Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1443: Kill all

"He killed Yuzhu?"

"This ... how is this possible ..."

Shen Ye and others were incredible.

Not to mention them, even Gu Xiao, Qi Yuan and others have widened their eyes, and their eyes are about to protrude.

"One shot killed Yu Zhuan, this ... this ..."

Two "this" words were spoken in a row, and Gu Xiao couldn't say anything else.

Just now I was so angry that Nie Yun rushed over, but now I know that the youngest core disciple is even more terrible than him.

"He said it wasn't my opponent. I actually believed it. If I did it, I might not be able to catch it. I would have died before, and I clearly saved face before ...

Qi Yuan remembered the situation where he had to compete with the opponent before, and the opponent directly conceded.

It is ridiculous that he actually believed it, and vowed to take care of the other party. Now I know that the other party is just talking to him. This kind of strength can kill him several times at any time. How can he not be an opponent?

Give him a clear face ...

Thinking of this, Qi Yuan's heart was moved for a while.

"Tian Xin Teng? You actually have Tian Xin Teng? This kind of treasure is not something that people like you are entitled to own. Give it to me!"

Shen Yun was surprised first, and then recognized what the vine that Nie Yun had inserted into Yu Zhu's throat just now, and her eyes showed greed.

Do n’t mention him, Tianxin Teng, but even the suzerain level is unknown to the coveted things, but you ca n’t find them.

Knowing the power of Tian Xin Teng, Shen Huan didn't hesitate, and grabbed it in the air.


The sky was shattered by him, and violent and violent forces swept across. The earth cracked, and Xinghe was spinning behind him. The palm is like a giant hand tearing the sky, and howling.

When he shot, he showed his full strength, the strength of the 2,770 avenues, all of them, making him like a giant tearing the galaxy, giving endless pressure.


Nie Yun seems to have known that he would do something, his arms flicked, and Tianxin vine spread out several vines. Like a thick arm, he greeted the palm in the air.

Just after devouring Yuzhuan, Tianxin Rattan once again improved a little, reaching 2,765 avenue strength, and several vines spread out, as if a few strong men of this level attacked at the same time. The combined power is amazing.


The vines gathered by Shen Ye were torn into pieces by the gathered vines, and the extended force made Shen Ye take several steps back in a row.


Shen Yan's face sank, his palms were scratched, and a cold mang volleyed down, making a whining sound, as if the air was bleeding.


His nirvana!

Knife in the air. Gathering the power of his whole body is like the emergence of countless dragons in the air, each with a roaring sound, tearing the space and shaking the world.

Under the impact of the blade under full force, Wanli Jingtian array began to overturn. With a squeaking noise, it will collapse at any time.

Look from the sword alone. This move is irresistible, even if the peak Chaos God soldiers meet, they will be injured by the infiltrating breath.

"Heavenly heart, come out!"

Nie Yun stepped forward, Tianxin Teng screamed and rushed towards the sharp sword, and the layers turned into an ocean of vines.


Although Dao Mang was sharp, after cutting one vine, another vine spread over, endless and endless, breaking tens of thousands of vine obstacles in a row, and Dao Mang finally stopped.


Daoman disappeared, and Nie Yun pointed at the palm of his hand. The vine ocean immediately included Shen Yang, and packed it into a dumpling.

"Look, don't do it yet ..."

Surrounded by Tianxin Rattan, Shen Yan hissed.

He knew that once he was completely entangled in vines, he was dying, and he couldn't care about anything at the critical moment.


The others then reacted, and at the same time, Xiaoxiao started to work together.

These people are all powerful men of the three major gates. At the same time, the forces gathered in an instant and the river rushed forward.

"It's useless to join forces, and Tianxinteng is not afraid of joining forces!"

Seeing the actions of the crowd, Nie Yun sneered, with a little finger, the vine burst out, making him like an octopus, blocking all attacks, and the sharp vines were inserted into the opponent's throat one by one.

Celestial heart is not afraid of siege, the more people, the more energy it absorbs, the greater its power.

Zizi Zizi!

After a series of sounds, dozens of people under siege all turned into corpses and fell to the ground.

"Do not……"

Seeing this scene in Shen Yan's eyes, he felt that he was going crazy, and he was going crazy, but found that the vines around him seemed stronger than before. Together, the copper walls and iron walls, even him, could do nothing.


The vine inserted into his throat, the power surged, and the body fell to the ground.


As soon as the body moved, all the Tianxin rattans were retracted, and Nie Yun's eyes lit up.

There is no reiki here, and it cannot absorb reiki, but having the Celestial Heart perfectly solves this problem. Every time you kill a person, you can gain a lot of vitality. The more you kill, the stronger your strength builds up. The problem.

"Hurry up, there is too much movement, and it will be troublesome to be surrounded by others!"

The things that were dropped by these people were swept away, Nie Yun's body shook, Tianxinteng took it into her body, turned to shout to Gu Xiao and others.

"Let's go!"

Gu Xiao and others also know the danger. These are just a small team of three major gates. They are not the strongest. They really need to be surrounded. It is really difficult to escape. They do n’t ask much at once. Everyone rushes forward and winks Leave in place.

After dozens of breaths, the crowd appeared thousands of miles away.

"Nie Yun ... is that really your heart?"

Stopped, everyone looked at Nie Yun like a monster.


Knowing that he could not hide, Nie Yun nodded.

"Great! It's no wonder the suzerain asked me to follow you, so you have this treasure!"

Gu Xiao nodded excitedly.

Celestial heart is a kind of chaos in ancient times. This kind of thing can not be found. Nie Yun owns this. First of all, he is in an invincible position. He no longer needs to be afraid of excessive energy consumption and cannot supply it.

Nie Yun looked around and found that although everyone was envious, they had no jealous eyes, and could not help secretly relieved.

Sometimes you are not afraid that the enemy is strong. If your partner is stubborn, even if the enemy is weak, you will encounter a lot of trouble.

Therefore, when there is no enemy, the potential threat must be removed.

"Look, what is that?"

Suddenly, Qi Yuan pointed forward.

Looking in the direction of his fingers, a glow of light burst out between them, reflecting the sky for a long time, and the redness was beautiful.

"There should be treasures born. Many people have found them. Come and see them!"

Gu Xiao's face was positive, and he was busy.

This is the glow of the treasure, which is so radiant. I am afraid that the level of this treasure is not low.

"Be careful, it may be a trap!"

With the experience of Tian Xin Teng, Nie Yun was not particularly excited and enthusiastic about treasures, but showed a sense of vigilance.

Although the treasures are in their hands, they are very good, but they are not strong enough. When they rush through, they will only become passive, and they will not help themselves.

"Yes, everyone is careful!"

Gu Xiao nodded and flew away behind Nie Yun in the direction of the light.

woo woo woo woo!

The crowd was moving forward, and they heard a wind howling and a whirlwind of egg yolk in front of them.

The rocks shattered into powder in this whirlwind, and even if Nie Yun and others entered it, they felt like stabs on their bodies, and blood burst out from the body.

"This is the ghost wind of the ruins. It can not only pierce the skin, but also penetrate the bone marrow and freeze people into ice. Be careful ..."

Feeling the bitter chill brought by this whining wind ~ www.readwn.com ~ Gu Xiao shouted quickly.

The ghost wind of the ruins is more terrible than the chaos of the Chaos Mountain. The latter is psychedelic, but this wind is like the attack of the strong. It can attack even the physical body.


Knowing the horror of this ghost wind, Nie Yun sighed coldly, and a huge barrier spread out, wrapping everyone in.

Chiba barrier!

"Hurry up ..."

After killing Qiu Tian, ​​Chiba Barrier fell into his hands and was completely refined. At this time, it was displayed, blocking all the wind.


All the way forward, before we came to the place where the light rose, we saw countless strange figures howling and falling in front. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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