Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1448: Refined Stone Stele

"Huh? What about people?"

The fog disappeared, and the surroundings became clear again. With the blessing of Tianyan Avenue, Mo Yao's eyes were golden and bright. The range of hundreds of miles was in the eyes, but it was empty and half of the figures were not there. .


As his face sank, Mo Yao raised his eyebrows.

He who burned the Rune of Dominance, even at the level of suzerain, can be regarded as top-notch. With such strength, Nie Yun and others can certainly see when they run away, how can they not find anything?

This doesn't make sense!

"If you run away, I will take the lost flag ..."

The spiritual river spreads around, but it is found that there is no energy fluctuation at all, as if the other party disappeared out of thin air, Mo Yao snorted, turned his head and looked at the place where the matrix formation spread just now, and his face became even more ugly.

Not only did people flee, but Jiubanzhen Banner did not stay, and it disappeared without a trace.

The opponent ’s astronomical array was just opened by violence. According to normal circumstances, if the opponent abandoned the array and fled, the banner should stay here. If it was not for the escape, such a short period of time from the broken array to now, even if the strength is strong It's impossible to escape from his sight!

But the other party actually disappeared, leaving no clues.

what happened?

"Abominable! Abominable! Nie Yun, don't let me meet again, meet again, I will definitely kill you without mercy!"

Using all his strength, he searched the land below the ground, but found nothing, Mo Yao roared wildly.

He is proud. Powerful reincarnation, since birth, represents extraordinary, such a character. How was he able to bear being played by an unknown boy, killing the idea avatar and many disciples.


Just as Mo Yao was furious, a sudden movement of the palm of his hand, a jade charm appeared in the air, gently, a thought rose from the air.

This idea is the same as his idea clone before. It was a slightly fuzzy human head, suspended in the air, his eyes indifferent.

"Mo Yao. The temple is about to open. Come and gather!"

"Got it!"

Grasp the palm, the head disappeared, Mo Yao looked around again for a week. No trace of Nie Yun and others was found. This was a cold hum: "Hum, spare your life today, when I come out of the temple, it will be your day of death!"

After gritting his teeth, he shouted, "Hoo!"

Soon after he left the place, the ground squirmed and a figure appeared out of thin air. The dust on the body was Nie Yun.

"Temple? What's that?"

Scratching your head. Nie Yun looked puzzled, but then shook his head: "Don't think about these first, and talk with them again!"

After speaking, the body flew forward and flew straight for tens of thousands of kilometers. The body flickered, got into the ground, and behind a rock less than dozens of meters away from where he disappeared, Gu Xiao and others stood around him together.

The Nie Yun just now is just an avatar, and the deity has taken these people to flee here while they are in the sky.

The lone faced Mo Yao alone, and while he broke the line, he took away the line flag and entered the Tianxuan Hall.

Tian Xuan Dian was made by the strong master. If the prohibition is fully open, even if Mo Yao uses the master's rune, he still can't find it.

"Did Mo Yao chase him?"

Standing behind the mound, Gu Xiao and others remembered the power of Mo Yao before.

"He's gone! What shrine have you been to, have you heard of this place?" After digesting the message from the avatar, Nie Yun asked.

"Temple? No ..."

Gu Xiao and others all shook their heads, looking blank.

"I don't know? Do you know this person?"

I don't know what they looked like. Nie Yun pointed his finger a little. The head that appeared in front of Mo Yao just now was clearly copied by him, but it didn't have the kind of horror.

"This is the genius of Surin, Shiqiuling. It is said that it is a reincarnation of power. The previous life is an old monster who understands 2,937 avenues. Because he couldn't break through, he chose to be born again ..."

Gu Xiao recognized the man and said quickly.

"The power of Shiqiu Ling is reincarnated?"

Nie Yun frowned.

Mo Yao is the powerful reincarnation of Wanyu Mountain. This Surin is the powerful reincarnation of Shiqiu Ridge. What are the so-called shrines where the two strong men are joining forces? Is there any big secret involved in this place?

However, the other party was too strong, he could not keep up with it, and did not dare to use the tracking spirit.

After all, the other party understands so many avenues, and the tracing avenues must be fully understood. If you track with the tracking spirit, once you are aware, you will probably fall directly into the other party ’s trap, and it will be difficult to escape.

"what happened?"

Seeing his appearance, Gu Xiao asked.

"It's nothing, it just feels weird. It's okay, let's leave it alone, find out where this banned place is!"

Hesitated for a while, Nie Yun still didn't tell the story.

It is impossible for them to follow Mo Yao when speaking out. In this case, it doesn't make much sense to say or not.

"Yes, see where this forbidden place is. If it is a legacy left by a strong man, we have the capital to fight each other ..."

Gu Xiao laughed.

"Hmm!" Nie Yun pointed his finger forward, and the banned stone monument immediately appeared in front of everyone.

The runes above the stele are surrounded, and a slight touch will make an attack.

The crisis just now, he just took it away with brute force and did not refine it. Therefore, this stele is still very destructive.


With a raised eyebrow, Nie Yun volley grabbed the past, and a cloud of smoke shrouded it.

After using the Dominator Rune, his strength is comparable to more than 2,900 avenue powerhouses. Although the prohibition of the stele is powerful, he still cannot resist.


For a moment, he completely refined the stele, and swiped lightly on it. The words "Jin Xuan Secret Realm" on the stele immediately squirmed and changed into a strange map.

The map is criss-crossed, recording the topography, but Nie Yun only glanced at him with a wry smile.

"This map ..."

Gu Xiao seems to have discovered the problem, and his face is ugly.

"This should be the map to the banned land. However, the strong man who left this map hasn't known how many years he has died. He never expected that the terrain here has completely changed, and it is completely different from the original ..."

Nie Yundao.

Although this relic of God has no aura and vitality, the space where it is located still has obvious fluidity. It is not static. For hundreds of millions of years, the sea can become mulberry fields, let alone the terrain. He took a look at this terrain. There is no resemblance to the surroundings, and it is impossible to see what it is.

In other words, with this map, without this map, there is no difference, and it will not play any role at all.

"Without terrain comparison, this forbidden place can't be found at all ..."

Gu Xiao kept shaking her head.

"The stele can appear from the place just now. The banned place must be nearby. Now that the stele has been refined, as long as you touch the ban, you will definitely feel something!"

Think about it, Nie Yundao.

"It can only be used now!" Gu Xiao agreed.

The banned stele is the key to entering the banned place. As long as it is near, there must be some induction. Since the map is useless, you can only rely on this induction to explore.

However, the banned land and the banned stele are not necessarily together, just like treasure maps and treasures. If you rely on this induction to find, the remains of God are so large, I do not know where to find them.

"let me try!"

Since there is only one way, Nie Yun no longer hesitates. With a little finger, the banned stone tablet will float up ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fly straight to the place where he just came, under the control of his mind, make a circle, dozens Fly over again after a breath.

"how about it?"

"No reaction, it is estimated that this banned area is not nearby!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

After the execution of the Rune of Domination, his mental strength has also increased a lot. In addition to the sensing range of the stele, I just searched the place where the stele appeared and found no energy fluctuations.

"It's not the way to find the purpose of this walk. In fact, I know a place of the remains of God. It is said that it contains the treasure left by the strong. Where can we try our luck!"

Seeing him find nothing, Gu Xiao knew that such a search would be a huge project and couldn't help it.

"Oh? Where?"

Everyone's eyes brightened at the same time.

"Ten absolutely ancient places!" Gu Xiao said. (To be continued ...)

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