Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1276: Half a step into the heaven (Part 2)

Six heavens and earth, plus the Buddha world at this time, has destroyed three of them, and hundreds of millions of souls died because of the hatred of the Shura king in front of him. .

Yantai Lingyue at this time represents the heavenly way of the Buddha world, punishing the criminals who harmed the soul, and the majesty is irresistible.

"King Shura, today I see how you can escape!"

Nie Yun must also raise his eyebrows, his eyes are as cold as ice.

Qi Shuguang's sword-shaped sword-shaped mang swallowed out, as if cutting the heavens. Sanqian Dantian ran fast, a series of thick immortal forces sprayed from the whole body's acupuncture points, a sword pressed, and the world collapsed.

"You think you can kill me like this? I look down on King Shura too much. Do you really think that I dare to enter the Buddhist world without any arrangement? Dream it!"

Under the siege of the two masters, Shura King did not feel the slightest frustration, but became more and more powerful, as if he had calculated this ending long ago, his eyes flashed with strange light.

"Buddhism is the smallest of the six heavens and earth. The power of heaven is not as good as that of Confucianism and Taoism. It would not have strengthened my strength by swallowing it. Now it is different. The Buddhist heavenly law that has burned so many souls has surpassed Confucianism. The world, even the spirit world, swallowed at this time will definitely allow me to go further! "

The ringing utterance of the bright words was exciting, and King Shura's body swelled again, standing upright with his hands in the air, as if he wanted to grab the heavenly engulf again.

"Want to devour the heavens of the Buddha world? See if you have that strength!"

Lintai Lingyue knew his thoughts, and the black eyes narrowed. The palm of the hand was gently swayed, and a great force hit the shore in the direction that the king's palm extended forward, like a black flame. When I touched my body, it smelled of a foul smell.

"Fire of Heaven!"

When he saw the flame, he must exclaim.

The fire of Tiandao and the flames of Tiandao's anger can destroy everything in the world. I did not expect that Lingtai Lingyue actually mobilized Tiandao to spray it out.

Let's sizzle!

The fire of heavenly things that fell on nothing fell on King Shura, and the whole person was shrouded in it.

"Yantai Lingyue. The strength of your cooperation with Tiandao is amazing. If I hadn't prepared for it, I would definitely have been burned to death by the fire of Tiandao. Unfortunately, this flame not only can't burn me to death, it will also make me dead. The Buddha ’s originally powerful heavens weakened and just swallowed up by me! ”

When everyone thought that King Shura in the flames would be burned to death, suddenly a laugh came out. Then a huge tree appeared somewhere. Cross the void and connect deep into the heavens.


I was hit by this tree, and the heavenly way in the deep void was the same as the Confucian heavenly way before, and I sent out a miserable shout, and turned into the strong power of the group along the tree body and instilled into King Shura.

"It is an ancient tree of Bodhi! I forgot about it ..."

When I saw this scene, Nie Yunxin suddenly cooled down.

The ancient Bodhi tree is a life in chaos. It was precisely because of this ancient tree that the Buddha of Shakyar had established the Buddhist world. It can be said that the foundation of the Buddha world is this tree!

King Shura stole the tree from the beginning, and thought he would lose it. The Buddhist world is still intact. Now it seems that this is not the case at all. The heavenly path of the Buddhist world itself is a derivative of the ancient Bodhi tree, which is just restrained by it!

In other words, Buddha Shakyamuta and others burned themselves and used tonic for the heavens of the Buddha world. In fact, it was the benefit of King Shura. Instead, he used the ancient Bodhi tree to easily refine it!

"It's over, it's really over ..."

Seeing this scene, Xu's face turned pale.

I saw that the winning ticket was in my hands, but did not expect that he was prepared.

No wonder it can destroy countless epochs, no one can compete, not only is it strong, but no one is alone in ingenuity!

I knew early on that there might be such a method in the Buddhist world. I stole the ancient Bodhi tree in advance and offered it at a critical moment. How could it be so strong?

All of a sudden, everyone was frustrated, and King Shura in front of them gave them a sense of impossible victory.

"It's not time to give up yet, Yueer, I'll stop it, and you will find a way to swallow up the heaven of Buddha!"

Xun's shock flashed away in Nie Yun's mind, then his eyes narrowed, and there was a vicious meaning in his eyes.

If you give up now, you really lost!

Must find a way to stop it!

He took a deep breath, Nie Yun's body swelled, and he instantly became the top one. He came to King Shura in two steps and was blown out with a punch.

"Want to stop me? It's too late!"

There was a playful smile in King Xiuluo's eyes. Suddenly, his arms were raised, and the ancient Bodhi tree in his palm was drawn down.


The ancient trees ran for thousands of miles, and they fell on the body and took out bloodstains. Nie Yun did not dodge, grabbed it with his backhand, and the force bombarded again.


There was a soreness in his arm, and Nie Yun flew away. The two collided, and he was no longer an opponent.

突破 "Breakthrough!"

With a long hiss, King Shura hissed, the space behind him was distorted, and the original sturdy Buddha world collapsed again and again. The powerful and inexplicable momentum passed from his body. In a blink of an eye, the surrounding aura was swallowed up, forming a huge black hole. .

Click! Click!

The power of scolding the peak of the later stage of the goggles has made a breakthrough again, as if it reached a new level, unattainable and powerful, it makes people look at it, they feel pain in their eyes and cannot look directly.

"Ha ha, finally succeeded! My countless epochs destroyed the heavens just to break through this realm. I didn't expect to finally succeed under your persecution!"

The power of the body ceased, King Shura exclaimed excitedly, bowed his head and looked at Nie Yun, his eyes turned into electricity, like another world, a universe.

"This ... this is really over ..."

He originally wanted to stop King Xiuluo, and found an opportunity for Yantai Lingyue to divide it from the heavenly path of the Buddhist world. At this time, he found that King Xiuluo had swallowed up the entire heavenly path successfully. Not only that, he also made a breakthrough again and became more powerful!

"There is no need for the Buddha world!"

完毕 After swallowing up the heavens of the Buddha world, the rules of the Buddha world were broken and gradually began to collapse. King Shura sang with a cold drink. The original Buddhist world, which was so stable, blinked into chaos again like the Tao world.

"One Gas, Three Qings, One Sword Destruction, One Sword Chaos, One Sword Creation!"

Suddenly, Nie Yun shook his body and once again exhibited the unique skill of igniting Sanqing. The Shuguang Sword turned into three, and each avatar held a sword. At the same time, the three swords shot out and merged in the air. The power was like extinction.


King Xiuluo sneered, and his fingers volleyed.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

If the three major avatars were severely hit, Nie Yun's throat became sweet and he could no longer maintain the avatars. The three figures reunited together.


Tochigi's vitality repaired the injury, and was about to rush forward to fight again, and then heard a crisp sound of the palm, looked down, and looked ugly.

I saw that the dawning sword beyond the level of the magic fairy was full of cracks, and with the sound of a crisp sound, it fell to the ground and turned into dust.

The Dawning Sword that the Shakya Buddha sculpted at countless costs was broken with a single finger!

What state did King Shura reach? What is this strength?

"Xian Jun Shang ~ www.readwn.com ~ scolding the sky mirror, heavenly repulsion is because the person who understands this kind of power in the sky, he can not control, has the ability to hurt him! But there is another kind of people, even scolding the sky mirror On top of that, their strength is stronger, they have the ability to kill the heavens and devour chaos. Such a strong man is called a 诛 天 强者! He can kill the heavens! And I ... it is the last step! Now it is half a step 诛Heaven! "

In the eyes of King Shura, the light flickered, as if explaining something, and as if talking to himself, the excitement overflowed in words.

"Half-step 诛 heaven"?

Xie Nieyun became cold all over.

The Shura King who scolded the sky mirror could not be killed. How could half-step sky heaven kill?

The life level has changed and it is impossible to overcome!

只要 "As long as I devour all of you, I can definitely take the last step and achieve the highest way! You are about to witness the birth of a celestial powerhouse! Haha!"

With a big laugh, King Shura looked at Nie Yun and others, with a playful smile in his eyes, and a little chaos broke away, a fierce, unstoppable air wave, shot straight at Nie Yun and others and shot them All shrouded in it.

"Do not……"

I felt the despair in this power, and Nie Yun could not help shouting.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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