Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1280: Long Feng Cheng Xiang

In a short period of time, Nie Yun's eyes looked too much. They were all generous expressions of death. Xiaolong had killed King Shura once in ancient times. Would he still want to do this time?

I used to be unable to forgive the King of the Nether Phoenix, and died with guilt and generosity in my heart. Now they are back together, why do we do it again!

"Nie Yun, thank you for letting the Dragon Emperor forgive me. It is my wish to die with him. Please fulfill it!"

Wu You Huang Huang smiled slightly.

As flawless as Yun Xuan's face, but with a different kind of sincerity.

"After a while, I will perform the Bloodline Resonance Mystery with the Nether Phoenix King at the same time. You have the innate dragon body and the wings of the Phoenix. You can fully bear this power!"

Xiao Xiaolong did not care what Nie Yun thought about, and said to himself: "I will merge with the King of Phoenix into your left and right arms to help you improve your strength and find a way to defeat King Shura!"

"You make a decision, I know it can't be avoided, and the only thing I can do now is to find a way to kill King Shura and fulfill all your wishes!"

Seeing the firm eyes of the two, Nie Yun knew that dissuasion was useless, and the two had long had plans in mind to do so. Instead of entanglement, they might as well accept it.

The killing of King Shura is a dream of countless generations of human beings. For this dream, they can die generously, they can disregard themselves, they can give up everything, and they are the implementers of this dream. The only thing to do is not pain, unbearable. , But make good use of their power and make good use of them to fulfill their wishes!

"Xu Xun, Lord Qiu Sheng, Buddha Shakyabha, Xue Jinger, Xiaolong, Nether Phoenix King! I will fulfill your wish, rest assured!"

Fist clenched. Nie Yun secretly made a decision.

"Thank you!"

Seeing his expression, the two knew that he had overcome the difficulties in his heart, and said thankfully. One dragon and one phoenix become the body, and the dragon and phoenix are auspicious.

In fact, in this case, the deceased is already embarrassed, and the most stressful person is Nie Yun!

He not only has to bear the pain of his loved ones leaving one by one. It is also the most uncomfortable to fight against King Shura and shoulder the mission of killing King Shura.

Xiao Xiaolong, the Nether Phoenix King knew. Their death is equivalent to escaping the pain and leaving this to the boss.

He understands these things and is righteous and generous, but not sad at all. Instead, he was full of guilt for Nie Yun.

He cannot share the pain with them. It is also necessary to fix the pain of the other party. The only thing they can do is that.


The little dragon and the phoenix king who changed the body sent out loud shouts in the air. The powerful sound wave seemed to rush out from the third world. The giant dragon body and the phoenix body rushed to Nie Yun at the same moment, and turned gently into his in vivo.

Xie Nieyun only felt the strength of his arms swell for a while. The muscles of the whole body creaked, and golden scales were derived from the body.

The arm of the Dragon Phoenix. Water and milk blend!


As the power of the two masters merged to form a blood resonance in the body, Nie Yundan Tian changed again. A blank Dan Tian "click!" Transformed into the fifth immortal talent!

It seems that Xiaolong and the Phantom Phoenix have dispersed all their strengths, and even gave up their lives to complete Nie Yunchen!

Coo coo coo coo!

He once again spawned a new dantian. The power in his body was boiling and burning, with a long hiss, and Nie Yun's eyes were deep in gold like lightning.


In a split second, Nie Yun's strength soared again and he would break through at any time.

Fortunately, he was suppressed by him, otherwise, if he breaks through, it will definitely lead to Nirvana, which is troublesome.

"Looks like you guys want to die a lot, so I'll do it!"

The actions of Xiao Xiaolong and the Phantom Phoenix were quick. King Xiuluo found that he had been integrated into Nie Yun's body, sneered with laughter, and flew over again.

As long as Nie Yun does not break through, he will not be afraid. The strength of half-step 境 Heaven Realm can't be countered by integrating more people.

"Their wish is to kill you, I will help them now!"

When he saw King Xiuluo with a smile on his face, Nie Yun took a deep breath, drank suddenly, and rushed forward.

Power surged again, Nie Yun turned into a dragon with his left hand, and a phoenix with his right hand. One dragon and one phoenix cooperated with the power of heaven in his body, how overbearing and mighty, as soon as he appeared, he roared to the heavens and the earth and stabilized the third world. The vibration stirred up and gave out a roar like Zhong Ding.


King Xiuluo did not expect that the strength of Nie Yun, who merged the dragon and the nether phoenix king, surged so much, his face calmed, and he boxed out.

Buzz buzz!

Boxing strength stretches across the sky for nine days, tearing the sky, evaporating the ocean, and burning the earth. The fierce vigour runs through the past and the future. Before the power comes, it collides with the dragons and phoenixes in the air. The entire Third World reverberates, not to mention the ordinary immortal, even if the top immortal-level strong is swept by the airflow, I am afraid that it will directly become nothing, as if evaporated.

How powerful is the aftermath of the light that can destroy the peak immortal king?

Xie Nieyun did not retreat, but moved forward.

Xun Longfeng's arms were auspicious, surrounded by runes, and the golden scales flashed a bright light. In the turbulent aftermath, Nie Yun was like a mad **** in a chaotic world. He moved forward without fear.

"Come! King Shura, can you just do this? If you just do this, I won't look down on you!"

Hahaha smiled, Nie Yun's eyes were burning.

The two arms combined the full power of Xiaolong and the Nether Phoenix King. Even facing Shura King who was half a step away from the heavens, he did not have any fear.


I did not expect that Nie Yun's blinking effort became so powerful that King Shura was a little shocked, his eyes became blood red again, his fists trembled, and his power ran through the ages.

诛 Tianjing can even kill Tiandao at will. The Tiandao referred to is naturally not the level of the heavens and the earth, but the heavenly road of the ancient floodland level.

天 This kind of heaven is much stronger than the six heavens and earth, even more than dozens of times!

Even now Nie Yun is vulnerable to this kind of heaven.

Such a powerful heaven can be attacked by the celestial beings, and gradually gain strength. Although the half-step celestial formation has not broken through that level, it is also very powerful. The roaring fist is like the blade of heaven, and it is like God Before the punishment came, it turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

"Give me!"

For Thunder Nie Yun has a talent better than anyone else, let alone his lightning talent and Thunder Kyushu's unique skills, the five-clawed dragon emperor is the master of lightning control.

Ancient ancient emperor, thunder and lightning, cloth storm, thunder in its hands and toys.

At this moment, when King Shura made this move, Nie Yun laughed. Ten open fingers, like ten giant pillars, enveloped the heaven and the earth. Thunder Ocean was suddenly obediently enveloped by the fingers. There was no power at all.

The previous attacks on King Shura by the talent of the Ability Master were difficult to resist, but now they are different. The combination of the strengths of the two strong dragons and phoenixes is stronger, and this kind of attack has done no harm to him.

"King Shura, give it back to you!"

There was a whistling sound, and the palms moved.

The power that Xun pushed forward was like a sharp blade that tore the sky, and his own power was mixed with the thunderous power. King Shura was busy and confused for a while, and was a little confused.


The same trick was originally used to tease each other's ~ www.readwn.com ~ but it was reversed, and King Shura's face was about to bleed, and he drank loudly. He wanted to stimulate the full force again and saw a colorful phoenix The wings flickered, and a figure had appeared before him.

Blended with the Nether Phoenix King, Nie Yun's Phoenix wings are more powerful and fast, and are not inferior to King Shura's 遁 technique.

"Go away!"

Seeing him appear suddenly, King Shura roared and pushed forward, but before he came to the other side, he felt a cold in his head.

Then I found out that Nie Yun did not know when to perform the trick of igniting Sanqing again. There was a figure behind him. Zhengzheng punched him slowly. In the center of his fist, a crystal-clear stone shot with cold light .


He was unguarded, and Shura Wang had no time to react. His mind was cold, and his consciousness became confused.


Xie Nieyun "call!" Take back the body formed by Yiqing Sanqing, escape to a distance, exhale a breath, an excited smile on his face.

I just exhausted my best efforts to show the most violent power, the purpose is to find a chance to approach Shura King's soul stone that Xue Jinger turned into his body.

Fortunately, it worked!




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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