Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1442: Did not wake up!

数十 These dozens of people wore: the clothes of the big gate, all eyes were as cold as a beast, staring closely like a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

"Yuzan? That's bad!"

I saw Gu Xiao's face ugly when he saw the head of this group.

"What happened to my brother?"

"This Yuzhu, a genius of Shiqiu Ridge, has been trained to have reached 2,770, and his combat effectiveness is even more terrible. Although he is not a powerful reincarnation, it is similar. I have fought with him several times, only It's a pity that he is not an opponent every time. I didn't expect to come in and met him. After a while, I dragged him on, you guys go quickly ... "

Gu Xiao quickly transmitted the sound.

"Drag me? Are you worth it? I don't think any of you will leave today!"

It seemed that he heard his voice. The person named Yu Zhu in the crowd laughed and walked out. Then Nie Yun could see his face clearly. He was tall and thin, with one of his coldness in his eyebrows. Kill the decisive man.


During the conversation, Yu Chan grabbed his hand like a mountain, and the volley fell down, his fingertips shot thin lines, and he blinked. The crowd seemed to be locked in a huge cover, and a huge matrix formed in the air.

"Thousands of miles away ... Can't you really escape?"

I stepped back a few steps, and Gu Xiao's palm was torn in the air, his energy was like a knife cut, and the surrounding air was twisted, but the gap just cut was immediately made up by the matrix method, as if it never appeared.

"Wan Li Jing Tian Zhen is a lore that was successfully made by the Lord Shiyang for millions of years. If you fall into it, you are trapped in a small world. If you want to escape, how can you escape! Gu Xiao, you must wait for death today! "

Then a voice sounded, another figure came out.

人 This man is even more majestic and taller than Yuzhuan, his face is distorted in a gray-grey suit, and every move is in harmony with the heavens, with amazing momentum and strength.

"Shen Hui?"

Gu Xiao noodles are even more ugly.

"Who is this person?"

"This Shen Hui is a master of the End of the World. It has almost the same strength as Yu Zhu. They are all people who have been inherited by the strong master class. They are earth-shattering. If only Yu Zhu is alone, we will fight hard to resist, maybe there is still a chance, There was another Shen Hui, it was awful ... "

Wu Guxiao has not spoken yet, Qi Yuan explained.

He is a belligerent person. When he hears the battle, his eyes will become hot, but at this time, his eyebrows are wrinkled and his face becomes extremely ugly. It seems that the end has not been predicted before the battle.

"As long as we kill them together, it should not be difficult to escape!"

Seeing his appearance, Nie Yundao.

"It's not difficult? I don't know what hòu is in Tian Gao Di. Since we shot with all our strength, do you think there is still a chance to escape? Don't think that you will ruin the waste of Qiu Tian, ​​you are very good. It's worth mentioning that it's a small person who hasn't seen the world! "

Wu Yuzhuan heard Nie Yun's doubts and laughed, his eyes were full of contempt.

他 In his opinion, Nie Yun in front of him, but only the little people who get strange encounters, nothing can be counted. If you want to pinch to death, you can do it with one finger, without much effort.

It seems that the death of Qiu Tian and others has already attracted the attention of Jiang Hao and others. The lords of the three sectarian gates have left Nie Yun's appearance to his disciples. If not, this person will not be able to see him at a glance. recognize.

"The boy Yuzhu left to me, the lord gave me an order to take this boy's head back, you must not fight with me, as for Gu Xiao, I will give it to you!"

Shen Hui stepped forward, and the storm in front of him moved.

"This kid, my lord, also left a message and must be killed, so you can kill other people, this person is left to me. I won't let him die so early, tease for a while and then slowly die, otherwise, How can Qin Tao's revenge be reported? "

Wu Yuzhu also showed no weakness. With a wave of her palm, she rejected Shen Hui's suggestion.

It seems that the two of them did not take Gu Xiao and others into their eyes. In their opinion, the crowd has become their prey, and it is no longer possible to escape.

"Well, let me play around when I'm teasing. I have at least 10,000 ways to deal with such cheap bones, so that he can't survive or die!"

Shen Hui laughed.

"Okay, that's it!" Seeing the other party agreed, Yu Zhuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Nie Yun: "You're called Nie Yun, right, chaos in the mountains. Although I don't know what happened, the lord and me Having said that, obediently kneeling in front of me, admitting the mistake, and then handing over all the good things, I can consider letting you live longer! "

He walked forward in his discourse, and the magnificent momentum of the mountains fell. In the face of the crowd, the strength was slightly worse, and he breathed quickly and could not speak.

"Yu Zhuan, want to deal with Brother Nie Yun, jump over my body first!"

Seeing that the other party was aggressive and unpleasant, Nie Yun was thinking about killing him in the past, and Gu Xiao stood in front of him, raising his eyebrows, with a sense of righteousness and Ling Ran.

"I will stop them first. Qiyuan you take Nie Yun to find a way out. The farther you can escape, the better. Don't catch them up. Don't worry. Although my strength is not as good as them, but I want to kill me. So easy ... time "

Nie Yun was trying to speak, and a voice from Gu Xiao came from his ear.

"Brother Gu Xiao, let me come, you are the leader of our group, you can take everyone away to ensure safety, otherwise, even if you escape today, it will be difficult to escape in the future ..."

Qi Qiyuan stepped forward with determination in his eyes.

Seeing that both of them were with perseverance, it seemed that they all planned to save the others at their death. "Well, I have taken the will of the two. Since these two guys came to me, I shot and killed them. Don't fight! "

Qi Nieyun was touched, shook her head, and walked up.

Entering the relics of the gods, even the powerful lords can not spread their spirits. At this time, he is not afraid to show the Tianxin rattan. Although Yuzhu and Shen Hui are powerful, they have no interest in Tianxin who already has 2,760 avenues. For Fuji, it's nothing.

"Nie Yun, don't lift up ..."

When I saw him walking towards Yuzhu and Shen Hui, Gu Xiao was almost scared to death, and he couldn't help but tremble.

These two powers, but even they are powerless, and rushing directly to them are simply acts of seeking death.

"Haha! Want to kill me? Are you crazy? Do you know how many pounds or two? Do you know what your last name is? I don't know what's dead, it's ridiculous!"

I heard Nie Yun's words in my ears, and Yu Chan almost laughed alive.

"I don't know the dead ghost, do you know what the strength of Brother Yuzhu? Do you dare to say this? Even Gu Xiao is obedient and doesn't dare to speak. You pretend to be here, I think this boy is a bad brain!"

"While the brain is broken, there is almost no brain. I really don't know where to get the courage to dare to speak like this ..."

"Brother, since this man is so stupid, let me play around, I have many ways to deal with this mental retardation ..."

Others also heard Nie Yun's words, and all laughed, as if they saw a bite) The clown who jumped beamlessly.

"Nie Yun, you come back, I am not an opponent ..."

Twenty-seven yuan took a step forward and would pull him back, but before he came to him, he saw the young man in front of him.

Xie Nieyun's body was phantom-like, and he appeared in front of Yu Chan in the blink of an eye, his palm raised and pushed forward.

The palm of his hand with the sound of wind and thunder, when the electric flicker flashed, tearing thousands of miles away, appeared in front of Yu Chan.

"I don't know ..."

Xu Yuzhu didn't expect him to dare to do it first ~ www.readwn.com ~ his face sank, and a punch came.

But before his fist came to Nie Yun, a thick vine didn't know where to spread from, and he would wrap his whole body along his arm.


I did not expect this thing to appear suddenly during the battle, Yu Chan was startled, his pupils shrank, and roared loudly.

Alas, before the roar was over, the vine digged into his open mouth.

"Woohoo ..."

When the vine entered his mouth, Yuchan's pupils shrank, and she wanted to speak, but realized that she couldn't say anything, and her body trembled constantly.

Squeak! Squeak!

There was a series of crisp sounds instantly in the body, and the whole person dried up immediately, as if the energy had been absorbed, the whole person had to turn white, and blood had come out of his eyes.


As soon as the vines were closed, Yu Zhu's body fell to the ground, and she had completely cut off her breath.

"You just want to kill me with this strength? Don't wake up!"

As soon as the Tiantian heart rattan was closed, Nie Yun looked at Shen Hui and others.

Listen to other authors, I only knew this. I ordered it last time, but I ordered it, grandma, what did I do? Ask for two monthly passes to comfort you. .

Alas. .




[To be continued 『』 If you like the work, welcome to the official website to support the author. 】

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