hell. There is no way even if they scold the heavenly body and run into them.

"If I guessed right, is this the legend ... **** cold crystal?"

He Xu didn't answer his words, and he opened his mouth in surprise for a long time before exhaling, saying in a surprised voice.

"Hell cold crystal?"

"I also heard from others before that **** cold crystal is a special ore derived from chaos. It is extremely cold. Even if the immortal peak meets, it will be instantly frozen into ice cubes. Avoid! If you use this ore to cast weapons, the power can easily surpass the magical artifacts and become supreme! "

Must be brightened with both eyes.

"Beyond the magical artifact of magic?" Nie Yun smiled bitterly. "Even if it is the supreme treasure of building weapons, you must be able to pick it up and refine it. If you ca n’t even pick it up, how can you cast it ..."

These ices can even freeze the fairy power and the soul, but they can't get over. How can they be forged?

The idea is good, but unfortunately there is no way!

"This ..." Xu 臾 叟 then realized what was going on, and his face was ugly. "I don't know, there is no way, unless you reach the heavenly scree ..."

"I will not need these things when I reach the scolding realm ..."

Nie Yun shook his head.

With the help of one gasification and three clearings to reach the heavens, even Shura King was not afraid that using this thing as a weapon was useless.

"Hey, by the way, when it comes to refining treasures, from the time of the Big Dipper King, the most powerful one should be the Buddha of Shakya. We have no way to refine this thing, maybe he has any way!"

The two of them scratched their heads and stayed there for a while, then suddenly they had to think about something and laughed.

"Sakyamuni Buddha?" After hearing what he said, Nie Yun also remembered.

Buddhism Shakya Buddha is known as multiple treasures, there are countless treasures, and even the entire Buddhist world can be refined into a huge treasure. The refining means must be very clever.

If he comes, there should be a better way.

"Wait, I'll call him now and let him come over right away!"

I thought of this, I had to quickly take out the messaging jade card and send the message over.

After sending the message, the two stayed in the whirlpool for a while and found it was too cold, so they had to retreat and waited less than half a day outside, a burst of light came, and the Buddha Buddha came.

"Where is Hell Cold Crystal? Show me!"

As soon as he saw the two, the Buddha Shakya showed an anxious and excited expression, which was totally different from the monk's cultivation of the mind and nature.


Still Nie Yun led the way, the three came to the depths of the vortex again, seeing the crystal clear ice in front of them, Shakya Buddha almost jumped out of excitement. After a while, he said with a trembling voice: "So many hells Jing ... If the Big Dipper does not die, his wish will surely come true ... "

When I heard this, Nie Yun felt a little sad.

He had known the wish of the Big Dipper. It was very simple. It was to cast a weapon that surpassed the magical artifacts. It could ride chaos and explore the mysteries of Shura's extinction.

It wasn't because his casting level was low before, but the treasures in the heavens and the earth were too few, and he didn't find enough materials at all.

"You can train these **** cold crystals into weapons?"

Seeing his excitement gradually calm down, he must ask in doubt.

"I can make it, but it costs a lot of money, and at most, it can only be made offensive. It will be difficult to complete no matter how big it is!"

He hesitated for a moment, saying Shakyabha Buddha.

The immortal is divided into attack, defense, and court boat. The attack requires the least materials, and it is best to refine it. The defense is slightly more difficult. As for the palace, the boat requires more materials and energy, which is not something that ordinary people can complete. of.

Of the several forged artifacts refined by the Big Dipper, the Big Dipper is the most precious, followed by the tower master seal and finally the Beidou sword. As for the thing that he prepared before that surpassed the forged artifact, it was originally a boat and ship. It is easy to make, and there are not enough materials ~ www.readwn.com ~ In the end, it can only be abandoned halfway.

"Offensive ... that's all right!" Xu Yan thought for a moment and turned to look at Nie Yun. "What you are best at is a sword. Let the Buddha Shakya make a **** cold crystal sword for you, how about it?" "

"Give me?" Nie Yun froze.

"Your strength is the first in the world. You can only rely on you against King Shura, and you will not give it to anyone!" Xu Yan laughed.

"Then I will not let it go, yes, my best is the sword, as long as the size of the Beidou sword!" Nie Yun nodded.

It is useless to evade at this time. The six strengths in the whole world are the first of his strength. Even the Buddha of Shakya could not resist, and he was refined. Only in this way can he exert the strongest power of this weapon.

"Do you have any specific requirements?" Shakya Buddha asked.

"Specific requirements ... If it can be divided into three, it is best, so that when fighting with King Shura, you have a better grasp!" After thinking for a while, Nie Yundao 冇.

He practiced the three techniques of one gasification and three cleansing techniques, which can become three people and still maintain the combat effectiveness. If the sword can also be divided into three parts, and the three people shoot at the same time, the combat effectiveness will become stronger.

Of course, he also knows that making such weapons is difficult and almost impossible to complete.

"A sword that can be divided into three? This ... I can try it!" Said Shakya Buddha for a moment, thought.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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