Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1447: Mo Yao broke

"If you don't stay, it depends on your ability!"

In the low hum, the flame of Nie Yun's head burning suddenly increased, and the sound of ice cubes entering the oil pan sounded. The human head was completely burned before he could scream.

Now that Mo Yao's mind is here, his deity must know everything that happened here, and he has already betrayed anyway. There is no need to be a good person and stay behind.

Nie Yun has never been a good man and believer, but only after 30,000 years of accumulation and the events of Lingtai Ling Yue, he has calmed his mind a lot, not as impulsive as before, so after the oblique moon supreme domain, he has kept a low profile. But being low-key does not mean that he has lost his previous domineering and arrogance, and really wants to make a shot. It is also the former Blood Prisoner. The chicken and dog do n’t leave, and do n’t leave the other party with any thoughts.

"Well! Damn ..."

The soul thoughts were burned and cleaned by the flames, and Mo Yao who was rushed was hit badly, and a blood spewed out, and people caught him in the air.


The fairy force in the air stirred the ring with a fusion, like a torrent of tears, with an ancient taste, and the space was torn apart stiffly.

"It's ruthless. I used the Rune of the Lord directly ..."

Seeing the power of the opponent's palm, the Three Thousand Avenues are endless, smooth and smooth. Nie Yun knows that the opponent is really fierce, and knows that he used the Rune of the Master without hesitation, and used it directly.

Mo Yao, who used the Rune of Dominance, is obviously much stronger than him. When he hits the sky and tears the ground, the ground collapses. I am afraid that a suzerain might have to evade his edge when he encounters it.

He himself has more than 2,800 avenue strengths. The top avenues also learned a lot, after using the dominator rune. The improvement of strength is far greater than that of Nie Yun.


Knowing that he wasn't an opponent, Nie Yun's long sword stabbed a special pattern in the air, and the sword mang turned into a meteor at once, and met with Yao Yao's palm.

At the same time, the other hand grabbed Gu Xiao and others, they were wrapped in a special energy, and the wings of the Phoenix unfolded. Nie Yun turned into a long wind and rushed straight into the distance!

He is not an opponent, he will not resist, he will run away first!

Anyway, as long as the banned stone monument is collected, it is tantamount to controlling the banned place in the palm of the hand, and the fleeing opponent is sharp, and it will be fine to find the banned place in the future.

"Where to escape!"

Smash the sword stabbed by Nie Yun with one palm. Mo Yao strode forward.

His footsteps shortened the ground, and each step had a distance of hundreds of kilometers. Two or three steps came behind Nie Yun. In the long hissing, the power in the body was flowing wildly, and the surrounding space seemed to be a special one. Shrouded in barriers. Trapped Nie Yun.

"Tear it!"

Nie Yun knew that once hesitated, he was completely trapped by the other party, and then it was difficult to escape again. With a twist of his eyes, his palm ripped forward.

The palm under the talent of the Master of the Master. Like the peak chaos magic soldier, instantly inserted into the barrier. The strength in the body burned, a roar, and the barrier stretched by Mo Yao was torn in half, raging the scattered air waves, sweeping away all the plants and animals that were hundreds of miles away.


Many of the gods and beasts who had previously despised humans were so scared that when they saw such a might from the battles on both sides, they were scared to frighten their heads and dared not turn back.

The two who use the Rune of Dominance are stronger than the Sovereign, and these creatures dare not be rivals.

"Using the Rune of Dominance as well, you are far from my opponent. I said that if you cannot escape, you cannot escape!"

The barrier was torn, Mo Yao's face remained unchanged, and he shot again. This time, his palm also turned golden, exactly like Nie Yun's earlier.

"Tianshishi Avenue? Great ..."

Seeing the opponent ’s move, Nie Yun knew that the other person, like himself, understood Tianshou Avenue, which is equivalent to possessing this talent. The palm is not only extremely powerful, but also extremely smart and difficult to fight!

"That's the case, Lost!"

Seeing the endless stream of methods, Nie Yun's eyes flickered, and his fingers point out.


Nine array flags came out from the fingertips, and blinked into the ground.


With the appearance of the banner, the air was immediately shrouded in a cloud of fog. This mist reached out with no five fingers, as if the heavens collapsed and **** exploded, even a strong man like Mo Yao could not see clearly.

"What is this? Skyscraper?"

Obstructed by the mist, Mo Yao's face sank, and his speed stopped.

Also using the Dominator Rune, although the opponent's strength is weaker than him, it is not much weaker. In this environment, once he is caught in the ambush of the opponent, even if he is, he must pull off a layer of skin.

"Tianyan Avenue, go!"

With his hands at the center of his eyebrows, Mo Yao's turbid eyes became bright immediately.

However, even the Tianyan Avenue, we can only see clearly that the distance that is no more than a hundred meters in diameter is very small for such a huge array.

"Nie Yun, do you think that if you hide in the mystery, you will be able to avoid a disaster and dream!"

Taking a deep breath, Mo Yao continued to speed up and rush forward.

But he didn't go far and stopped abruptly.

woo woo woo woo!

As soon as I stood still, I heard a whining wind blowing around, and then several weird cold winds blew from all directions. These winds were like knives and did no harm to the physical body, but they could pierce the soul directly, making people dizzy and bloated. .


As soon as his arm was shaken, Mo Yao's body immediately formed a circle of defensive tortoise shells.

It seems that he has fully understood the avenue of defense.

With the defensive tortoise shell, although the bad wind around him was severe, he couldn't hurt him at all. Under the shock of his whole body power, the fog shook away and he continued to march forward.

Although he didn't know the direction, Mo Yao confirmed that Nie Yun would definitely not leave here.

After all, the formation that can trap him all, even the richest people, will not give up.


Moving forward, the sword qi around him shot from all directions, each sword qi hit like a strong master, and several sword qi stirred together to form a special powerful formation, immediately he Enveloped completely.

"Scarlet trick!"

Mo Yao neither resisted nor dodged, his palms rolled, and a golden piece of paper appeared on the palms.

This piece of paper is not only the size of a slap, but it emits endless power. When it appears, it will shake away the surrounding fog and stir up a blank area of ​​several kilometers.


The piece of paper flew up and gradually became larger. Less than one thousandth of a breath became the size of a carpet with a dense golden pattern on it. If anyone is here, it is estimated to be clear at this time. The original piece of paper was full of handwriting. There are as many as a dozen. Although these words are not large, they each bring a chaos-inspiring atmosphere, as if they can perfectly blend with the chaotic ocean.

Ancient chaotic text!

The records on this piece of paper are actually ancient chaotic characters, and they seem to converge to form a special discourse, which is even more powerful.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Jianmang shot from all around landed on a piece of paper containing ancient chaotic words, and gave out a jingle roar, which was swung by these handwritings, all of which fell out without hurting Mo Yao at all.

"go with!"

Blocking Jianmang out, Mo Yao raised his finger forward and gently touched it, the paper slipped and swirled in the air, and flew forward.

With a crushing atmosphere, wherever the paper went ~ www.readwn.com ~ The mist spread away, like an icebreaker tearing the ice. Although the mist was thick, it could not stop the slightest.

"Huh, I see when you can hide!"

With his body in a vertical direction, Mo Yao fell on top of the paper and rushed straight forward. Under the impact of this force, the entire Lost Array shook constantly and could not bear at any time and spread out.

Although the magic flag is powerful, there are other things that can restrain it. This piece of paper full of ancient chaotic characters obviously has this ability.

"Break me!"

I rushed forward for a while, feeling that the array of movements in front of me seemed to be unable to withstand it anymore, and Mo Yao's feet slammed.


The white halo immediately flared outward with him as the center, forming a ring of text radiating towards the surroundings. These texts rushed into the fog of the sky, the ground exploded, and the sky flag no longer suffered. ! "Completely dispersed, and the sky returned to clear again. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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