Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1255: Qing Yuefeng Liu Family


Just after Xu Yan's calculations, the door knocked outside the still room.

"Sir, steer in Xiaqingshan Pavilion!"

Immediately after the sound sounded, no one saw him, just listening to the sound knew that she was a beauty, Yingying Yanyan, very comfortable.

"Come in!"

The two sat down in a master and apprentice position, waving their hands, and the door opened.

A woman walked in. She was twenty-four or five years old. Her goose-yellow long coat revealed her beautiful figure, her skin was fair, and her appearance was not as good as that of Luo Qingcheng, but she was also one of them, especially her eyes. Silk, every move can make men crazy.

"I am in charge of Yan Liusu in Xia Qingshan Pavilion, and I hear what two adults are looking for. I don't know what it means!"

Yan Liu Su Yingying came over to reveal her figure perfectly, but to her disappointment, the two people in the room didn't look straight.

For the ordinary person, I'm afraid she's already fascinated and intoxicated. Because of this, she has got a lot of benefits. In this case, I can't help but be surprised.

She is also a person who has seen the world, and after the accident, she immediately realized that the two were not easy, and she quickly took care and respect.

"How much right do you have at Qingshan Pavilion?"

Seeing her recognize the situation so quickly, she must beard.

"Although I am young, the owner of Qingshan Pavilion is my uncle, and he has the right to decide 70% of the incident in the cabinet!" Yan Liusu stared at his eyes, knowing that the other party would have something to say when asked, so busy.

A Qingshan Pavilion of this size, with 70% of the right to decide the incident, is enough to illustrate its status.

"Very well, my teacher and apprentice are from the Liu family of Qingyuefeng. My name is Liu Yi and his name is Liu Xuan. This time I want to enter Tianjun Academy and find a chance to see Master Qiu Sheng. I wonder if you can arrange it!"

Must be lightly.

"Qing Yuefeng Liu's family?" Yan Liusu stunned, then surprised: "You mean ..."

"Yes, the Qing Yuefeng Liu family who was just destroyed by Shura! Only the two of us escaped. I want to see Lord Qiu Sheng and ask him why he would cooperate with Shura to destroy our Confucianism's foundation for hundreds of years!"

Xu Xuan's attitude was sad and angry.

"This ..." Nie Yun was startled, wondering what the other party was doing.

Qingshan Pavilion can make such a large scale in the Imperial City, and it must have a close relationship with high-ranking Confucian circles. Is this not equivalent to rushing to the muzzle?

"This is ... I dare not be the master of the subject without permission. I want to ask my uncle, and give an accurate answer, and please forgive me!"

Yan Tassel was also apparently stunned, shocked for a moment and bit his lip and clenched her fists.

"We can come here to trust the honor of Qingshan Pavilion, which is ten perfect levels of pure spirit. It represents my heart, and you go back and tell your uncle, we have enough sincerity, as long as Qingshan Pavilion can fulfill this wish , Despite the price! "

Xu shook his hands, closed his eyes, and stopped talking.

"Yes!" Took the perfect level of pure spirit. Yan Liusuo's fingers trembled involuntarily, and then backed out.

The perfect level of pure Lingdan can be refined by the Jiupin Exorcist. The whole Confucian world is not very much. He took out ten representative hearts. This generosity was even surprising and she was surprised.


Yan Liusu backed out, and the room continued to quiet.

"What's going on with the Qing family's Liu family?" Nie Yun frowned as he set up the seal.

"This Qingyuefeng Liu family was calculated by me using natural talents just now. It is a big family in the Confucian world. The ancestor Liu Yi is an old monster that has immortalized the immortal monarch! This family has been relying on various transactions over the years. Very rich, at least one-third of the pure Confucianism in the Confucian world was traded by the family from the repair tower! It can be said that this family controls the wealth of the Confucian world! "

Xu Zheng explained: "The Lord Qiu Sheng closed his country after returning to Shura. Blocking the Confucian world and the outside world, many of the family's industries have been hit, so they jointly wrote the letter, but the letter was intercepted before it reached the hand of the Lord Qiu Sheng. And their family was hit by Shura, and it was completely destroyed overnight! It is said that only the ancestor and the most outstanding disciple of the younger generation, Liu Xuan, survived. I don't know where I went and I was wanted everywhere! "

"Wanted? Are you posing as a wanted criminal?" Nie Yun stunned.

"Well, the identity I reported just now is indeed a wanted criminal. Only in this way can we have in-depth cooperation with Qingshan Pavilion and rely on their strength to enter the Tianjun Academy without knowing the ghosts. Otherwise, based on our strange faces alone, It's almost impossible to mix in! "

Must be martyrdom.

"What do you mean ... Aoyama Castle also feels dissatisfied with His Holiness Qiu's compromise with King Shura?"

Nie Yun wasn't stupid, and immediately understood the key to the matter.

The reason why Qing Yuefeng's Liu family was destroyed was because of Shura. Xu said that this identity can cooperate with Qingshan Pavilion in depth, indicating that the owner of Qingshan Pavilion did not want the Confucian community to return to King Shura.

If this is the case, Xu Xun's move is definitely the most perfect move, because it is a wanted criminal, so everything needs to be arranged by Qingshan Pavilion. It does not show up, and it can better accomplish what you want to do.

Ginger is old and spicy, deserves to be a master of ceremonies, and she has a good plan, first figure out an identity that can not go back, get the recognition and sympathy of the other party, and then let the other party do things for themselves.

"Surely dissatisfied, haven't you seen the horizontal plaque outside Qingshan Pavilion? Qingshan can't cover it, after all, go east! It shows a helpless attitude, which is enough to explain everything!"

Beard mustache.

"So it is!"

When he first saw the horizontal plaque, Nie Yun thought the other party had expressed his attitude towards life. Now it seems that he intentionally expressed his dissatisfaction with His Holiness Qiu Sheng, but as a man in the Confucian world, he had no choice but to feel helpless.

Seizing this key point, knowing the attitude of the other party, then posing as a wanted criminal, deducting one link from another, and gaining trust, surely a good way, more thoughtful than myself.

"If you want the other person to believe, you must have tokens. Let's just say they are from the Qing Yuefeng Liu family. Will they believe it?"

"That's why I want to choose Qingyuefeng's Liu family. If the entire Confucian community can say which family can come up with a perfect level of pure spirit, I'm afraid there is only the Liu family! Based on this, they will surely believe it!" Confident road.

"Huh!" Nie Yun came to understand.

Liu Jianeng's trading with the repair tower must have control over countless unknown resources. If there is really a perfect level of pure Lingdan, it is definitely the Liu family. This alone requires no more proof.

Just as Nie Yun and Xu Yan talked, Yan Liusu had come to a closed hall, lighting the incense of incense only for urgent matters.

"Tassel, what's going on and needs to ignite Chuanxiangxiang?"

"Disturb us retreat, if it's not a big deal, you have to tell us!"

"Don't you say that, as long as it is not a major event that endangers Qingshan Pavilion, you don't need to inform us, you can handle it yourself, and say, what the **** is it!"

Chuan Yinxiang ignited less than twenty breaths, and six people had come to the room, each of whom had the power of Wangxianjing, especially the middle-aged person sitting in the middle, reaching the half-step fairyland.

There is so little master in Qingshan Pavilion, even in the Confucian world, it is definitely a first-class force.

"Look at you!"

Yan Liusu didn't explain. With a flick of her finger, the ten pure miracles she had given to her flew to the crowd.

Six people took Ling Dan with a doubtful look on their faces, only glanced at the same time, revealing surprise.

The most powerful middle-aged person came to see it and asked in a questioning tone: "Qing Yuefeng Liu's?"


Yan Tassel nodded ~ www.readwn.com ~ What are they going to do? "The middle-aged man doubted him, and asked.

"They want to mix into Tianjun Academy and find His Holiness Qiu Sheng!" Yan Liusu said.

"Looking for His Holiness Qiu? I definitely want to tell them personally to His Holiness. It seems that they also have great opinions on the surrender of King Shura directly from the Confucian world! If so, we can use it!

The middle-aged man rubbed his eyebrows and immediately "understand" Xu Xun's meaning, slowly said.

"Isn't Liu's people wanted? Why dare to come to Juncheng, Yanzou? Are you sure they are from Liu?"

Suddenly an old man asked.

"Isn't it Liu's person? I saw it with my own eyes, flow rate, you invited them over!" Yan Zhong, a middle-aged man, waved.

"Yes!" Yan Liu Su went out. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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