Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1446: Mo Yao came

The human head formed by the idea has the power to dominate the world, tearing the space with every move, the dark eyes with the disillusionment of life and death seem to belittle the things on earth, as vast as heaven.

It is said that when people cultivate to a certain level, human nature will weaken, as ruthless as Tiandao, and they will treat everything as a ruminant dog and will not change due to foreign objects.

This human head is obviously formed by the condensing of other people's thoughts. One thought has such a powerful power, which shows that the body is powerful.

This kind of person has reasonably said that he no longer has the feelings of love and greed, but when he sees Tian Xin Teng, he still has a passion.

"Brother Mo Yao saved me ..." Ming Xuan shouted quickly.

"Mo Yao? This is Mo Yao?"

Nie Yun's face sank.

Before he knew that Mo Yao was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful, he would have the strength not weaker than him, even more powerful!

Ji Moyao thought about the transfigured human head, heard the shout, took a sigh of relief to Ming Xuan, and the Tian Xin Teng that entangled him like he was blocked by a huge force, but could not continue to swallow.

This power emerged at a sigh of relief, and everyone who saw this scene tightened their faces at the same time.

This strength is obviously not a grade with them, and completely detached.

"You are the master of Tenshinten?"

He let Tian Xin Teng stop attacking, and Mo Yao's transfigured head looked at Nie Yun.

"Nice!" Nie Yun's expression calmed when he noticed him.

"Give me Tenshinten to keep you alive!" The man's head was expressionless.

"I found out why you guys at Wan Lao Shan like to be so self-righteous and let you. It's just this idea? Die!"

Laughed loudly, Hanyang sword fell on the palm of his hand, moved gently. Jianmang runs through Changhong and stabs at the head.

"I don't know if I live or die!"

He snorted his head and blew out again.


His breath formed a long sword in the air, and it collided with Changhong of Hanyang Sword. The air swept up and stirred together. The ground was crushed with rocks, and a devastating atmosphere wafted around. Let Gu Xiao and others can't help but back down.

"It turns out that Brother Nie Yun's strength is so terrible ..."

"I thought he was terribly invincible. I saw this sword, and I knew, even if he only had strength. I'm not an opponent ..."

Uh ...

The two of them exchanged swords, and Gu Xiao and others couldn't help but be moved at the same time.

Before that, they thought that Nie Yun was so strong because of Tianxin Rattan. Now it seems that even if this ancient fetish is not used. His own strength. Also powerful and terrible!

Especially the sword move, the mysterious mystery, with the most original flavor of the avenue, even if their strength, face up, they will be embarrassed, do not know how to defend the next move.

"Although Brother Nie Yun is powerful, this Mo Yao. It is even more powerful! I am afraid that the human head is not even one percent of his deity's strength. The idea is so combative. The deity is coming. How strong is it?"

"I have long heard that this person is a powerful reincarnation, and I have not believed. Now it seems that I am not only a powerful reincarnation, but I have also awakened my consciousness ..."

Uh ...

Although Gu Xiao and others felt that Nie Yun was very powerful, each time they saw the head of Mo Yao's idea, they each developed a sense of weakness from their hearts.

In the face of Nie Yun, he could not overcome, but he had a lot of strength, but in the face of this, let alone defeat, he could not even give up the idea of ​​resistance.

Standing in front of each other, I can clearly feel that it is not the same world, and the realm is quite different, and it is not the same.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

At the time when Gu Guxiao and others were sighing, the battle between Nie Yun and the head of the head had already carried out several moves.

Human head has no hands and feet, but every breath is like gathering vitality from the depths of chaos. The power is endless and there is no end, which makes people unable to resist.

In other people's encounters with such weird things, they may have collapsed and couldn't fight. Can't he, Nie Yun can't help each other!

"You can't kill me, and I can't kill you, but my deity has received my message and will soon come over. I advise you to take it!"

Seeing that he couldn't help each other, his head was a bit annoyed, as if his dignity had been provoked, his eyebrows were cold, his voice was like a blade, stabbing his soul.

"Your deity has got the message?"

Nie Yun raised her eyebrows.

The idea is so powerful that the deity is coming, it is really difficult to fight.

Although he has the Rune of Dominance, he can improve his strength in a short time, but the other party's existence as a key cultivation of Zongmen is also a powerful reincarnation. Who can guarantee that he does not?

In case there is also the Dominator Rune, in the same burning situation, it is definitely not an opponent!

不错 "Yes, he has already rushed over here and immediately sent out Tian Xin Teng. He gave a vow of chaos to be loyal to me, which will save him from death. Once you let my deity come, don't even try to escape ..."

Ji Moyao's head laughed, and his eyes were generally cold.

"Since you're looking for death, don't blame me ..."

I knew that once the other party came, it would be difficult for everyone to escape. Nie Yun's expression was dignified, and a master's rune appeared on the palm of his hand, crushing it violently.


The whole body flashed, and the breath suddenly changed.

"Master Rune? Do you actually have this thing?"

When Jian Moyao saw the changes in his head, his original calm face suddenly changed.

"Now it's too late ... give me all to die!"

Puppets dominated the burning of runes, Nie Yun's strength changed drastically, and Tianxin Teng also seemed to get a lot of supplements. Several vines were added again, and the water snake shot at the other disciples standing over again.

These disciples are not weak. Although they are not as good as Ming 丞, they are not weaker than Gu Xiao and others.

Before Nie Yun tried to kill Ming Ning, he couldn't care about them. At this moment, the vine eyes looked like the tentacles of the octopus, and after the noise, he blocked all the surrounding space.


These disciples themselves were not the opponents of Tianxinteng. At this time, Nie Yun who burned the Rune of the Lord was used. The power was even better. In a blink of an eye, these disciples were swallowed up at the same time and became one by one.


I swallowed these people clean, and the power of the Celestial Heart increased once more. Nie Yun slashed into the palm of his hand, and the thought of the human head left on Ming Ling was torn apart, and the vines surrounding it were quickly tightened up.

"Ah, no……"

I did not expect that Nie Yun in front of me not only had the Rune of Dominance, but also exhibited it so decisively, Ming Ye shouted loudly.

But now it's useless to roar loudly again, a vine got into his throat, less than a breath, he couldn't shout anymore, and the body fell to the ground.


He swallowed up Ming He, and Tian Xin Teng grew again. His strength had reached 2,770 avenues, dancing in the air, tearing through the space.

"No ... you dare to kill them, I want you to die ..."

I did not expect Nie Yun to be so decisive. After burning the Rune of the Master, two people who could not breathe killed everyone, and the head roared again to exhale and attack.

The Jianmang formed by the sigh of breath was more powerful than before, piercing the throat straight.


聂 Nie Yun, who is the master of runes, is no longer afraid of this power ~ www.readwn.com ~ Finger slammed his fingers, and a blaze of flames burned in the past.


The flames burned the human head in the blink of an eye, a chilling crackling sound resounded, and Mo Yao's ideas kept struggling and roaring in the flames.

"Dare you kill me, I won't let you go ..."

Although his deity is very powerful, this is just an idea. In the face of Nie Yun who has exerted the dominance of the rune, how could he be an opponent? With his deep grievances in the tragic cry, he continued to shrink under the burning of fire. Gradually melting.


Xun continued to spit fires with one hand and burned his head. Knowing that time was tight, Nie Yun volleyed in one hand and grabbed the block stone.


下 Under the impact of ferocious force, the resistance of the stele had no effect at all, so he blinked into the dandan in the blink of an eye.

"Abominable, dare to kill Ming Lu and others, kill my avatar, Nie Yunyu, Gu Xiao, I will let all of you return to the sea die, one will not stay ..."

As soon as Wu took away the stele, the sky roared, and then the space shattered, and a figure burst from the distance.

The shadowy eyes were blood red, exactly the same as the head of the person being burned, but the red eyes had a strong sense of killing.




[Unfinished To Be Continued [This text is provided by The Shining God Version @ 缘 来 是 梦] If you like this work, welcome to the official website to support the author.

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