Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1277: Be strangled

"Nie Yun, this is the rebirth of Sakyamuni Buddha and the spirit of my genius, hurry up to derive talent!"

The wave of air in front of me was getting stronger and stronger. I could n’t resist the power. When Nie Yun couldn't help but give up despair, his palm was tightened, two special breaths were introduced into the body, and at the same time, a figure was hardened. The attack from King Shura rushed forward.

"King Shura, I am with you!"


With a shout, the silhouette blew up before coming to Qilang, forming a black hole in front of the crowd. The fierce force blocked the attack of King Shura. Although it was only a moment, it gave Nie Yun and others live. Hope coming down.


Xi Nieyun and others left the place and escaped.

"Grandpa ..."

Stable body, Lingtai Lingyue cried.

It wasn't someone else who just blew up just now!

Knowing that the situation was critical, Su Xu had blocked the attack of King Shura and saved their lives.


Xie Nieyun's pupils also shrank, and her heart was twisted.

Although he has not been in contact with Xu Xu for a long time, almost all his achievements have been cultivated by his own hands. Such a kind and humble wise man died like this, his soul burned without any trace, and he felt that his brain was about to blow up!

Squeak! Squeak!

With a fist clenched, the blood in the body boiled, and Dan Tian in the body began to form a talent without being aware of it.

Before, he only developed Dantian. He didn't give attributes. It wasn't laziness, but it was not allowed in time. In addition, because of the lack of driving towers, he didn't fully sense it, so although he opened up three thousand Dan Tian. There are still so few talents!

At this time, under the turmoil of the mood, the natural gas blended into the body, and naturally formed the natural talent, followed by the fourth reincarnation talent, and the sixth natural talent. Also formed in the body.

前 The top ten talents can only be possessed by one person in the same era. This is a fixed number and cannot be changed. Now the Buddha Shakyamuni and Lord Qiu Shengxu have all died, and Nie Yun's talents were formed immediately. No obstacles at all.

Whirring whirring!

The talent of the genius was formed, and all other Dantians that did not form a talent were slickly rotated. The talent attributes were deduced one by one, and many blank Dantians gradually acquired attributes.

The talent of the genius can infer the things of the heavens. It is one of the most mysterious talents in the world. At this time, in conjunction with the unknown talent of the first talent, it is not particularly difficult to deduce many talent attributes. Nie Yun did not even know that it was completed.


Three thousand talents, less than one breath. Nie Yun already has 2,997 in his body (there are still the third Taoist Master, the fifth Immortal Master and the Eighth Soul Master)!

With the formation of many talents, the initial strength of Nie Yun's scouring goggles has also changed. The roar of the body is thunderous, and with the anger, the strength has grown rapidly.

Instantly, it broke through the early stage of scouting and reached the middle stage.

"You lost your life to Grandpa Xu!"

The strength is promoted, Nie Yun instantly feels that the ninth Nirvana is coming, and if the strength grows, he will definitely enter the Nirvana state directly. When his face changed, regardless of the power of promotion, he rushed straight to King Shura.

Once Nirvana, it will definitely take a lot of time to face an enemy such as King Shura. Really want to enter Nirvana state, sure everyone will die here!

Since Nirvana cannot be played, fight now!

Even if King Shura is killed, never let everyone die here!


The strength was promoted, and the power in Nie Yun's body was somewhat uncontrollable, violent like a fierce beast, rushing forward, and before coming to King Shura, the chaotic world in front of him was drawn a straight underworld.

"Breakthrough again?"

King Xiuluo didn't seem to think that Nie Yun could break through at this time, and his pupils shrank, but he was very confident in his strength. With his thin palm pressed down, the space was stripped away.

神秘 The mysterious space in others' eyes was just like an ordinary piece of paper in his hand, tearing it apart, and the space debris and Nie Yun's body were slammed together.


The two retreated at the same time. Although Nie Yun's strength was not as good as that of King Xiuluo, but he had a mortal strength and met the brave men on the narrow side to win, and they fought each other and they were evenly matched, and no one beat them.


The dignified half-strength Tianjing strongman did not even surpass the ordinary scolding goggles in the middle, and King Shura's face sank and stared straight at him: "Nie Yun, I didn't expect that you could reach such a point, it is worth my use I tried my best ... "

The dense explosions all over the body, like a dormant dragon, will soon wake up.

"All your sister!"

Xie Nieyun stepped forward without waiting for him to finish speaking.

The exposed skin of the whole body became red-gold, his eyes became red, and Sanqian Dantian bumped and boiled in the sea of ​​gas, as if to burn, the waves of great power followed his waves, making his speed seem ghostly.

人 No one can see the distance of this step, and no one knows where he will go next, even King Shura is a flower in front of him, and lost his trace.


The next moment Nie Yun came to King Shura's chest, a huge fist came.


King Shura hadn't responded yet, his chest slumped, and he was blown out with a punch, and his body cut through a dark channel, and fell heavily in the depths of the unknown chaos.

"You hate it!"

Just broke through Xiu Wei and reached half a step into the sky, he was blown away with a punch. King Shura felt that his lungs were exploding quickly, his eyes were red, and he was crazy. "Oh!" Came out of chaos again, ghost The claw lifted, and the five fingers chopped off with the wind of the world tearing.

"Taste my Shura ghost hand!"

The palm seems to contain the night. Before the light came, the light in the chaos was shrouded into darkness, and the strong Shura murderous, like the ghost hand that summoned the night, refreshing, making the soul tremble. .

Ghost Shura's ghost hand, one of the strongest martial arts of the Shura family, has been in the chest before, and has not performed, but now facing the violent Nie Yun, even the King Shura of the sky is afraid!

"Ghost hand, I turned you into a pig hand!"

Xie Nieyun's pupil entered the knife, hatred like a sword, and Xu Xie's death had too much influence on him. He fit up and punched one after another.

The attacking power of his fists didn't seem to be very great, but connected together formed an irresistible torrent.

The speed of the flood was getting faster and faster, as if it had broken the last line of defense. Once the embankment was broken, it would be astounding, and it would erupt into despair.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The Shura King who exhibited Shura's ghost hand was forced by Nie Yun's momentum, and he stepped back and forth, and the chaos at the foot of each step would be broken and completely exploded. For ten consecutive steps, he retreated at least one spiritual distance.

"My King Shura galloped across all realms, countless Chaos Era, no one is my opponent, and today is the same. I will let you see now, what is the half-stepping heaven, and what is the supreme strength of the chaotic ocean. By!"

After taking a dozen steps, I knew that I could not retreat, and continued to retreat. The momentum was exhausted, and I was definitely unable to stop the other party. King Shura roared loudly. The air waves formed by the sound were like Changhong, hanging straight in the chaotic world, flashing bright light. Dark breath.

I took a step forward ~ www.readwn.com ~ Since Nie Yun stormed away, he once again controlled the rhythm and pushed forward.


With his footsteps, the chaotic air flow converged like a long sword, turning into a cold and dazzling stalk, coming stabbingly.

Nie Yun just swelled up with blood. In order to suppress the power of Nirvana in his body, he did not control and launched a violent attack. At this time, the power was too large. In the face of these cold mans, he was afraid to face the cherry blossoms. Back.

Just now, he was still attacking fiercely. In the blink of an eye, he turned back and watched the two people fighting. Each heart hung on his throat and felt like he would jump out at any time.

The fighting power of the two is too great. It is beyond imagination. As long as you fall into the world, no matter which of the six heavens and earth will collapse instantly, it is definitely more than one breath.

有 Advancing and retreating in battle, with a few breaths of effort, the warring parties crossed the endless distance in chaos.

"Boss, come here, Third World!"

Suddenly, Xiaolong roared.

Hearing this, Nie Yun turned his head and saw a starry world appearing not far behind him.

Third World!




(To be continued. This article is provided by someone.) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for () a referral vote, a monthly pass, and your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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