Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 132: Late Bingjia Realm


I heard the voice from Tamada, the beast of beast, and Nie Yun felt a little loose, and sat on the ground with a "swipe through".

Although I won the upper hand just now, in fact, my true strength is far inferior to that of the Wind Wolf King. Now when I conquer it, I feel that my body is full of energy, and even the power to raise my hands is gone!

"So good!"

If you do n’t use the tamer qi at the right time, let alone conquer the Wind Wolf King this time, I am afraid that I will really die here this time!

The battle with Yao Ning and Yao Ning before was not so dangerous!

让 "Let your pack of wolves be guarded here, let me recover!"

I took a deep breath, and Nie Yun commanded the Wind Wolf King in his heart, no longer tolerate, immediately closed his eyes and began to recover the internal consumption.

The domesticated demon pet of the taming animal spirit is subject to the restraint of the taming animal Dan Tian. It obeys the owner's words unconditionally and never dares to resist. Although this wind wolf king has become his own demon pet, his identity remains unchanged. The wind wolf still obeys its orders.


Howling Wolf King roared.

Hearing the order, he was still a mighty wolf pack. At this time, he was neatly guarding Taniguchi to prevent other monsters from entering.

"He domesticated the Wind Wolf King into a demon pet?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Tielan, Tielong and others all felt that they were about to collapse.

The Howling Wolf King is the peak monster of the sect, and the fighting power is strong. Even if two or three of the sect peaks are not opponents, the young man actually domesticated it ... This is too terrible!

Moreover, it is not simply that there is a thug who is the peak of the ancestor, but a group!

Imagine, if anyone offends him, just send the Wind Wolf King and lead hundreds of wind wolves to the top of the realm to attack them ...

Thinking of it is scary!

Sitting quietly in place, Nie Yun's seven big dantians were fully open, and the speed of swallowing up the aura was too fast, and the sky formed a huge vortex of aura.

This time fighting with the Wind Wolf King, the true energy in Qihai is almost exhausted. If it is not for the second-level masterpiece of the Rhinoceros Refining System, it is hard to say if it can be conquered.


After more than two hours of mad absorption of aura, Nie Yun made a sound similar to a frog.

"Are you going to break?"

When I heard this voice, Nie Yun's eyes couldn't help flashing.

I did not expect this time to fight with the Wind Wolf King, and the loss was too large, and I unexpectedly broke through the middle of the armor and reached the late stage!

As long as the soldiers reach the peak in the later period, they will usher in a second nirvana. Once they have successfully passed, I am afraid that they will be able to jump over the air line and become the supreme power!

Extreme, the highest level of Qihai cultivation, the supreme power of the Kamikaze Empire, reaching this level is the real peak!

Carefully control the refining reiki of the Seven Great Dantians to rotate in the body over and over, and the strength of the whole person is getting stronger and stronger.


With a long howl, Nie Yun jumped up from where he was, and the air was full of anger, and the power was tumbling like a tide.

兵甲 境 Late!

At the mid-term peak of the Bingjiajia Realm, you can fight against the wind wolf king of the peak of air sect. Now the strength is stronger, and you can have the power of five phenomena without one martial arts punch, which has increased the power of two elephants than before!

"Now meet Ning Wang and others again, I'm afraid I can slap them to death!"

I felt the surging power in my body, and Nie Yun laughed.

Before fighting against King Ning, King Wang, etc., it was not an enemy at all. Now, even if you do not use martial arts, it is not difficult to kill the other party!

"Master Yang Yun, thank you for saving us. This is a little bit of our heart, and please accept it!"

As soon as Qi stood up, he heard a respectful voice not far away and turned around, and saw that Tielong was standing not far away holding a silver ticket in his hand.

12,000 silver!

"No!" Nie Yun did not expect that they would send money to be grateful, shaking his head.

There is no shortage of saving money. Dantian has millions of silver and two, how can they be asked for 12,000 silver.

"You just accept it. If you didn't do it yesterday, I'm afraid we would all die ..." Tielong was grateful.

Yesterday's wolves were densely packed. If it wasn't for this young man in front of him, he would certainly die if he waited for others! The mercenaries are all men who know how to repay, knowing that life-saving grace is more important than Taishan, and they can't repay.

"Do you look at me like a person without money?" Nie Yun shook his head and did not receive the silver ticket.

"This ..." Tie Long froze.

少年 The boy in front of him is so strong that he can sell a lot of money by simply killing an air monster, how can he be short of money!

"I am reckless!" I want to understand that these iron dragons took a few steps back and returned to the crowd of the iron rock mercenary regiment.

"Ha ha!" Stretched a lazy waist, Nie Yun took a deep breath, only to find that it was bright early in the morning, but he didn't expect to practice all night.

"Why did you rush here yesterday?"

He turned to look at the Wind Wolf King, Nie Yun asked.

Howling Wolf was injured yesterday, but his injuries were not completely recovered. He was lying on the ground and heard the question, and said quickly: "We heard the same kind of help yesterday, so we rushed over ..."

The Wind Wolf King has become a pet of Nie Yun's demon, and he can conduct dialogue and exchange through the tamed beast Dantian. "Now, for help?" Nie Yun raised his eyebrows. Before that, he felt that the roar was a little weird. Big increase.

"Looks like we've been counted by the Yong Yong mercenary regiment!"

I thought about it for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun immediately understood it, and there was a strong sense of killing in his eyes.

Although I am a blood prisoner and have a strong reputation for killing, I actually offend myself for the first time, and generally do not account for it! But now that the members of the Yong Yong Mercenary Corps dare to count themselves, it is impossible to make them better!

"You can't live by your own iniquity, I will fulfill you today!"

Before fighting with Jiang You, he has left a trace of trace on him. It is very easy to find them.

As long as the shot is taken, the chicken and dog will not stay!

"Master Yang Yun, we have to perform the task of the black clouded leopard, I don't know the lord ..." I was thinking, Tielong came up again, this time Tielan followed, looking at the boy in front of him, his eyes were complicated and strange.

"Wind Wolf King, you follow them this time, after Tie Lan surrenders to the black clouded leopard, come over to me!" Nie Yun smiled slightly.

The black clouded leopard is just a monster in the early airs, and it is too far away from the wind wolf king. Tielan is accompanied by the latter, and it is definitely safer than following him! Therefore, there is no need to protect yourself.

As for why Nie Yun did not give the wind wolf to Tielan, once the monster was domesticated by the animal trainer into a monster pet, there can only be one owner in his life, and it cannot be replaced. Even if he has this intention, it will not work.

"You are not with us ..."

I heard Tie Lan's command, Tie Lan's face became ugly.

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