Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 133: Breakthrough Extreme

"Oh, I still have something!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

The Yongyong Mercenary Regiment and the Tieyan Mercenary Regiment already had enemies. They went to kill Wei Chen and others by themselves, but they did not intend to involve them, so it was not necessary to make things clear.

Besides, with the protection of Wind Wolf King and Copper Armed Giant Ape, Tielan is definitely no longer in danger, and he can't always follow him behind!

我 "I ... May I know your real name?"

I heard Tie Lan take a deep breath and asked, after hearing the teenager's decision.

From the beginning misunderstanding to the subsequent shock, Tielan couldn't tell what kind of feeling he felt about the boy in front of him, but just felt that he really wanted to leave, and his heart would be very lost.

"My name is Nie Yun!" Nie Yun smiled.

Others are not stupid, it has long been known that his Yang Yun's name is fake.

"Nie Yun? It really is you!"

Xi Tielan seemed to confirm the conjecture in her heart, and suddenly remembered that she had said so loudly that she could make Nie Yun's face, and her face turned red.

Nie Yun knew that he was showing strength, and it was not too difficult for anyone to guess who it was. He wanted to say something, and heard the voice of the wind wolf king once again through the tamed beast Dantian.

"Master, if I am intact, there is nothing wrong with protecting them, but now ..."

Howling Wolf King was beaten and kicked by himself for a while yesterday. I don't know how many bones have been broken, and the injury is very serious. Even if the monster is in good physical condition, it takes half a month to fully recover!

"This is easy!"

Nie Yun smiled lightly, grabbed his big hand downward, and a strong healing spirit completely covered the wind wolf king!

"Healing Qi? The master is still a therapist?"

I felt the healing atmosphere brought by this breath, and the pair of big eyes of the Wind Wolf King stared like the gong.

I knew at this time that he understood why he had fought with his master yesterday. The master was like Xiaoqiang, and how he fought for life. He turned out to be a therapist!

兽 Animal trainer and therapist. Looking at the appearance of grabbing the ghosts yesterday, as well as the darling dantian, it seems that the master he recognizes is not simple, and may be able to take himself farther away!

Thinking of this, the wind wolf king suddenly felt that it was very lucky to recognize a master.

Squeak! Squeak!

Under the shroud of healing gas, a series of crunchy muscles on Wind Wolf King's body, and the whole body's injury was visible to the naked eye.

Seeing such a scene, Tielan and Tielong were startled again.

They never dreamed that this young boy with such talent was not only an animal trainer but also a healer!

"Master, I might break through ..."

聂 When Nie Yun shrouded the healing spirit over the wind wolf king suddenly, a sound was heard in Tamada, the tamer beast.

"You want to break?"

Nie Yun looked at the Wind Wolf King in front of him inconceivably.

Howling Wolf King is now the pinnacle of air sect. Once it breaks through, it is the Supreme!

Extreme level monsters, even in the early stages, can fight against the Supreme Peak Powerhouse!


"I have reached the critical point of the peak of the sect before. I was seriously injured yesterday by the host. Now I feel the bottleneck of the Supreme as soon as I recover. I should be able to break through immediately ..."

Howling Wolf King closed his eyes after speaking these words, and seemed to be struggling to impact the Supreme Lord.

Although the Howling Wolf King reached the adulthood is the pinnacle of air sect, but there is also a supreme level in history, Nie Yun just did not expect that the monster pet he subdued can reach this state!

I conquered the demon pet of the peak of Qi Sect, and the next day I became a supreme monster. This time I can make a lot of money!


I was thinking, a wind-like hurricane suddenly appeared around the Wind Wolf King, and the wind became stronger and stronger, blowing everyone aside.

"How is this going?"

Everyone in the Tieyan mercenary regiment saw the scene in front of them, and they were all stunned.

But what made them even more surprised, and then reappeared again. The original Wind Wolf King, who was lying on the ground, slowly flew up in the wind.

"Is this ... Is the Wind Wolf King going to break through and reach the supreme realm?"

Xie Tielong is indeed a strong man with great insights. He was the first to see the problem and his eyes were round!

不错 "Yes, it's about to break!"

Nie Yun nodded.


As soon as the chanting voice fell, the spinning wind was swallowed up by the wind wolf king at once, and the huge wolf was suspended in the air, watching the intense excitement flashing in Nie Yun's eyes.

"the host!"

This time, it's not the voice of Tamada, the tamer, but the voice directly spoken!

Extreme level is more powerful than air sect. Once this level is reached, both human and monsters will transform from the inside to the outside and have some abilities beyond imagination.

One of the most obvious capabilities is flying!

As long as you reach the extreme level, both monsters and humans can fly in the air, even in the air without wings!

The monster monster reaches this level, not only can fly but also speaks!

"Extreme, it really reached the extreme!"

Seeing that the Wind Wolf King not only flew but also spoke, Nie Yun clenched his fists.

I did not expect that I did not reach the extreme level, but a monster pet who subdued first reached it!

"Master ... the monster that can speak ..."

The scene in front of me made Tielong and others look at Nie Yun again, their eyes full of fear.

If Qi Zong and Bing Jia Realm are an insurmountable gulf, Qi Zong and Supreme are simply heavens that cannot be crossed!

Kamikaze Empire can reach hundreds of strong powers, but there are only a handful of extreme powers! The difference can be seen from the quantity alone!

The supreme foundation of an empire, owning the supreme is equal to having the highest force. Before this young man, he had the peak strength of his lordliness, and everyone is not very afraid. After all, the heads of the three mercenary regiments are also at this level. The demon pet is different!

Having a monster pet of this level means that he already has the highest combat power, and His Majesty the Emperor of the Wind Empire does not dare to treat it!

Know that even if the empire's royal family has the supreme ancestor, the supreme ancestor will never offend the same level because of an emperor!

After all, the emperor is just the puppet of the supreme ancestor ~ www.readwn.com ~ I think it is inappropriate, you can completely change it!

Offend the Supreme Power. Once he gets angry and punches, the entire emperor will be destroyed more than half!

To put it bluntly, if you define the qi zong qi as mortal, the supreme qi is already above mortal!

For a simple example, the strongest peak of the sect can hit an army of one thousand, meet an army of a thousand people, and can also emerge from the whole body, and even chop the enemy's admiral's first rank. No more!

Even if you are strong, your energy is limited. You have n’t finished others, and your power is exhausted.

Extremes are different. The vital energy communicates with the world, and the air and sea cycle is endless. Not to mention 10,000 people, even if there are 100,000 people, it is impossible to kill them!

Because of this, you want an empire in the city not to see how many soldiers and horses you have and how disciplined the army is, but to see how many Supremes you have!

One supreme can resist hundreds of thousands of troops, this is by no means bragging!

Extreme level monster body defense is invincible, extremely powerful, even more terrible!

Once the boy brought the monster to the imperial capital in front of him, he would surely be strongly attracted by the imperial royal family to become more than the king and exist on an equal footing with the emperor!

Ps: Nie Yun has the first super-level demon pet, please congratulate for all kinds of votes!

In addition, I would like to thank the bookmates' brothers for their 10,000 starting point rewards, which made Laiya excited. This is the first 10,000 starting point rewards in this book. . . Thank you very much! Tomorrow I will add a chapter for you ~ www.readwn.com ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all in ~ www.readwn.com ~

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