Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1275: Half a step into the heaven (on)

"King Shura, you can't kill me today, I can't kill you either, let's just stop there, there will be a period!"

I want to understand the truth, Nie Yun knows that this is the choice of Buddha Buddha and the best way to seal the king of Shura, and he refuses to refuse. The two swords faltered and they fled.

He came to Xu Yan and others, and in the palm of his hand, they took them all into Tandan.

"Look, let's resolve our grievances today!"

King Xiuluo didn't know their purpose, and thought that Nie Yun was afraid to run away, and his bone sword drew up and followed closely.

Nie Yun and others jealous of him. He felt that he practiced fast. He even jealous of Nie Yun. In front of this guy, the promotion speed was much faster than him!

King Shura is a super strong figure in countless eras. I do n’t know how long I have lived. I know what swallowing is the most helpful to Xiu. How much can I be promoted. My countless memories and experience are not more than the boy in front of me.

他 In his opinion, as long as Nie Yun can't be killed today, I'm afraid it won't take long for him to be able to ride the wind and break the waves and repair it directly to the front!

The two of them were jealous of each other, and they both wished to resolve their grievances today. Naturally, no one wants to let go of one. One of the whistling flees in front and the other chases behind.

Originally, Nie Yun's speed was far less than that of King Shura, but whenever the latter was about to catch up, he threw out an energy bomb. Although the energy bomb compressed for too little time and did not have much power, the latter was still jealous. Endless, do not dare to approach too much.

On the Ming face, the battle between the two kings Shura could prevail, in fact he also knew that the pressure was too tight, and Nie Yun could pull him all together!

This is the case of the Five-Claw Dragon Emperor in the last era, and his strength is obviously inferior to him, but he is dragged down together.

The two of them were extremely fast. Dozens of breaths and saw the Buddha world appear in front of them. Nie Yun swiped a large hand, opened a passage, and walked in.

"King Shura, there will be a period!"

I did not turn around after speaking. Go straight into it.


Seeing that Nie Yun rushed into the world of Buddhism, King Shura stopped, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and I didn't know what to think.

He has a great advantage in chaos. In the realm, he may not be much stronger than Nie Yun. If the opponent adds Lingtai Lingyue, it is unknown if he wants to win. 『* 言 * 情 * 首 * 发』

"Okay, I'll kill you in the Buddhist world today. You have a hole card. Don't I have a hole card?"

Suddenly. There was a cold color flashing in King Shura's eyes, and behind Nie Yun, he went straight into the Buddha world.

The sky of the Buddha world is as strong as before. Shura's murderousness was extremely thin, and Nie Yun released Xu Yan and others as soon as he entered.

"Amitabha, I'll get ready now, and there is Lao Nieyun, the donor!"

The Buddha Shakyamatsu folded his hands together, the body surface was rotating, and "嗖!" Disappeared from the crowd. After a while, a bright bell rang in the direction of Lingshan.

"Nie Yun, I'll help you this time!"

Huantai Lingyue came over. Hold his palm.

Only then did Nie Yun realize that her palms were sweaty.

It seems that the battle just now, although she was watching from one side, she was not at all relaxed, and her heart was full of tension.

"Relax, evil is overwhelming. We will be able to kill King Shura and rescue my brother!"

Nie Yun smiled and comforted, looked up and looked out.

"Really? I really want to see how you killed me! Shura killed!"

King Shura came from the volley, and Shura's bone sword shook, emitting blood-red rays of Tao, each like a bloodthirsty Shura, intertwined with light shuttles, densely covered by warp and weft, covering Nie Yun.

Xiu Shura majored in killing the Tao. This sword secretly fits the original intention, just like the sword of destruction.

"Landscapes, Sun and Moon, Shuttle! Off!"

Yantai Lingyue fluttered into the heavens of the Buddha world, and in the cold drinking, his arms were raised, and a white light fell from the sky, and instantly met with Shura's killing sword.

"One sword created!"

Xie Nieyun also stepped forward, the dawning sword was like welcoming the dawn, reflecting the white light in the sky, a sword waving, full of vitality.

In the vitality, there is a hint of the coldest killing, like a flying needle piercing the eyebrow, which is difficult to dodge.

容易 Destruction is easy, creation is difficult. The way of destruction and the way of creation are completely two concepts. When Nie Yun was performing his swordsmanship before, he realized vitality and successfully created the sixth trick of Pity Moon Sword.

Creation has vitality, but there is also death in the vitality. This kind of death is not killing, but the natural law of birth, illness, and death, which makes people unable to resist.

"Good trick!"

Although King Xiuluo was the enemy, he still felt the power of this sword, and he sighed with admiration, and his killing was better in his eyes.

He just fought for such a short time, not only the opponent's strength increased greatly, but even such a powerful sword trick can be realized. If he let him go on like this, I am afraid the consequences are really unthinkable!

"Shura is breaking!"

King Shura ’s body was raised again, and the muscles on the surface were like scales, forming blood-red armor. The huge palm slammed into the sky and greeted him. With the Shura bone sword, the entire Buddha ’s ground collapsed. .


This moment not only blocked the creation of Nie Yun's sword, but also forced the sword back, making it impossible to resist.

"I want to run the order for Heaven, I want to set the trend for Hong Huang! I want to have joy for the students!"

Yantai Lingyue raised her eyebrows, her voice tearing her vitality, like the sound of a avenue, ringing through everyone's heart.

The heavenly way in the world of Buddha Buddha seemed to hear her words. The endless power of the mighty shore rushed into her body, making her extremely tall, like a giant in the wilderness, holding the momentum of the sky, and overturned.


King Shusuo was hit with a single palm and fell heavily to the ground. The ground immediately cracked a huge crack of hundreds of millions of kilometers. The lava and seawater boiled, and the entire Buddhist world fell into the edge of destruction.

The strength of scolding the sky mirror has exceeded the limits of the entire world. A single strike will have an irrecoverable impact on the world. The battle of the three men doing their best is even more incredible. Even if the space of the Buddha world is stronger than the previous world, it is still difficult contend.

"All beings in the Buddhist world listen to my orders, stabilize the Buddhist world, and transform into heaven!"

He shivered on the ground. When the Buddha world collapsed at any time like Confucianism and Taoism, a bright Buddhist horn rang out, shaking everyone's heart.

"Life is impermanent, fate is unknown, burn the residual soul, and remedy the common people!"

The loud sounds of numerous Buddhas, like rising clouds, slowly converge, blinking in time filling the entire Buddhist world, with the masters of the sound burning one by one, the Buddhist world, which was on the verge of collapse, gradually consolidated, and the space was incredible. .

"Although all the beings in Taoism and Confucianism have been burned and sacrificed, they are almost half of them with rebellious psychology. Unlike in the Buddha world, all people are united in their hearts and all follow the orders of the Buddha. Let it break through the sky mirror! But the Buddha also knew that even if he broke through, he could not defeat King Shura, and blessed this power directly in the Buddhist world, and sacrificed it to the heaven of the Buddha world! "

Looking at the changes in front of him, Xu Yan's face was low: "Since then, the world of Buddha has become extremely stable, and the heavenly path has become more powerful than usual. Like a sealed cage, King Shura wanted to go out, almost impossible! "

"It is indeed a good way to seal King Shura in this way ~ www.readwn.com ~ But ... the cost is too great!" Yan Zhi's face was ugly.

She is telling the truth.

Making the space of the Buddha world more stable and the heavenly path stronger is a good way to trap King Shura, but the price is the sacrifice of all monks in the entire Buddha world, and the entire Buddha world will perish as a result!

"This is the path they choose, no complaints!"

Xu Xu's eyes were deep and I didn't know what to think. Although he was sighing, he had a vicissitudes of taste.

"In order to kill King Shura ... Is this really worth it?" Xue Jinger on the side stared blankly, mumbling to himself, wondering what to think.

"Death for justice, for the ideal in your heart, it is worth it anyway!"

Xu 臾 叟 took the conversation and continued to look up at the fighting sides.

轰轰 轰轰!

With the increase in the strength of the heavens of the Buddha world 冇, the strength of Lingtai Lingyue also became stronger. With the cooperation of the two men, King Shura lost the initiative and was no longer fierce.

"King Shura, today is your death. Revenge for many souls in Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism!"

Huantai Lingyue raised her eyebrows, her feet rushing with a torrent of force, and her jade hand lifted up, rushing straight up.




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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