Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1441: Entering the Ruins of God

"Thank you brother!" Nie Tong nodded.

Nie Yun did not say much.

If you change back to Tiandao Liudao, you will definitely not be allowed to act alone, but you know a lot about Tiandao Liudao. Although this is his brother and King Shura, he must have a lot of secrets in his body, maybe this **** The ruins have some relationship with him and must act alone.

I just didn't stop because of the thought.

"Now that the people have arrived, the relics of God are now open! Before I open, there are several things I want to say!" The two were talking, a voice sounded slowly, and it was Jiang Hao, the master of Wanyu Mountain. .

"First, after the relic of God is opened, it can only be maintained for three months. That is to say, you must return no matter how far you go within three months, otherwise you will be trapped inside and there is no possibility of returning. ! "

第二 "Second, killing is not prohibited in the ruins, anyone can be killed, so be careful!"

第三 "Third, we will never ask for what you get in the ruins. You can take it away with confidence, you can take as much as you want, and you can get it back if you have the life!"

"A total of these things, the most important thing is that you must come out within three months, otherwise, even if there are no more things, it is useless, well, open now!"

With the shouting of Jiang Hao, four rays of light suddenly appeared at the positions of the four great masters. The rays of light were like sharp swords that cut through the sky. With the power of chaos, they hit the seal in front of them. Cracks appeared before my eyes.

裂缝 This crack is hundreds of millions of meters high, and runs across the void full of the ruins of the planet. It's like a big, black mouth, which will swallow everyone.


When I saw this crack, the crowd suddenly roared. Countless figures rushed straight inward, like dark clouds covering the sky, like countless locusts, densely packed, and couldn't see how many people were in the end.

"Brother, I'm leaving ..."

A voice rang out in his ear, and Nie Yun immediately saw Nie Tong flashing a few times in the crowd and disappeared completely. Blended into the army, no trace can be seen again.

"Let's go!"

Wu Guxiao whispered and rushed forward. Qi Yuan and others followed closely, and several people's figures were tearing through the sky, as if drawing a thin line cutting the universe, rushing straight to the huge crack in front of them.

Nie Yun followed closely behind.

Skywalker talents are displayed with the wings of the Phoenix. Speed ​​is almost the same as Gu Xiao and others. In the blink of an eye, he entered the field of starry sky in front of the decline.

Let's sizzle!

As soon as he entered here, Nie Yun felt a sense of decay, corroding his soul and body like acid, making people feel hopeless and helpless from the bottom of his heart.

Ah ah ah ah ah……

There was a scream of screams in my ears, and I looked up, only to find that many people rushed in front because of this breath. He was dead and the body floated in the air. Adding this weirdness to this declining starfield.

"Follow me!"

With a low whisper, Gu Xiao grabbed his palm forward, and an umbrella-like thing appeared on the palm of his hand, enveloping a place of dozens of miles in the circle, and being blocked by this thing, the air of decay outside was blocked out .

"Nine Umbrellas! Defensive Treasures of the Same Level as Chiba Barrier 冇 ..."

Seeing the umbrella, Nie Yun nodded.

After the death of Qiu Tian, ​​the Chiba barrier on his body was naturally refined by him, but it has not been used. Although the degenerating atmosphere of this star field can attack people, it is worse than the chaos of Chaos Valley. Too much, not to mention Chiba barrier, any means can block it.

九 This Nine Umbrella, like the Chiba barrier, is also the fruit of a chaotic ancient life. It is a very powerful defense magic weapon. Under the resistance of this thing, the gas of decay cannot invade everyone.


The 9 Umbrella opened, and countless disciples returning to the market were sheltered. Gu Xiao took the lead and rushed towards the crack.

At this time, many other people in the Zongmen have entered, and the people in Guixuhai are not far behind.


As soon as Xun entered the crack, Nie Yun felt that the space and time changed instantly. The whole man seemed to have entered a large tomb, and it was difficult to breathe.

This is a broken world. It looks even more weird than the world we saw in Heaven and Earth Six Roads before. There are broken things everywhere without any aura.

"Sure enough, I can't absorb Reiki ..."

When Tan Dantian was running, Nie Yun immediately felt like he was trapped by something, and he could only use his internal strength instead of absorbing external forces for supply.

"The vitality Dantian is running!"

Xu was surprised, but she didn't show it on her face. She whispered, and the vitality Dan Tian slowly moved. After a while, Nie Yun shook her head and looked calm.

Wu Yuanqi Dan Tian was able to dare to pour out a sea of ​​relentless and endless power, and here, this dare to disappear, as if it did not exist at all.

In this relic of God, it seems that all the rules of chaos are useless for a moment, everyone is like a toddler who can only act according to its rules.

"Don't do it easily, otherwise the more power you consume, the more you will have no energy to return!"

A stroke in the palm of his hand, Jiuyou umbrella retracted his body, Gu Xiaodao.

"Hmm!" Everyone agreed.

This place is not only unable to absorb vitality, but also consumes vitality several times from the outside world. With the outside world, by virtue of their strength, they can completely block the pores of the whole body, so that the internal strength is not scattered in the slightest. If you do n’t fly, the magic power in your body will also be constantly consumed.

It is no wonder that many people live less than three months even if they are not in danger. This consumption, without sufficient knowledge and strength, cannot be sustained.

"Who knows what's going on here, let's say it together, everyone has a precaution in advance!"

Qi Guxiao looked around and asked for a week.

"Although I cannot absorb vitality here, I have heard that there is an ancient life that survives. When this life hibernates, there is no energy loss at all. Only when the cracks are opened can they wake up. They rely on the artificial energy supply that has been devoured for trial. So be careful! "

"I have heard about it, and it doesn't seem to be a kind of life. There are animals and plants. Let's try them out, which is equivalent to providing them with real things. In case they are encountered, try not to entangle them and run away immediately!"

"I heard that not only these lives, but also some of the ancient magical instruments of the ancient magic, but also the formation, to strengthen themselves by plundering the human soul, be careful ..."

Uh ...

I heard Gu Xiao's words, others said one after another.

Although these people have never been here, they have done their homework in advance and know a lot about the ruins of God.

Hearing the words of everyone, Nie Yun looked dignified.

虽然 Although it is not suitable for human survival, some ancient life and vitality are extremely strong, and it can survive here. It can be seen that even this place can survive.

"Is there anything else worth noting? Don't miss it, even if it is a rumor, let's have a mental preparation in advance so that we don't get messy at that time!"

I heard various rumors said by everyone ~ www.readwn.com ~ Gu Xiao and others also frowned, after a while, when no one saw, Gu Xiao continued to ask.

You can see the horror here from the horrible survival rate of the remains of God. They came here to gain higher strength and higher achievements, not to die. The more information they knew before the action, the more they survived. May be bigger.

"I know one, but it has nothing to do with it, but the other three main gates, Wan Lao Shan, Shi Qiu Ling, and Duan Tian Ya look at us and return to the sea and tigers, I'm afraid they will act against us, we must be careful!"

I thought for a while, Nie Yundao.

He didn't know much about the ruins of God, but he knew a lot about Qiu Tian and others about the actions of the three great gates. They were also a huge threat to the disciples of Guixuhai.

"Well, I heard that the three major gates united. They have always wanted to destroy our return to the sea. It has long been torn their faces. After a while, they will meet the three major gates and kill as much as possible so that they do not escape. ... "

"Kill us, hey, 冇 who kills who is not necessarily, you don't want to escape ..."

Wu Guxiao's words were not finished, and suddenly a giggling laugh sounded, and everyone hurriedly turned around, and then saw dozens of figures around when they did not know when they were around, and surrounded them in the center. (To be continued ...)




[To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 新城 邓宏" If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the official website to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. 】

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