Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1256: 2 ways

The copyright of this text is owned by the author of this book, and is for learning and communication purposes only. It has no other commercial purposes.

In the quiet room, Nie Yunxu was discussing a specific plan, and Yan Liusu came over. ※ WW. ※

I heard that Qingshan Pavilion saw them mainly and knew that things had basically developed in the direction of the design. The two stood up and walked behind Yan Liusu.

As a junior, Nie Yun naturally followed Xu.

The Confucian world pays the most attention to etiquette and honesty, and the younger generation must not be side by side with their predecessors. This is the rule and the etiquette style. It is easy to discover that this is not possible to disguise people in the Confucian world.

Sure enough, Yan Liu Su quietly observed, no doubt he, nodded secretly.

I soon came to the closed hall just now.

I can see that there are actually six kings of fairyland in the hall, and Nie Yun is also surprised.

When I came before, in order to prevent the grass from being scared, he did not glance with his soul, and did not know that there would be so many masters in a small Qingshan Pavilion.

Of course, these people are considered unattainable in the eyes of others. They really want to take a shot. They don't need to breathe a thousandth, and they can all die.

"I have a relationship with the ancestors of the Liu family, who are you, dare to disguise the Liu family!"

As soon as I saw the two, Yan Com, who was sitting in the middle, suddenly yelled.

"People disguising the Liu family? It seems that the cabinet owner has no intention of cooperating with us. Go to the Liu family you know and say goodbye!"

Xu 臾 叟 face does not change, turned and walked outward.

"Slow!" Before they left the room, the shout rang, and Yan Com stood up. "As far as I know, the Liu family is almost dead. You say that you are from Liu's family, and you have nothing to say. The evidence proves that we cannot believe it! "

"Evidence?" Must be a big move. Thousands of pure elixir flew in the air instantly, flying in the air, emitting a pure aura: "I don't know ... this is not evidence!"

这些 "These are ... perfect pure spirits?"

"Perfect level of pure Lingdan. It will greatly help us to break through. If I can get it, I can definitely break through the half-step fairyland in ten years!"

"Yes, I am afraid that only people in the Confucian world can come up with so many perfect levels of pure spirit ..."

Uh ...

I saw Chun Ling Dan flying out abruptly, everyone in the hall was short of breath, and many old people's eyes were all red.

Perfect level of pure Lingdan, not to mention the king of fairyland powerhouse. It has an effect on Xianjun. Such precious things can never be found. Seeing so much coming out at a glance, these people are calm and can't help showing the light of greed.

怎么 "What? You want to kill both of us and take the elixir?"

He had to sneer and fluttered. The powerful momentum was released.

He did not release his strength. It was disguised as an old monster who immortalized the immortal.

"Hehe, Brother Liu has been overly concerned. We at Qingshange know how to do business for nothing, we will not do such a thing!"

Although greedy in her heart, she felt the momentum of Xu 臾 叟 's body and drank the bath fire one by one. They also knew that there was something to grab. Some things couldn't be grabbed, Yan Yan's eyes flashed. Broke the deadlock and laugh.

"It's clear that doing business is the best. I just want to see His Holiness Qiu. If you can arrange these, the pure spirit is yours. If you can't complete it, you can take another shot. We will find another place where we can do it anyway! Our Liu family only There are two of us alone and widowed, nothing to be afraid of! "

I must be proud of it.

还有 What is terrible for a man whose family is ruined? At most one life!

I have to say that Xu Xuan's disguise is very similar, even if Nie Yun can't help but believe that he is the Liu family.

"Where Brother Xi said, we agreed, but ... Sacred Lord Qiu Sheng was injured, and the number of places at Tianjun Academy was sharply reduced. Even I couldn't figure it out. Only Tianjun Auction House was eligible for auction. If you want to get a place, you can only go there to buy ... so ... "

Ji Yan hesitated.

"This is simple. It is not convenient for us to show up. We hope to buy the quota in the name of your Qingshan Pavilion. How much pure spirit is needed. Although my Liu family is defeated, I am afraid it will be affordable!"

With a big wave of his hands, he had a rough look of wealth.

Ye Liu's wealth is indeed qualified to say this.

"Okay, I'm relieved with Brother Liu's sentence. Right, the auction is tonight. Does Brother Liu have any interest in going there? I will arrange it at that time, absolutely no one will find it!"

Wu Yan combed to see each other so proud, busy, and busy.

"Okay, let's meet and see if there are any good things to buy!"

Xu Xu nodded.

What was originally very complicated in Nie Yun's opinion was quickly negotiated and completed. It was so easy to say that the perfect level of pure Lingdan played a vital role.

Nie Yun returned to the quiet room, and Qingshan Pavilion's secret room entered the dull again.

"These two people are undoubtedly more like those of the Liu family. Now we have two ways to go!"

Knocked gently on the table, Yan Comb broke the silence, his face was low.

The elders heard that there were two ways to go, and they all looked up.

"These two ways?" An old man asked.

"The Liu family is the target of Shura's potential killing. If we kill these two men with a thunderbolt and give it to Shura, we will not only take away their treasures, but also get a large reward. ! "

Wu Yan combed slowly: "This is the first way!"

"The second way is to work with them, to help them as best they can, and to benefit from them. It is in the nature of our businessmen! What do you think of these two ways? What should I do?"

"It's a good idea to kill them and **** things, but once the news leaks, our Qingshan Pavilion will not only lose its reputation, but will also offend a Liu family for nothing!"

"What are you afraid of? Wealth insurance, the Liu family now have these two orphaned widows. What about offending them? If it succeeds, our assets in Qingshan Pavilion will definitely swell overnight, and we will be successfully promoted to the half-step fairyland. , The strength has increased! "

"I think it's better to do it. If you want to obtain benefits, you can't take any chances. It's really impossible. We can cooperate with Shura. The benefits will be evenly divided!"

"I don't think it's right. Since the two of them dare to come alone and show their wealth brazenly, there must be some unknown means. I'm afraid we won't get any benefits, or they will be wiped out!"

Uh ...

The crowd immediately split into two camps.

Ignoring the argument between the two viewpoints, Yan Com continued to knock on the table, with a disgust in his eyes.

素 These elder corpse vegetarian meals are useless when making real decisions. I do n’t know how this IQ can be cultivated to such a level. Shaking his head, his fingers stopped abruptly, and he looked up at the tassel on the side.

"Flow rate, talk about your opinion!"

The surroundings calmed down and everyone's eyes brushed together.

She Yan Tassel is not very young, but she has such great control over Qingshan Pavilion, which shows that she has a unique perspective on the judgment of things, which is by no means comparable to these wisdom cultivation elders.

"I think we should take the second path, and we still have to do better! Take the initiative to have a good relationship with the ancestor of the Liu family!"

Bian Yan fringed her long eyelashes and blinked a few times, her eyes lighted with wisdom.

"Oh? What's the basis, let's hear it!" Yan Shuang knew that she dared to say this, it was definitely not groundless, and her face showed a satisfactory appearance.

"This is the information when the Qing family's Liu family was destroyed ~ www.readwn.com ~ You can take a look!"

Wu Yan's tassel did not answer directly, but a little finger, a light curtain appeared in the air with text on it.

"The eight major half-steps of Shura, the monarch and the strong, united to encircle Qingyuefeng, and the Liu family fell!"

Only this line, not many words, makes people a little confused.

"We already knew the news, what's the use of you to say it again?" Said an elder who advocated the first way.

"Although this statement is short, it hides an important message!" Regardless of the elder's words, Yan Liushui put away the light curtain, took a step forward, and looked around for a week: "We all know that Shura's blood is higher than humans, and he can fight beyond level The half-step immortal monarch of Shura, and the humans who generally impact the immortal of the immortal are difficult to defeat. You should all be clear about this! "

"Of course this is clear. Shura is very fighting. This is an indisputable fact. If it was not because we did not have the hope of winning, how could Lord Qiu Shenghui turn to King Shura ..."

的 The old man who spoke just half spoke, suddenly realized something, stopped abruptly, his face was frightened, his voice was sharp, like a duck pinching his neck.

Ps: Three changes today, for recommendations and monthly tickets, hurry up and vote! !! !! !!




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