Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1278: Enter the third world

The third world was the place where the five-clawed dragon emperor and the king Shura decisively battled each other. The stability of space is far better than the six heavens and earth. There is no heaven and earth, and there is no other world's laws and strength. It is a good place to fight.

The world connection point is in the demon world. The demon world and the buddha world are next to each other. The range of the two people's battle is very large. I didn't expect to have come to them.

"King Shura, the third world was your place of burial last time. This time, too, so come with your skills!"

Two punches pushed Shura King back, Nie Yun followed Xiaolong and others into the third world.

The space law of the third world is indeed different from the six heavens and the earth. Even if Nie Yun now reaches the scold, he still cannot tear it apart.

As if the space here is not flawed, no amount of force can make it shake.

Previously, in the chaotic world, I took off the space to fight, and here, I can only exert my internal strength, and I cannot use external force.

"Since you are looking for death, this is your graveyard!"

King Shura caught fire and strode, and came to the third world.

"Nie Yun, although I can't break the space here, the power is endless. You can't resist it!"

With a loud roar, King Shura moved forward again, and there was no distance between the two.

The stars rotating on his head, under the pressure of power, seemed to stop, a blood-red mist slowly shot out from the body, like a large umbrella, covering the sky.

"Today I will let you all die here, no one wants to go out!"

In the scream, thousands of troops and horses came from King Shura. As if billions of souls trampled on, the Third World kept echoing the violent roar, making people dizzy. Difficult to stand.

"Last epoch, when he first came here, he couldn't adapt at all, so I took the lead, but this time he showed this trick. He knows this place well and can use it ..."

Xiaolong understood it. Shouted anxiously.

In the third world, the rules of the six worlds were very different. The last time the five-clawed dragon emperor fought against him. He is not yet adapting, and now not only adapts, but also exerts his power better, it seems that this time. He was not idle. Instead, I learned more about the Third World.

No wonder Nie Yun came in, he followed in, and he had already figured this out!

Assured, prepared in advance for anything, coupled with scary talent and strength, Shura Wang galloped without knowing how many epochs were unharmed. He does have this strength and this ability!

Hearing Xiaolong's words, Nie Yun exhaled. I did not rush forward, but with the wisdom of seeing the universe in my eyes: "King Shura. Today you will die or I will die. In this case, can you release the sealed Nie Tong and reunite our brothers?"

"Let you reunite? Idiots dream!" King Shura gave a disdainful smile: "I tell you clearly, Nie Tong I will refine it sooner or later, making him a stepping stone to break through the heavens!"

"Oh, it seems you can't release him. If I guess correctly, there is only one reason ... you just temporarily suppressed his thoughts and did not completely seal it!" Hearing this, Nie Yunfei did not Feeling flustered and ecstatic.

With the talent of natural genius, he already knew more about the heavens at this time.

Symbiosis of the soul is like a dual character, which can only be suppressed by a special method for a short time, it is impossible to seal it!

If the seal can be sealed, Nie Tong's idea may have disappeared long ago, instead of fighting with King Shura all the time, he cannot be himself.

For this reason, even if he knew that there was a trap in front, King Shura would inevitably chase him to kill himself. I am afraid that he has been afraid for a long time and cannot suppress Nie Tong's thoughts, and then he cannot kill them.

"Nonsense! I sealed him and he can never appear again!"

King Shura's face changed.

"Yes, no matter what you say is true or false, today I will release Nie Tong and kill you!"

Nie Yun's body shook, and he was divided into three again, and surrounded Shura King in the center.

There is no heaven in this place, and the strength of Lingtai Lingyue cannot be fully exerted, and with the strengthening of King Shura's strength, her combat effectiveness obviously cannot keep up, and she can only rely on herself!

"The road is infinite, Valkyrie is coming!"

The three avatars shot at the same time. The open ten fingers seemed to play a beautiful movement, dancing constantly. The power between the avatars communicated with each other, and they flew together in a blink of an eye.

The colorful glittering in the clouds, the splendid brilliance, is like a beautiful article, which makes people unbearable to destroy.

In the top ten talents, Nie Yun alone occupied seven of them and merged together. No matter the tricks or strengths, he carried a mysterious and direct charm to the avenue. At this time, the colorful cloud like a beautiful article appeared and was surrounded by Shura King. , The advantages that have been turbulent before, suddenly appear disordered.

"Yes, your strength has really improved again. To be honest, this talent, countless epochs, I've seen it for the first time!"

King Shura stepped forward.

The stars trembled, and the power of the mighty shore was like a giant mountain that traversed the void. No matter how they attacked, they remained calm. Once they counterattack, they immediately carried an irresistible power.


The splendid clouds of the sky were torn, and Nie Yun receded continuously.

Although there were many adventures and his strength increased again, Shura, who was half a step away from heaven, still made it difficult for him to resist.

"I can't beat it, you can't, neither of them can!"

Pushing Nie Yun back, King Shura moved forward again, forcing him step by step.

His momentum was like burning coals, hot and fiery, making it impossible for people to approach, and was suppressed by this force. Nie Yun's body's fairy power was not working well, and he was a little stingy.

"This strength is too strong, must Nirvana be defeated?"

As he stepped back, Nie Yun thought about it.

To motivate Nirvana, let alone say that the accumulation of successive promotion is too low, there is not enough supply, the most important thing is that the other party may not give themselves time!

Nirvana takes too long, in case he doesn't wake up for several days, he doesn't know how to die!

Therefore, considering these circumstances, it is best not to motivate Nirvana. After all, even now he cannot control it.

However, if it is not Nirvana, it is clear that the other party's strength cannot be defeated, and the two must choose one!

"Don't struggle, do my supplements and help me break through the heavens!"

King Shura moved forward again and caught it with one palm.

His palm is shrouded throughout the Third World, and the turbulent power has frozen the water, leaving everyone unable to move.

"Flood and wildness are invincible!"

Nie Yun knew that this kind of persecution was too powerful. Once he couldn't resist it, it was easy to die directly. The three big bodies stood in front of the crowd and punched out at the same time.

A force with the ancient meaning of flood and wildness projected from his palm, like a flying dragon, screaming and rushing forward, many stars in the third world touched the dragon and fell one by one.

"Give me down!"

Shura Wang sneered and pressed his palm down.


The dragon looks like a loach pinched by the vitals. It keeps tossing and struggling. The thick palm power passes through Nie Yun's chest in the middle of the dragon. The three avatars are backing up at the same time. .

Although Yiqing Sanqing can split three avatars with the same strength and make people's combat power suddenly triple, the avatars are always avatars ~ www.readwn.com ~ The battle damage will automatically review the body to a certain extent.

Besides, the three major avatars have only one talent with many rankings, which is equivalent to the ontology. Once the ontology is damaged, even if the other two survive, the potential is lost, and it is no longer possible to reach a higher level.

The three major avatars became one again. Nie Yun, who was hit hard, retreated back and forth. The space under his feet was trampled with a thunderous thunder, blinked, and exited hundreds of kilometers. His body hit a soft, tender body.

Fortunately, the power is almost exhausted. Otherwise, this body will definitely be killed alive and there is no room for it.

Fearing that the other party might be injured, he hurriedly turned his head to look at it. At a glance, he couldn't help but look at it. It was not Lingtai Lingyue, but Xue Jinger who had been with Yan Zhi and later here.

At this time, Xue Jing'er's snow-like face showed a blood-red color, and he looked up at Nie Yun in front of him: "If ... I have a way to separate the soul of King Shura from your brother?"

A whisper, ringing like a thunder in Nie Yun's mind. (To be continued ...)

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