Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1279: Soul stone

"what did you say?"

Xie Nieyun's head trembled and his fist squeezed.

"I have a way to separate the soul of your brother from King Shura!" Xue Jinger's jade teeth clenched and preached.

"This ... Do you have a way? Are you telling the truth?" Nie Yun couldn't believe it.

Soul symbiosis, even the soul master Yan Zhi can not, how could she do it?

"What she said is true!" Yan Zhi's voice came to her ears: "It is her credit for the Nine Phoenix King to abandon the bad character!"

"Her credit ... Do you mean Xue Jinger has a soul stone?"

Xie Nieyun's head exploded, and he almost jumped up in excitement.

He had heard Xue Jinger talk about the Nether Phoenix King before, who could force the bad character out of the body and divide the soul into two, using a thing called soul stone, which is Yan Zhi Only one appeared when the soul world was born, and the second was not found.

She has a way, wouldn't she explain that she can find a second soul stone?

"I don't have a soul stone, nor do I need to find a soul stone, because I am a soul stone!"

Yan Zhi said nothing this time, Xue Jinger said.

"It is the soul stone itself?" Nie Yun stunned.

怎么 How could he never imagine that Xue Jinger was the so-called soul stone!

It ’s no wonder why Yan Zhi lived hundreds of millions of years and had such a young daughter. She turned out to be a soul stone, that is, the soul stone is shaped and has a human body!

"Yes, I am the soul stone. When I become the body, you will directly hit King Shura's mind, and I will find a way to separate Nie Tong's soul from your King Shura!"

Wu Xuejinger said firmly.

Her words, although there was no wavering, but I do not know why Nie Yun saw a momentum of looking at death.

"Does ... what's the cost?" Nie Yun said suddenly, "What will happen to you after you separate the souls of the two? Will it dissipate and you won't be able to survive?"

"I ... you don't need to worry about me, this is the path I choose, no grudges and no regrets!" Xue Jinger's face rose pale, and then said: "It's too late to elaborate, and hurry up. This is the victory over King Shura The only way to rescue your brother! "

The conversation between the three of them all passed through the thoughts, and it was an instantaneous event. At this time, King Shura in the air flew over again, taking the mighty power of the king to the world, unstoppable.

"Hurry up, don't hesitate!"

Seeing King Shura coming to him, Xue Jinger gritted his teeth, and a boiling force burst out from his body, and his soul seemed to burn. Emit a bright flame.


I saw her movement. Nie Yun's heart seemed to be hit.

He seems to have been right in guessing. Where is this special method, but burning the soul!

Burning the soul is the same as self-explosion. Once consumed, it is equal to direct soul flying. Eternal life must not be born, and resurrection is almost impossible.

Wu Xuejinger made this decision in order to separate King Xiuluo and Nie Tong!


The soul burned extremely fast, Xue Jinger's beautiful face dried up in a blink of an eye, and Jiao's body shook into a crystal clear stone.

石头 This stone is like the condensation of a soul, which makes people fall into it deeply at first glance, unable to extricate themselves.

"Hurry up, it's her decision. If you don't do it, you won't have time!"

Nie Yun was feeling uncomfortable in her heart, and she heard Yan Zhi's anxious shout sound, knowing that it was not time to hesitate, and Ling Ling grabbed Xue Jinger's soul stone in her palm and turned around.

At this time, King Shura had just arrived. The crushing force bombarded again.

He doesn't seem to recognize what Xue Jing's changing soul stone is, but vaguely knows that this thing will definitely bring him danger, and it is not nonsense, just like Nie Yun crushed without mercy.


I suppress the sadness in my heart. Nie Yun knows that now is not the time to think about it. Only by defeating the person in front of him can he pay the crowd. Immediately the body flashes, and the wings of the phoenix emerge behind and dodge.

"It's such a big place, I see where you can escape!"

King Shura sneered, his fingers spread out, as soft as stroking the strings, and seemed to be a weak attack, but with incredible power, the entire Third World was frozen for a moment, making a dense sound, and Nie Yun was dodging. My body was stiff, and I felt the power around me and inside my body wanted to be imprisoned.


I struggled twice and couldn't get rid of it. Nie Yun was anxious.

Wu Xuejinger burned the soul with great perseverance and turned it back into a soul stone. Although it can help him separate Nie Tong from the soul of King Shura, but ... this soul stone cannot hit King Shura's mind at all!

The current king of Shura is too strong, even his body can't get close, how could it be possible to get such a big spiritual stone into my mind?

This is simply an impossible task!


He sang a drink, and Yantai Lingyue shot.

The imprisoned space was torn apart, and her body trembled, her face flushed with blood, and it seemed that it was only accomplished by some secret method, which was extremely harmful.


Seeing her look, Nie Yun looked uncomfortable.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine for the time being, just follow Yanzhi's method, as long as you put the soul stone into the mind of King Shura, Nie Tong will be saved, and the whole world will be saved. I will cover you, you must move fast!"

Huantai Ling Yue hurriedly anxious voice.

"Hmm!" Nie Yun knew what she was saying.

King Xisula was so powerful that now only Nie Tong can suppress it, and only by splitting his soul can he have the opportunity to make his efforts not in vain.

Otherwise, the mighty generosity of His Holiness Qiu Sheng, Xu Zhe, and Buddha Shakyabha were all in vain.

"Let me try!"

He exhaled, and Nie Yun cast aside all the negative emotions in his heart, clenched the soul stone, no longer escaped, turned and looked at King Shura.

"King Shura, since the two of us can only survive one, from now on, I won't run away, nor will I step back. Look at who the **** is!"

With a long howl, Nie Yun's palm stretched forward.

The ten fingers are white and clean, with luster, and the fit body is full of indomitable strength, which cannot be shaken. This change of temperament has changed from feeling invincible to fearless, and the connection is seamless, even King Shura never thought He would change so quickly, there was no sneer on his face, but dignity.

Dignified in the face of real opponents.

He has lived countless epochs and can be so dignified by him, I am afraid that this one, the owner of special talent first!

He took a step back, and King Shura seemed to occupy the power of the heavens, turning his arms and pounding with a punch.

His boxing skills are wide open and close, with the power and cultivation to crush the heavens, without the slightest skill, it is impossible to resist and can not resist.

This is a crushing like a grinding disc, traversing thousands of thousands, even if there is a boundary world in front, I am afraid it will be blown with a punch.

"Energy Dantian, devour!"

Xie Nieyun did not escape, but her body suddenly turned into a black hole, and her palm was swallowed by a huge swallowing force.

The boxing method played by King Shura's half-strength Tianjing strength cannot be blocked if he does not dodge, and once dodging, there is no chance to send the soul stone to King Shura's mind. At this time, this method can only be used!

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"Swallow? You want to swallow my power, I'll see how big Dantian you are!"

Seeing that the other party didn't dodge, he wanted to devour the power, sneer with a sneer, his arm trembled, and the power hit like a rainstorm.


The fierce force Nie Yun couldn't bear at all, and the whole body was cracked first and then exploded into powder.

Fortunately, he had an undead body, and he recovered after a while, otherwise, he would die without a doubt!

This is the case with Luo Rao. The meridian body in the body has also suffered injuries that are difficult to recover in a short period of time. The breath is chaotic and crumbling.

There is still a big gap between the strength of the two, and it is not so easy to send the soul stone to each other's mind!

"Boss, accept our strength, let us do the last thing for you!"

Xiaolong's voice rang in his head. Turning his head, he only saw that Xiaolong and the Nether Phoenix King did not know when they were standing behind them. The two held hands and seemed to have all the misunderstandings eliminated. Looking up at King Shura in the air, his eyes were unprecedented. Calm.

"Receive strength? What are you doing?"

Seeing their calm eyes, Nie Yun's heart tightened.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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