Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1444: Block stone

These figures are dark all over, each with a height of three or four meters.

Actually a group of divine beasts.

"It's the unique sun beast unique to the remains of God!"

"The beast of the sun, with the power of pure yin attributes, emerged from the sun, and devoured human beings as masters, and continued life. It is very weird. It seems that they have also seen the aura of heaven here, and treasures are born. Pen 羹 ... "

Gu Xiao's eyebrows jumped wildly.

"These human beings have enough aura in them to kill them, and our strength must have made a breakthrough ..."

"Dare to come here to find treasures. These people should be damned. They must be killed ..."

"Let's do it together, surround them, don't let them run away, these are all food ..."

Following his words, Nie Yun looked up and thought waves flew into his mind, and the scarlet eyes of the falling sun beast looked at the crowd, licking his lips and drooling.

The existence of the remains of God, because they can not absorb the aura, can only rely on hibernation to survive, and each time the trial begins, they will wake up to kill and save the energy needed for hibernation.

"It has to do it for us and be ready for battle!"

Master Nie Yuntian's talents can understand all languages. Although these falling sun beasts exude special mental fluctuations, they are still captured by him.


Just after commanding the ground to shake for a while, a wave of air rushed in, causing everyone to take a nap.

"what is that?"

Suddenly, Qi Yuan pointed forward.

Looking in the direction of his fingers, he saw a mountain stream in front of him. The ground tumbled, and a stele suddenly rose from the ground.

The sky shone from the stone. Stinging soul, makes eyes burn.

"It's a banned stone monument! It is a banned stone monument. I didn't expect that we were so lucky that we ran away and encountered such a good thing ..."

Gu Xiao smiled, her eyes glowed with excitement.

"Stolen stone? What is it?"

Nie Yun was strange.

Although I haven't been in contact with Gu Xiao for a long time, I know that this person has a calm personality. Even before I met Yu Zhu and others, I didn't show great joy and sorrow, but now I'm so disoriented. What exactly is this banned stele?

"The banned stele, as the name implies, is the banned seal. The presence of such a powerful stele here indicates that there is likely to be a banned place after the stele!"

Gu Xiao was excited and explained. Taking the weapon out of the side: "The banned place is a small world left after the death of some strong men. At the time, my mysterious heritage was obtained in a banned place. Such a place is likely to have extremely powerful inherited……"

"Legacy? Good luck!"

After listening to the explanation, Nie Yun's eyes were also bright.

Kill Yuzhu and others. In order to avoid the pursuit of other Zongmen disciples, the crowd flew randomly, never expecting to encounter such a good place.

If what he said is true, he can leave a banned stone monument here, the strong one who has left the heritage. At least at the level of Sovereign!

Although he is not very interested in inheritance, he is a suzerain. The baby left behind is definitely not easy.

Whirring whirring!

Thinking, another hurricane wind rang in the air, and several figures had already flew over.

There are a total of four people, wearing the clothes of disciples of Wan Laoshan, all of whom are young. The first person is about 30 years old, holding a long sword, and the whole person stands in the air like a sword fairy.

The three people behind him were radiant with their eyes, with pride.

"Two thousand and seventy-seven Avenue strong?" Nie Yun raised an eyebrow.

The man in front of him is actually comparable to the previous Yu Zhu and Shen Ying, both of whom are 2,770 avenue powerhouses.

"Forbidden stone stele! Haha, it's getting rich!"

"Following Brother Mingyi's luck, they came to the ruins and met a banned stone monument!"

"Looking at the level of this banned stone monument, this banned place is definitely not simple. It is estimated that in the level of the suzerain, they are all considered to be top-notch and must be obtained ..."


Several people were also attracted by the light on the banned stele, and saw the steles slowly rising from the ground, one after another.

"Brother, these people seem to be returning to the sea ..."

Eyes moved away from the stele, and several people saw Nie Yun and them.

"Return to the sea?"

The young man at the forefront raised his mouth and looked at Gu Xiao: "I thought it was Gu Xiao. This is a banned place. I've watched it. I will give you three breaths and get out of here!"

Flicking his arms, an air of cold and arrogance rose, with a look of disdain in his eyes.


After his words were finished, the roar of the stele stopped, and the four big characters above radiated golden light.

Jinxuan mystery!

"It really is a banned place!" Everyone's spirit refreshed.

Although it can be guessed from the banned stone monument that there will be a banned place here, after all, it is not sure. Seeing these four, there is no need to guess, you can be completely sure.

The secret place of Jinxuan must be a relic left by a strong man named Jinxuan.


When the words "Xuanxuan Realm" appeared, when the crowd was inspiring, the Luoyang Beasts all screamed, roaring excitedly, and several Luoyang Beasts rushed towards the stone monument.


Before he came to the stone, the stele shot out suddenly like a sword.

Flutter! Flutter! Flutter!

The Sun Beast was smashed into minced meat, and there was no resistance at all.


Seeing this scene, everyone was condensed.

Although these beasts of the sun are just ordinary **** beasts, they have lived here for many years and have swallowed up some unknown powers. Each strength has no less than 2,500 avenue powers. Together, the strength is even better.

Such a powerful beast was killed by the cold mang shot by the stone stele without any resistance, which was unexpected.

"Well, a group of beasts also want to refine the stone stele and dream!"

The young Ming Ming smiled, flew forward, and volleyed towards the stone monument.


Seeing his actions, where are the remaining Sun Beasts willing to do it, their faces shouted loudly.


Several sun-beasts rushed over, and turned into blood-red colors even in the air, and the thick teeth were glowing with cold light, like sharp blades, sobbing in the air with a strange trajectory.

They got started!

"court death!"

Ming Yan's eyes were cold, his hands did not move when he held the sword, but the other hand was held high, and he flicked a huge seal, flying suddenly from the palm, roaring towards the falling sun The beast crushed in the past.

The seal was long when it saw the wind, and it immediately became the size of a small mountain, and it could not see the specific level. It was suspended in the air with a golden light, and two huge fonts landed from above, covering several sun-beasts .

These two words are not the most commonly used words in the Oblique Moon Extreme Zone, but they carry the power of the chaotic ocean and show a powerful power as soon as they appear.

"Ancient chaos?"

Seeing these two words, Gu Xiao and others showed thrilling expressions.

Ancient Chaos is a language that was spread in the ancient Chaos oceans. Each word represents a kind of avenue. The three large characters at the beginning of Guixuhai are brought together in this special language.

Few people write this kind of character, and each one is heavier than Taishan. The seal on the seal that Ming Ye took out had such a typeface, which was unexpected by everyone.

"No wonder he dares to be so arrogant ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although this seal is not high-level, but with these two words, the power cannot be underestimated ..."

Gu Xiao's eyes were dignified and he looked at Nie Yun: "The power of this ancient chaotic language is not the same as the ordinary immortal attack. Even Tian Xin Teng can't absorb it, if it doesn't work ... let's avoid the edge first and talk again!"

The opponent held the peak of Chaos, and Tian Xin Teng had a battle against it, but there was no way to this ancient chaos.

This is not strength, but a sympathy for the understanding of the avenue and the chaotic ocean. It can be understood without mentioning two words. I can't understand it. He overtakes Taishan and defeats people from the heart. There is no way to defend it.

"I know……"

Although Gu Xiao said very implicitly, Nie Yun knew what he meant. In the face of the attack formed by this ancient chaotic language, even if he had Tian Xin Teng, he could not be defeated.

However, knowing this, Nie Yun didn't back away, but stared straight at the two words in front of her eyes, her eyebrows locked, and for a moment, she suddenly smiled slightly, her eyes radiated with excitement: "These two words look like I know……"

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