Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1281: Brother, i succeed

"What did you get in my head?"

Feeling that the soul stone entered the head, a wave-like reaction was triggered, and King Shura rolled his head in the air, roaring wildly.

"It's nothing!"

Nie Yun's fist clenched and his heart was tense.

Although Xue Jing'er had promised, he was still a little worried, for he was afraid that his brother could not be separated from King Shura. If he really wanted to do that, all his hard work would have been abandoned.

"Ah ... abominable, my soul, my power ..."

A series of screams, the originally confident and calm King Shura now shouted in the air like a lunatic, strong forces scattered around, exploded in the air, and rippled a series of ripples.

"How long will he last like this?"

Seeing that King Shura looked like crazy, Nie Yun turned to look at Yan Zhi.

As a soul teacher and mother of Xue Jinger, she must know a lot about this.

"I don't know!" The result was unexpected, and Yan Zhi shook his head: "Xue Jinger was the one I encountered while swimming in the chaos. It was because of her that she established the soul realm. As for her origin, I don't know! , When I met, she was just an ordinary soul stone, and she has only recently become a humanoid! "

"You do not know?"

Nie Yun frowned, and continued to look into the sky.

At this moment, King Shura seemed even more insane, a roar, and fierce air waves kept scattering from his body, making a whining sound in the air, when everyone seemed to be unable to persist, another mighty soul power Revealed from within him.

Although this power is strong and powerful, there is no killing in the slightest. Instead, with an unwavering and firm will, people feel a warmth from the heart.

"Nie Tong!"

Nie Yun's eyes were red, and this breath of soul was not others. It's Nie Tong's!

Before, in the body of King Shura, he could not feel any breath of Nie Tong, and thought he was really sealed by the other party. Now it seems that it was suppressed only for a short time. At this time, the power of Xuejinger's soul stone burned again, and King Shura formed a confrontation.


The clear cry resounded, so clean. No impurities.

Although coexisting with King Shura, he is still the younger brother who once accepted the 137 swords for him without stepping back, a stubborn boy who never shrinks for ideals and convictions!

"Find a way to get away from King Shura!"

Know that this is not the time to recount the old. Nie Yun whispered, the thoughts in his head passed.

"No, the soul of King Shura and I live together, which can affect his strength. It is also his heart demon. Once detached, it means that he is free of the heart demon horror, I am afraid that he will directly break through the cymbal and become a celestial power!

Nie Tong's voice came.


Nie Yun's heart shrank.

I never thought of this!

Nie Tong and King Shura have a symbiosis of souls. Although they can complement each other and both can progress, they are also a demon and a demon. King Shura will always want to suppress Nie Tong. The latter also wanted to suppress him for a long time. Nie Tong became the demon of King Shura.

The demon is a deep inner obstacle, and once it is removed, it will definitely make great progress.

Now King Shura has half a step to the strength of the heavenly realm. He really wants to succeed. It is almost impossible to promote the promotion of the heavenly realm.

If Nie Tong is not to be released from King Shura, he will surely die at the same time as King Shura and cannot be rescued. It is very possible for him to break away from King Shura and break through the current puppet and reach the realm of puppet ...

This is equal to a double-edged sword, which is really difficult to choose.

"You and King Shura have snatched control of your body. If you take your body back, will he not be able to break through?"

These thoughts flickered in my mind, and Nie Yun suddenly came up with an idea and shouted quickly.

"Okay, I'll find a way to **** my body!" Nie Tong's idea persisted.

If you want to break through the heavenly realm, you must have at least a body. Without the body, King Shura is even more powerful, I'm afraid you can't break it. As long as it is not the heavenly realm, it is easy to handle. With the current strength and Nie Tong, it is easy to kill him. !!


Nie Yun could not intervene in the deep soul. The roaring Shura King rolled in the air, and Shura's murderous spirit kept radiating outward, as if the ink color entered the water pond, dyeing the entire Third World. colour.

There is no concept of time or space in the third world. There is no so-called gravity. All directions are the same. The east, west, north, and south are completely useless here. Everyone seems to be in a ring-shaped ball, watching King Shura on one side. Stop mourning, but there is no way.

"Actually, I want to be separated from you. If it weren't for me, your strength would grow so fast? After sharing my benefits, I wanted to compete with me and dream!"

"This is my body. You came out of nowhere. Tell you, my name is Nie Tong, not King Shura!"

The two sword-like thoughts collided in the air and did not give up each other. Nie Tong was a little weak at first, but after getting stronger, he seemed to become a sharp sword, cutting everything and piercing the sky.

"Predecessor Yan, what are we going to do now? Don't you watch them fight, there is no way?" Feeling that Nie Tong was in a fierce battle, and as his brother was indifferent, Nie Yun anxiously asked Yan Zhi not far away.

"Soul symbiosis, except for the soul stone, there is no other way. Now we rush up and only help, or wait for it to become better!"

Yan Zhi shook his head, unable to do anything.

"Rest assured, Nie Tong will definitely win. If you take back your body, you don't need to worry!"

Huantai Lingyue came over and gently held Nie Yun's palm.

"I hope so, in order to kill King Xiuluo, he has already sacrificed too much. Nie Tong can defeat him, and he is the greatest contributor to the real world!"

Nie Yun exhaled.

From the beginning of the fight, not only a few ancient surviving mighty generosities died without reservation, those in the Confucian world, those in the Buddha world ... These people have contributed their lives without hesitation for the persistence and dreams in their hearts. With so much cost, if King Shura could not kill him, the cost would be too great.

"You don't have to blame yourself, you don't know what the world under King Shura is like! If you knew, you wouldn't think so!"

Seeing his expression, Yan Zhi's eyes seemed to be caught in memories, slowly said.

"In the eyes of King Shura, the six heavens and earth, and the creatures in them, are like the rice planted by a peasant. When they develop to a point where they are as mature as they are, they will come to harvest! In the world after harvest, the heavens are broken Humane sinking, countless creatures were infected with Shura's murderous murder and turned into Shura! "

"At this time, King Shura will extract all the souls of these lives and grow ourselves, just like taking food. In his heart, we are the kind of supplements that give him strength!"

"After all the souls are swallowed up, he will leave here and return to chaos. I do n’t know how much time has passed, chaos has spawned the world again, and then it comes back again ~ www.readwn.com ~ Week after week, King Shura seems to be in the depths of chaos There is a nightmare devastating the world, and no one can stop it or resist it! "

"Xu Zhe, Buddha Shakyabha, and His Holiness Qiu Sheng have all experienced this kind of pain. They have witnessed their relatives and friends become Shura, and were swallowed and killed by him! Deep in my heart, I have long been full of hatred for Shura! Skin, eat its flesh! In order to be able to kill him, bear the burden of humiliation for millions of years, and now death is also a relief for them! "

Yan Zhi said slowly, although there was no change in the expression on her face, her eyes had a sense of relief, and it seemed that she wanted to follow the crowd and achieve true liberation.


Nie Yun did not expect that King Xiuluo was so fierce that he would feed his soul as food, and there was a coolness in his heart.

No wonder these people are so resolute in their resistance. If they do n’t resist, they are dead. They may still be alive. Why not fight?

When I saw Xu Xi and others dying in person, I was so excited that I had to chop King Shura into flesh. They even saw my parents, uncles, brothers and sisters as Shura, and lived like animals. Killing can imagine the pain in my heart!

"If Nie Tong succeeds, I will leave the heavens and the earth to swim the chaos and look for the method of resurrection, if not successful ..."

Yan Zhizheng wanted to continue, and suddenly there was a roar in the Third World.

"Haha! Brother, I succeeded!"

Nie Tong's voice sounded.




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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