Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1257: Tianjun Auction

"Looks like you thought of it too!"

Seeing the expression of this elder, Yan Liusu laughed slightly, showing a charming appearance, which made everyone stunned. I have to say that this woman not only possesses superhuman wisdom, her appearance is even more beautiful and terrible.

"The eighth and half step fairy king level Shura shot at the same time, it must have been seamlessly arranged, and the result also made this Liu Yi and Liu Xuan escape, and it looks like there is no injury, of course, it may be that the injury has recovered, even if This is enough to prove that the two men's life-saving means are extremely strong. Do you think that we will be stronger than the Eighth Major Shura when we start together? "


Hearing this analysis, everyone understood it, and his face froze at the same time.

Although they both have the strength of Wangxianjing, they are a little bit like half step fairy monarch Shura. The latter did not retain the two, let them retain, no doubt foolish dreams!

"It is conceivable that the position of the Liu family during the heyday of Confucianism. His Holiness Qiu may have known that Shura had started, but due to King Shura's face, I dare not say more. What will Lord Sheng Qiu do when he knows? "

Yan Tassel continued.

"This ... In order to calm the imagination of other academies, or to show it to others, he will also use our sword and wipe out us at Qingshan Pavilion ... It proves that the Confucian world is still in his control and cannot kill each other ... "

Speaking of which, the elders who advocated the first path just changed.

"Whether Lord Qiu Sheng will do this, we are just guessing, but we really want to do something with these two people, I'm afraid that before Lord Qiu Shengyi's shot, the whole army will be wiped out!"

Yan Liusu held her hair slowly and said slowly, "How strict is the protection of the King City? I don't need to say more. Everyone understands that in such a tight situation, they not only came in brightly. They also came to Qingshan Pavilion and were not found. If you do n’t have enough hole cards, do you think they really want to die? So ... if I guessed right, this Liu Yi, the current cultivation is just pretending, the real strength, has broken through that weight to reach the fairyland! "

"This ..." Hearing the analysis, everyone was sweating.

In order to reach their realm, Xiu will have the foresight of danger, and those with the same strength come over. Can even be sensed. The two entered Qingshan Pavilion. Even when they came to the front, everyone didn't notice that it was enough to prove that the strength of the opponent was far beyond them. Reached another height.

"Well, in the future, the Qingshan Pavilion will be solely responsible for tassel. Anyone dare to say a nonsense, don't blame me!"

Seeing everyone understand, Yan Com stood up and waved, "Tassels, you are directly responsible for this, you don't need to notify me. Whatever you need to talk about, if someone blocks it, deal with it directly!"


Yan Liusu knew that his uncle had asked this question deliberately in order to empower himself, so that no one else could say anything, and quickly nodded. A flush of excitement grew on her face.

"I'll do it now!"

Deserves to have the highest authority, less than half an hour a gold invitation appeared in front of Nie Yun two, is the Supreme Card of Tianjun Auction House.

Tianjun Auction House is not only the largest auction house in Juncheng, but also the largest in the entire Confucian world. The Supreme Card is not available for money, which represents identity and status. Qingshan Pavilion can get it out.

It soon got dark, and under the leadership of Yan Liusu, the two walked to Tianjun Auction.

Without a word, he entered the auction house smoothly.

This auction house is indeed not accessible to ordinary people. It is extremely defensive and can participate in the auction. All of them are earth-shattering figures in the Confucian world.

"This auction was initiated by Tianjun College. All eight colleges in Confucianism participated, and even Xianjun Qiang came to participate in the auction!"

Entering one of the private rooms, Yan Liusu explained that when she talked about Xianjun, she didn't react much when she saw the two, and confirmed her thoughts even more deeply.

"In addition to Tianjun College, there are eight colleges in the Confucian world, which have the same status as the top ten families in the spiritual world. The last three colleges, Dayi, Damo, and Daquan, which were in trouble at Liyuege last time, are among them!

Nie Yun was wondering, Xu Yan's voice sounded in his ear.

The Confucian Tianjun Academy occupies the center, and the other eight major colleges, like the local princes, occupy eight major directions.

"Those big men are coming this time?"

After explaining with him, he must pretend to be a casual question.

"This time ... we don't know the specific big men who are coming, but according to some clues, the masters of the Dalin Academy, the masters of the Daxin Academy, His Holiness, His Holiness ... may all come!"

Yan Liu Su's work is very detailed, it seems to know that they will have this question, and prepare the news in advance.

"Holy Lord? Holy Lord?" Xu frowned. "What else is there besides the auction name that is worth the shot of these two old monsters?"

His Holiness and His Holiness are the surviving powers of ancient times. In terms of status, they are not lower than the original His Holiness, and they have the strength of the immortal king in the middle and late stages. A big name.

Such a big man never appeared, and it was a little weird to participate in an auction at this time. The only explanation was that this auction was worth their shot!

"Sir, the news is so loud that you really don't know?"

After hearing the question, it was strange for Yan Liusu's turn this time.

The precious objects auctioned at this auction, not to mention in the city, even in the entire Confucian world, as long as the Confucian people do not know, how does he look ignorant?

"I and I have been fleeing. I haven't had time to hide. How could I know!"

Seeing her doubts, she hummed.

"Oh ... it's reckless!" Yan Liusu came to understand, exhaled, and yes, those who have been fleeing, just wondering if they can survive, how can they pay attention to these!

This thought flashed away, and Yan Liusu quickly recovered his previous wisdom. "This time it is said that there is a chaotic **** animal cub for sale ..."

Speaking of the two for a while, I quickly explained: "Chaos God Beasts are super spirit beasts living in a chaotic world. They are born with strong bloodlines. As long as some God Beasts reach adulthood, they have the power of Fairy King! Cub, but if you can adopt and adopt it, as long as you raise it, you will have an extra fairy prince, so the news spread, the entire Confucian world was a sensation ... "

"You can catch the cubs of Chaos God Beasts, it's amazing!"

Nie Yun and Xu Yan looked at each other and were shocked.

Neither of them is strange to the chaotic beast. The adult beast is indeed terrible, but this species is scarce, and it is hidden in the depths of the chaos. It can catch the cubs, even Nie Yun feels incredible.

"What **** beast?"

Admired in his heart, Xu Yan asked casually.

The two of them have no worries about the divine beast. There are several heads in the family who don't talk about it. Even if they buy it, they don't know how many years they have raised, and it will not work.

The original questioning was just a casual conversation, and I forgot about it, but when they heard Yan Liusu's name, they almost jumped up at the same time.

"It's the **** beast!"

"What? What are you talking about again?" Both eyes widened at the same time.

"Oh, it's a kind of beast named Luhu. I was surprised to hear this name when I first heard it. It's not the life of the six heavens and earth ..."

Yan Liu Su thought they were shocked by the name, but they didn't know they were going crazy.

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Among the three treasures required for the Buddha to make weapons, the first is the colorful phoenix, the second is the Heavenly King's Code, and the third is the essence of the Chaos God Beast Lake!

Now that Tianjun Holy Book is not available, I didn't expect to hear about the news of the lake first, which is really a pleasant surprise.

Originally, the two participated in the auction, only with the thought of looking at it casually. They had the so-called extra name, and did not intend to make a shot. How could they have thought that there was a Laohu **** beast, and it was really their own will!

"This Laohu must be bought ..."

Nie Yun nodded to Xu Yan.

Just kidding, I can buy and buy, who is looking for in the chaos!

ps: The second time is, how many monthly tickets do you have? Monthly tickets are the driving force for Laiya's renewal. .

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