Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1449: Listen to Nie Yun's Order

"Awesome place? That place can't go ..."

Qiyuan seems to have heard about this place, his face has changed.

"Oh? Why can't you go? Is there anything special about this quaint place?"

Seeing their dignified expressions, Nie Yun couldn't help asking.

These two people are geniuses of Zongmen, who are fearless. They did not show such attitude towards Mo Yao and others just now. How can they mention that a place has changed so much?

"I ’ve heard people say this is the most dangerous place in the relics of God. The so-called ten musts, desperate souls, desperate souls, despairs, despairs, despairs, despairs, and filial piety. , Utter loyalty, utter root ... There are few people who can live out of it. It is one of the fierce places in the remains of God! "Qi Yuan busy said.

"So dangerous?" Nie Yun frowned.

"Qiyuan is right. The Ten Ancient Sites are indeed the land of the ruins of God and the core of the battlefield of God. Although the crisis is severe, there are more opportunities, and it is much stronger than here! I do n’t know how many years here People have swept away, there is nothing left! "Gu Xiaodao said.

"Huh!" Nie Yunshen nodded in conviction.

Even if the ruins of God are full of treasures, for hundreds of millions of years, I do n’t know how many strong people come in, and I calculate that there are fewer people. With the loss of time, all of them will have a scary number. These people will put things inside Take it out, even if there are more places in the baby, I am afraid it will gradually be evacuated.

It ’s like here, since they arrived, the crowd has flown hundreds of thousands of miles, except for the banned stone monument that has just been refined. Nothing was found.

"According to Brother Nie Yun, Wan Lai Shan, Shi Qiu Ling, and Duan Tianya must have found a very strange place, which has caused them to surge in power over three million years. If we do not find this place or find In a similar place, I am afraid that Guixuhai will be destroyed by three cases sooner or later, and we will not be able to escape! "Gu Xiao said with anxiety," So, now we have no other way, we can only bet ourselves! "

"Brother Gu Xiao said it right. Although Shishu Ancient Land is dangerous, it is not a mortal situation. Just be careful, you may get unexpected results!"

Nie Yun thought for a moment, and said.

The grievances of the three great gates and Guixuhai. He came to Zongmen for a short time without much affection and can be ignored, but if he does not improve his strength as soon as possible. Mo Yao is the biggest hidden danger!

Now he's completely at odds with this guy. The reason why I was able to escape this time was because fortunately, once the other party's means were exhausted, they would launch a strong attack at the beginning. Whether they can survive or not is really uncertain.

Therefore, it is the kingly way to improve strength as soon as possible. Slowly searching for treasures as before, nothing is small. If you don't, you will fall here.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this relic of God gave Nie Yun a very strange feeling. This feeling did not know where it came from, but it made him want to investigate what it meant.

What's more, my brother Nie Tong was separated when he entered here. Although he didn't know what he was going to do, there was a real danger. Without strength to rescue him, he would definitely regret himself and become a huge regret.

"Let ’s do this, we are not forcing it. Those who are willing to go with us to the Ten Great Places, stay, and those who are unwilling to leave, and join other disciples!"

Gu Xiao looked around for a week.

"Where Brother Gu Xiao is going, where I am, never think of driving me away!" Although Qi Yuan was unwilling, he agreed with Gu Xiao's opinion, took a step forward, followed him behind, and looked at one of the green-faced people: "How about you?"

"I ..." Du Zhao hesitated a moment, faced with embarrassment: "Entrance to the utterly ancient land equals death, and my cultivation time is short, so ... please forgive me!"

"Duozhao, you are very good. At the beginning, your trial was in danger. It was Brother Gu Xiao who took the risk to save you. I didn't expect to make such a decision. Hmm, after that, I will be justified with you!" His face sank.

He thought that other people would choose to quit, he never thought that this sign would retire, otherwise, he would not be the first to ask him.

All this was so firm, because Du Zhao was obscured when the disciples in the door were obscured. During a trial, Gu Xiao saved his life and saved him to survive.

This kind of kindness is more important than Taishan. It stands to reason that he must support Gu Xiao in order to repay his kindness. I did not expect that the first one to escape and let his lungs almost explode!

"I ..." He was ashamed to hear Du Zhao, but he dared not say anything.

"Well, Qi Yuan, everyone has their own will. We can't impose our own ideas on others. You are not good. You are not with us. You must be careful. You must be careful of the other three cases!" Gu Xiao blocked the angry Qi Yuan, looking indifferent, then looked at the others again: "Is there anyone left? Just walk with Duozhao!"

"Sorry, brother ..."

"I stayed……"

Some left and some left, and soon became two camps.

Looking at the actions of these people, Nie Yun did not speak, but secretly shocked the terrible horrors of the ancient times.

If this place is not scary, it is impossible for so many people to retreat at critical moments.

However, the more dangerous he became, the more excited he was, and he wanted to see what this quaint place is.

Soon, the people who left and the people who stayed were completely separated. The two sides were almost the same. Both had half of them. There were only a dozen people in their profession. Now half of them are gone and only six are left.

In addition, Nie Yun has only seven.

"People are expensive, but not so much. So many people are just right, it is more convenient to move forward and backward. Brother Gu Xiao, take your way, let's go!"

Seeing the time to leave, Nie Yun waved.

Although there were twice as many people as before, many people have their own ideas. They have their own small 99, but they are not easy to control. It is not as good as it is now. There are fewer people but they are able to work together and work together. .

"I must leave immediately, but before I leave, I want to make sure of one thing!" Gu Xiao came to the front of the crowd, his face was solemn: "Although there are only seven dragons, we also need a leader to order everyone. , Lead everyone! "

Gu Xiao looked around for a week, her eyes lightened.

"Brother is our leader, we have been with brother for so many years, we have always listened to your orders, we will do whatever you say, there will be no words!"

Qi Yuan took a step forward, and the strength radiated from his body, surging endlessly, and looked at the crowd: "Who dare you not listen to Brother Gu Xiao's words, I will break his neck directly!"

"We would like to be headed by a brother ..."

Everyone said at the same time.

"Since everyone is willing to take me as the leader, then you will listen to what I say, and you will not regret it!" Seeing the attitude of everyone, Gu Xiao nodded with satisfaction.

"No remorse!"

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, I'll say the first thing now!" Gu Xiao raised his eyebrows with unquestionable majesty: "From now on, every move we make will obey Brother Nie Yun's arrangement. He is ours. Leader, no one can contradict his words, can he? "


Everyone was stunned.

Before they heard Gu Xiao said that he would choose a leader ~ www.readwn.com ~, they all thought he wanted the right to speak, but never dreamed that the first thing they said was this, all in their place.

"Brother Gu Xiao, you ..."

Nie Yun was also surprised.

Even him, countless people in two generations, did not expect that Gu Xiao would say such an order directly. Doing so would be equivalent to putting all of his life into his hands.

Before he finished speaking, Gu Xiao reached out and interrupted, and continued to look at the crowd: "Why, can't I do the first order? It seems that what I said just now to listen to me is all false?"

"Brother ..." Qi Yuan wanted to say something, but with sharp eyes on the ancient Xiao, he had to swallow the words into his mouth, with a helpless look, turned to look at Nie Yun, and gritted his teeth: "Okay, from now on , I fully obey Brother Nie Yun's order, no, Brother Nie Yun's order! "

"We also obey Brother Nie Yun's order!"

Hearing that Qi Yuan changed his name to Brother Nie Yun and confirmed his status, the others looked at each other and did not dare to hesitate. They all lowered their heads in unison. (To be continued ...)

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