Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1246: 3 treasures

"Can it be refined?" After hearing his promise, Nie Yun's turn was a little surprised.

"Although this weapon is very strange, it does not mean that it cannot be refined. However, I need a few things, I hope you can help to get it!" Said Buddha Buddha.

"What, as long as there are six in the world, I will take it as much as possible!"

I heard him confirm that Nie Yun was excited and nodded quickly.

Beyond the weapon of the magical artifact, he has only seen one, that is, the bone sword of King Shura. If you can really make something of this level, even if the opponent has a bone sword, don't be afraid.

"These are all in the chaos, but ... not very easy! The first one is [Seven Xia Fenghuang] of the Nether Phoenix King, and the second is [The Heavenly King's Code] of the Lord of Confucianism, As for the third is the essence of the Chaos God Beast [孰 湖], as long as you can find these three together, and cooperate with the crystals of hell, it is not difficult to make the sword you require! "

Sakyamuni Buddha said.

"Seven Xia Feng 翎? Heavenly King's Code? 孰 Lake God Beast?" Nie Yun heard some cyanosis.

He has never heard of these three things. How can I find them?

"I really need these three things?" Xu 臾 叟 seemed to have heard of it and looked shocked at the Buddha.

"Yes, it's indispensable!" Shakya Buddha nodded.

"It's no wonder that the weapons beyond the magic of immortality are difficult to make, and now it seems so!" Xu Yan shook his head with a bitter smile, and saw Nie Yun still bewildered and explained: "The Qixia Phoenix is ​​the ghost king of the Nether Phoenix. There is only one beautiful feather, which represents the status of the King of the Phoenix in the blood of the Nether Phoenix. It is extremely cherished, and it is very difficult to obtain it! The second sacred scripture of the monarch is a treasure transformed by the master of Confucianism with essence and blood. Suppression of Confucianism ’s luck is more valuable than the Spring and Autumn Ceremony! Before it was changed, it may be possible to ask for the righteousness of the Confucianism master, but now the Confucianism surrenders to King Shura. easily!"

"As for the third ... God Beast Lake! Its horse-like shape and bird wings. Human face snake tail, living in the depths of chaos, as to where it is. I do know, but it is violent and strong, although it has not reached Repelling heaven. But there is also half-step strength to repel heaven. Coupled with Lao Chao's strong defense, it is not easy to get its essence! However, your strength is strong. Compared to the first two, this should be simplest!"


I heard Xu Xi explain in detail, and then Nie Yun understood why he had this expression just now.

These three are not easy to tell the truth, solicit the feathers from the Nether Phoenix King. Ask the Lord of Confucianism for the Heavenly King's holy book, borrow the essence of blood from the Chaos God Beast ...

It is no wonder that weapons that transcend the magical artifacts are difficult to refine. Even the Big Dipper is sighing. Now it seems that it is not so simple, even if the main materials are not available.

Although these three things were complicated, Nie Yun really did it, and it should be able to be done, but he had to think about it, it was not worth it to get a weapon, but this consideration was not over yet. A sentence of Shakyabha Buddha made him I knew immediately that it had to be done.

"As long as these three things are in my hands, I can refine these **** cold crystals and take out these impurity ores ..."

Impurity ore? What Nie Yun needs is the special breath of these ore. If it can be taken out, the unknown method will work and continue to derive Dantian, it will be possible to break through the heavens!

"Okay, I'll look for these three things now!"

I figured things out, Nie Yun was not hesitating, stood up.

"The first and third things should not be a problem for you. The key is the second one. The Confucian world has surrendered to King Shura. It is very dangerous to go to Confucianism. If I really want to go, I will accompany you. I know a lot in the world, and it may help at critical moments! "

Seeing that they are firm, they must know that they cannot be discouraged.

"Hmm!" Nie Yun nodded.

The Confucian world intends to go back last time. The Confucian world must betray the human race. It must not go bright and upright. It can only pretend to move forward and put it at the end, and do a lot of preparation.


I made a decision, and Nie Yun had nothing to hesitate. He directly cut through the space and ran towards the demon world.

I want to find the King of the Nether Phoenix, naturally I will go to Yaohuang City. Last time I had a trip to the city.

It used to take more than ten days to reach the Yaohuang City, but now it's less than half a day before they have returned.

When I came last time, there was a long way to go to Xianjun. In order to get a few soul spirits, I had to be careful. But now, the six heavens and earths can only be feared by King Shura. He has different strengths and complete mentality. different.

However, he is not the kind of person who has the strength to do whatever he wants. He quietly enters the demon emperor city and does not go directly to the Nether Phoenix King, but arrives at the demon repair tower branch of the demon emperor city.

The demon repair tower branch of Xunhuang Imperial City has changed a lot from the previous one, but the flow of people is more and more powerful.

I took out the badge of the repairman, entered the tower smoothly, and slowly moved up in the direction of memory.

The person in charge of the Xunhuang Imperial City Expulsion Repair Tower is Zhu Xiu. He is an eight-pin expulsion repairman with great strength. He had been together for a while and was very familiar with it, so there was no need to ask someone to notice and walk.

"Master Xue Jinger and 荀超公 子 battled openly, go and see!"

"The son of Chao Chao is one of the famous sons of our demon emperor city. The strength has already reached the peak of Wangxianjing. Master Xue Jinger has a fight with him, and it is a bit of a loss!"

"What do you know, Master Xue Jinger, as the daughter of the High Priest of the Soul, is also very powerful, but he rarely shows it!"

"Isn't their relationship always good? Why are they fighting?"

"Where do we know these things, the battle of big men is definitely not easy!"

"Don't say, I really heard this, it is said to be because of an image crystal!"

"Image Crystal?"

"Yes, this thing can record images. It is said that this crystal was brought by the driving tower and recorded the style of Lord Nie Yun and King Shura. You also know that Lord Nie Yun is now the idol of all six people in the world. The son wanted to get this crystal, and Master Xue Jinger also wanted it. They didn't give up to each other, and they could only rely on the fight to determine the ownership ... "

I was going up and heard a series of muttering around. Nie Yun possessed the talent of Tian ear teacher Er Cong eyesight. He could not help blinking in his ears, which was strange.

I gave him the image of the battle with King Shura last time, but it was fake. How did he drive the tower to make this thing?

I thought about it for a while, and then it seemed that I was afraid that driving the tower to get this thing was to build momentum for himself and make people more convinced and more respectful of him.

Since it was something made by the driving repair tower, the image should be true, but Xue Jinger was fighting with others for this thing, which made him a little incredible.

In memory, Xue Jinger is a quiet and kind girl. She is enthusiastic and unwilling to fight with others. She fights with others for an image, which is not in line with her personality!

"Some brothers, where are the battles you said, can I go over and look at them?" Thinking of this, Nie Yun came forward and asked.

"Just upstairs, fair duel, anyone can go to see ~ www.readwn.com ~ I don't know about this, brother, you just came to Yaohuang City!"

多 A middle-aged man with a lot of words came over and smiled.

Although Nie Yun is very famous, he hasn't seen much, plus he came to the kingdom of the demon and deliberately disguised it. It wasn't his true colors. A world-renowned peerless powerhouse.

"I just arrived!"

"Hey, I know you just arrived, as long as the people in the demon city know this kind of thing, since you are here, I will take you there!"

The middle-aged man was enthusiastic. He came over with a smile, and patted Nie Yun's shoulder. He could not say how bold, if he didn't know that the two had just met, he would have been a friend for many years.

Seeing that this guy was familiar with each other, Nie Yun laughed bitterly and did not dodge.

I thought this was the only one that felt good in humans, but I didn't expect it to be in demon too.

"When it comes to the demon emperor city, my demon Darui knows the most, and is known as the best-seller. If you do n’t understand, just ask me! I know everything and say everything ... even if you want to be happy, brother Oh, I'll tell you where is the best, hehe ... "

Middle-aged **** Dari laughed.

This person seems to be hot, but in Nie Yun's eyes, why is he smiling so insignificantly?




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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