Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1450: Devil ancient bear

"Since Brother made me take this heavy responsibility, I don't quit, Brother Gu Xiao, lead the way!"

Seeing that everyone's attitudes changed, Nie Yun knew that resigning would inevitably hurt Gu Xiao's heart. No longer to say more, a big move, everyone was surrounded by a special force. In this force, any sneak attack can Resists the outside and is an excellent protective film.

At this time, Nie Yun used the means to show that the whole person is like a demon from a higher plane, and there is no trace of dirt in his whole body, perfect as sculpture, eyes like electricity, and sunlight, as if the sun and the moon are swallowing in his heart, with infinite Endless power.

"It seems ... Brother Gu Xiao is right!"

Seeing the change of his temperament, everyone's hearts froze at the same time, one by one showing admiration.

A person's strength can be enhanced, but his temperament is difficult to change. This Nie Yun's temperament is like the advent of the gods and embraces everything. At a glance, I know that he is definitely not a person who abandons his friends for the benefit. This kind of person is worth relying on and entrust.


Not knowing the changes in their hearts, Nie Yun hummed and grabbed his palm in accordance with the direction that Gu Xiao said. The crowd felt only a flower in front of them and immediately flew forward. The speed was as fast as lightning.

Suddenly, Nie Yun, who used to run the power of Runes across hundreds of millions of kilometers, was powerful, and devoured by the heart of the sky. He was full of strength and did not fear the so-called exhaustion.



Nie Yun stopped, and everyone felt that the mask in front of them disappeared, and then they saw the ocean full of star fragments.

This sea is similar to the sea of ​​stars in the sea of ​​Guihui. It is similar to the realm of starry sky, but it is different.

The breath here is more dead than the realm of the stars. There are floating city ruins, star fragments, and no half figures.

"That's right, this is the top ten ancient places. After entering, it will be a lifetime!"

Gu Xiao stepped forward and looked forward, her eyebrows frowning, her expression solemn.

"Then don't think about it so much. Go in. This is what the avenue of defense forms. Integrating into the body can form a defensive tortoise shell in a short time and protect safety!"

With one finger, the defensive air enters everyone's body, forming defensive tortoise shells.

Nie Yun should go one step ahead of the ancient land.

As soon as I went in, I felt a tremendous pressure passing by. It was like separating his soul and body, pain, sadness, sorrow ... Various negative emotions came one after another, destroying the soul.

"Sure enough, no matter how strong the physical soul is, if you rush into it, it will be greatly damaged ..."

Look dignified. Nie Yun's eyes were like electricity, and he looked straight ahead.

This place has special energy, which can not only suppress the strength in the body, but also consume the soul and cause negative emotions. Can't do it myself.

But these were not great for him, and the air of defense worked. Block it out immediately.

"What's up there?"

Others also walked in, and his defensive spirit was not particularly dangerous. The crowd walked for a while, and Qi Yuan pointed forward.

Looking in the direction of his fingers, in the space in front of him, a huge coffin was suspended, each of which was the size of a room, floating quietly, making people feel like entering a weird cemetery.

The abandoned world where Nie Yun went before was full of tombstones, which makes people feel incredible. There are coffins everywhere, even more inexplicable.

"Have you ever heard of this?"

Nie Yun didn't rush forward rashly, but turned to ask.


Gu Xiao shook his head.

Although he has a wide range of knowledge, he knows nothing about the ten ancient sites. What these coffins mean and why they float here are unknown.


As soon as the words fell, a crushing sound that shattered the sky sounded, and then a huge coffin rushed towards the crowd.

This coffin is composed of an unknown jade, black with a metallic luster, rolled down sideways, and with the power to break the sky, before falling to the crowd, it is full of air, like a strong wind.

"Step aside!"

Seeing that the coffin was huge, the crowd didn't dodge, and they would be crushed at the same time. Nie Yun's arms faltered, blocking the crowd behind him, and raising his fist and hammering in the past.


The fist radiated light, as if getting bigger, and the fierce force hit the coffin fiercely, blocking its forward momentum.


With one punch, Nie Yun seemed to find something, raised his eyebrows, turned his fist into a palm, and grabbed it in the air.

Zizi Zizi!

The air made a blasting sound, the lid of the coffin was flying with a finger, pinched in the air, and a huge monster appeared in front of everyone.

This monster has a black body and looks like a black bear, but it is even thicker. It has jade-like scales all over its body and flashes a chilling strange light.


This monster was caught by Nie Yun and immediately roared. In the scream, the blade-like hoof claws were taken in the air.


The body flicked over, Nie Yun came to the black bear, and his body was inflated like a balloon.

His eyes are like electricity, his hands are like hooks, and he grabs them in the air, holding the monster's hands and tearing them suddenly.


The monster's thick arms were torn apart by him.

"What monster are you and why are you here ..."

One move passed the guy's heart tremor, and Nie Yun's thoughts passed.

With the talents of Tianer and Xianyin, he can understand all languages ​​and speak all languages.


The monster growled, instead of answering his question, it was even more irritable, with a strange syllable in the roar, like asking for help and mourning.

"not good!"

When he heard this voice, Nie Yun's eyebrows jumped, and he couldn't talk, and his eyes shot light on the guy, and it was instantly burned to ashes, his body shrank, and he retreated sharply.


However, although he retreated quickly, it was still too late. The countless coffins floating in front of him, like a heavy rain, turned into a special arc to surround them all.

"what is this?"

Nie Yun didn't panic, but protected everyone and asked Xiang Xiao.

This monster is a bit like a bear, but it is more terrifying than a bear. It should be an ancient beast. Gu Xiao may be able to recognize it.

"Is it the ancient demon bear?"

Gu Xiao seemed to remember something.

"Demon ancient bear?"

"Well, this is an ancient beast. It not only has violent power, but also can carry out soul attacks. It is mentally disturbed. It is usually hibernating. Once someone breaks into their resident, they will be hit crazy and endlessly! These guys live in groups and are good at matrix formations. Once trapped, it is difficult to escape ... "

Gu Xiao's eyes showed an ugly look.

Following his words, Nie Yun looked at it, and she really saw the coffin surrounding the sky with a special change, like a special matrix method, which completely blocked the surrounding space and made it impossible for people to escape.

"It's over ... we're trapped. It's really terrible. I came across this thing as soon as I came in. What should we do?"

Seven yuan sounds have changed a bit.

His character is unafraid, but in the face of so many unknown forms of life, he still feels panic from the bottom of his heart.

"There is nothing to do, just call them out. If they are scared, they will quit!"

With a chuckle, Nie Yun's eyes showed a strong fighting spirit.

After arriving at the Xieyue Supreme Realm, he has not fully burst out. Since these guys are looking for their own death, then they will be fulfilled.

"Don't come out of this protective circle ~ www.readwn.com ~ With their strength, it should not be able to break through temporarily. Brother Gu Xiao, this is the Chiba barrier. If you refine it, you can resist it for a while even if the protection is broken! "

A protective circle was laid out for everyone, and Nie Yun threw the Chiba barrier to Gu Xiao.

Although the Chiba barrier is a chaotic wonder, for Nie Yun, it is not very useful anymore. It has a Celestial Heart and a protective air to protect itself. This thing is like a chicken rib and has not much practical use. In this case, it is better to give it away. .

He is not very useful, but for Gu Xiao, it is extremely useful and can resist many dangers.

"Thank you, Master ..."

Seeing that he even sent out such precious things, Gu Xiao looked for a moment, and there was a deep gratitude in his eyes.

"Devil ancient bear ... I am here!"

After the explanation was completed, Nie Yun had no worries, he laughed, and howled, and rushed straight to the countless coffins in front of him. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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