Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1274: I will not go to **** who will go to hell!

"I have no friends, no loved ones, no friendship, love ... what's the point of being empowered? No one shares, no one understands, and some are just afraid of and obey ... Are all my actions wrong?"

King Shura's expression was awkward, and he was in the magic.

He is not only He, but even Xu Xu, Lingtai Yue, Shakya Buddha, etc. on one side, all have dignified expressions and are lost in thought.

Qiu Nieyun's words not only make sense, but also mixed with the effect of fairy sounds, letting people fall into it, thinking about the meaning of life and the nature of life.

"Yeah, what do we do ..."

"What is the real pursuit of being alive ..."

The pity moon sword's real sword intention was displayed, and it would have an impact on the soul. Although everyone was not within the attack range of Nie Yun's swordsmanship, they saw this set of swordsmanship in their own eyes, and still fell into contemplation, unable to extricate themselves.

"No! What's wrong with me? My divine King Shura, the King of Chaos, extinction is the evil that will destroy the world and re-evolve chaos. I am right, I do n’t need friends and loved ones, I do n’t need friendship, love, I want absolute power! "


Suddenly, an explosion sounded, and the eyes that had been bewildered became firm again. King Shura's whole body shook, and the air surged out, blocking the persecution like a silk sword.

"It's a pity!"

Seeing that King Shura regained his heart at a critical moment, Nie Yun secretly said.

He did use offensive tactics just now. As long as he can persist for a while, he can kill him. I did not expect that this guy was determined and responded at the most dangerous moment.

"Nie Yun, you are a bullshit. Do you think I can believe it? I am a noble ancestor of King Shura. How can I become friends and lovers with your ordinary people and ordinary people? The true pity moon sword is so powerful!"

He awoke soberly that King Shura was drinking coldly. Shura Bone Sword reversed, instead of casting Pity Moon Sword, but forming a vortex, full of ghosts.

Sword technique unique to King Shura!

哎 "Ah, it seems like a tough fight!"

Seeing that the other party was sober, Nie Yun knew that the trick just now was useless.

People like King Shura. Not only the strength is strong, but also the mind is firm. It is almost impossible to destroy!

He calmed down, Dawn Light turned into a sword shadow, and Nie Yun rushed up.

He is also a martial arts talent and a Kendo talent. I also have a sharp sword in hand. Although many tricks have not been specifically considered, every move is in line with the meaning of the road, and it is seamless.

King Xiuluo scolded the peak strength of the heavens in the later period, and even devoured the heavens and the swordsmanship, and the two of them fought. Chaos boiled completely, and the dark cracks kept spreading, making Lingtai Lingyue and others unable to intervene.

In a blink of an eye, the two super powerhouses have played thousands of moves, giving each other up, regardless of the outcome.

"Nie Yun wants to kill King Shura, and it is difficult for King Shura to kill him. It seems that these two guys are playing against each other. Unfortunately, our current strength is too low to play at all. Otherwise, Nie Yun will be better than King Shura Solve the hidden dangers! "

Everyone watched the battle quietly before, Yan Zhi shook his head.

Among them, Yantai Lingyue has the strongest strength. However, in the chaos, she could not exert her strongest strength, and she was a little far from the current Shura King and Nie Yun. Even if she rushed up, it would not help, and Nie Yun would be messed up to take care of her. .

As for Xiaolong and others, they are only half step away from the sky, and the difference is even worse.

"Isn't Nie Yun practicing a one-practice Sanqing trick? Why not show it off? At this time it becomes three. King Shura is definitely not an opponent!"

I suddenly said.

He was a little strange. After playing for a long time, Nie Yun has not performed a one-gas three-strike trick. Once it is used, King Shura will certainly be difficult to resist.

"It's not that Nie Yun didn't show, but that King Shura didn't give it to him at all!"

Shakya Buddha face solemnly, slowly said.

"What do you mean?"

Yan Yanzhi did not see the abnormality and asked strangely.

"Although Nie Yun suddenly opened the Three Thousand Dantians, his strength increased and he successfully broke through the Heavenly Kingdom, but his strength was still too weak. Only in the early stage of Heavenly Kingdom, and King Shura apparently reached the peak of the late Heavenly Kingdom. The battle between the two, In our opinion, the forces are evenly matched. In fact, King Shura is pressing Nie Yun to fight. If he could not predict the moves in advance, and the combat experience of the martial arts division, he must be injured now! "

Yantai Lingyue has the strongest strength. I have seen this problem for a long time, and my face is not very good-looking.


I heard her explain. The others noticed that Nie Yun's current situation is really bad. He was being beaten and attacked repeatedly by the other party, which left him busy and confused.

"This is not the point yet. Chaos Ocean is the birthplace of King Shura. His blood is weird. Fighting here not only keeps his energy from failing, but also keeps improving with the fight! Although the two of them have not been fighting for a long time, you carefully See, has King Shura's strength increased a lot? "

Sakya Buddha continued.


Everyone noticed that under careful observation, the strength of King Shura did increase slowly. Before speaking, you must observe carefully to see that Nie Yun is at a disadvantage. Now, the disadvantage has gradually increased and become more and more obvious. .

"Nie Yun has the talent of the vitality division, the power is endless, but the fighting intensity of the two is too high, the consumption of mental power is too great, I am afraid that if you persist, you will have a greater disadvantage and will undoubtedly lose!"

The shaky Buddha Buddha had a solemn face.

"Yeah, you must think of a way, otherwise, once Nie Yun fails, Tiandao and Liudao will also face the end of collapse!"

I have to face like a bitter gourd.

I just saw hope, and everyone didn't want to face destruction again.

What's more, the Six Realms of Heaven and Earth have destroyed two realms, and only four remain.

"There is only one way now, find a way to bring them to the Buddha world!"

The crowd was dull for a while, and the Buddha said suddenly.

"No way!" He had to change his face when he heard his decision, and hurriedly refused.

"We all know the power of King Shura. Even if Nie Yun has the upper hand now, it is impossible to kill him. The only way is to seal it. Only by trapping him can we seal it. We in the Buddhist world have done well for hundreds of millions of years. With the preparation for sacrifice, this time, let us Buddhism solve the hidden dangers for the heavens and earth! "

The Buddha's eyes were firm and unshakable.

"Sakyamgar, you still think about it carefully. We have Nie Yun, the first talented owner, who already has an advantage. We can think of other ways to seal the king of Shura. Is it necessary to sacrifice the Buddha world?"

I must discourage again.

"Other methods? Is there any other method?" Shakya Buddha shook his head and looked calmly: "Don't advise, I will not go to **** who will go to hell, His Holiness Qiu Sheng can bear so much, and finally died brilliantly, I waited for so many years There is nothing left for the old monsters! "


Hearing the words of Buddha Shakyabha, everyone knew that his determination was fixed, and no matter how difficult it was to change, everyone looked sad.

Now Nie Yun is fighting against King Shura. If he wants to win, he can only enter the remaining four realms of the Six Roads of Heaven and Earth. When he comes here, the talents of Lingtai Tianyue Master can take advantage of ~ www.readwn.com ~ Coupled with King Shura's lack of chaos, the odds of winning will increase a lot.

He wants to completely kill King Shura. The remaining four realms are most likely to succeed in the Buddhist realm!

The Buddhism world began to be laid out hundreds of millions of years ago. Once it succeeds, it will definitely solve this big hidden danger. However, since then, the entire Buddhist world will probably be dispelled, and eventually the Buddha world will disappear!

"Lingyue Donor, you are the strongest among us. Please send a message to the Nie Yun donor and let him introduce King Shura to the Buddha world!"

He made a decision, and the Buddha Buddha no longer hesitated and folded his hands.

"Okay!" Lingtai Lingyue knew that this was the only way, so he didn't say much anymore. He moved his spirit and passed on Nie Yun.

If no one else has reached the scolding heaven, if he rushes to Nie Yun, he will surely be learned by King Shura. It will be difficult to attract him.

"Go to the Buddha world?"

Nie Yun suddenly heard the voice of Lingyue in Yantai during the battle, and his body shuddered, and she immediately understood the determination of Buddha Shakya and sighed.

The ancient and holy ancients, the great benevolence and righteousness, at the critical moment, they are the real life-saving benefactors of heaven and earth!

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◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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