Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1451: Oath of Chaos has lapsed!


When the coffin rushed over, it seemed as if the majesty was being provoked, and fierce force slammed down like rainstorm.

"Haha, break me!"

Nie Yun had been prepared for a long time, and with a long howl, dozens of vines of Tianxin rattan spread out like countless tentacles, densely looking away from the surrounding, each tentacle welcoming a coffin.

Click! Click! Click!

Although the coffin is terrible, the Tianxin rattan is even more powerful, especially after swallowing Yuzhu and others, and the strength has soared again. Each vine is equivalent to the two thousand and seventy-avenue strongmen. Pushing away layer by layer, a demon ancient bear flew out.

It seems that these coffins are only the instruments used by the devil and ancient bears to sleep, not so-called remains storage.

Alas! Alas! Alas!

As soon as these demons and ancient bears appeared, they screamed in tidal waves. Their sounds pierced the soul, making people tremble and involuntarily tremble.

Soul Attack!

"Xianyin Avenue? Great!"

Hearing the shouts of these ancient bears stimulated the soul and made it hard to resist, Nie Yun showed a little shock.

These voices are similar to the talents of Xianyin Master. They are another manifestation of Xianyin Avenue. Those with weak willpower and weak souls will be overwhelmed by whistling sounds, and will die and die.

It is rumored that some ancient beasts can realize a kind of avenue once they are born, and they can be converted into energy. Before, he still had some unbelief. Now it seems that this kind of demon ancient bear realized the Xianyin avenue and transformed it. Into combat power.

"To shut up!"

Without any fear, Nie Yun stood up in the air, looked around for a week, and suddenly yelled.

His voice carried a special sound wave, slowly rippling outward. The sound wave could not see the shape, was invisible and colorless, but it was just like air waves. With endless power.

This drink not only used the talent of the Immortal Master, but also turned the talent of the Soul Master. Wherever the sound waves went, the huge roar of the ancient demon bear was drowned immediately, as if it was thrown into the ocean, without causing any slight waves.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The hundreds of ancient bears near him not only lost their voices. It also seemed to be struck by a huge force, one by one exploding from the middle, blasting into minced meat.


The ancient bears died, and their strength immediately rose into the sky like a hurricane and spread around.

Each of these ancient bears has more than 2,500 avenue powerhouses. Each of them has a peerless force that easily destroys the six heavens and the earth, and hundreds of heads die at the same time. How powerful is the power in the body, like a river breaking a bank, raging and raging.


When people encounter so much energy, they will surely be drowned and die, making it difficult to move. However, Nie Yun seemed to see the most delicious things in the world, and showed madness. All Tianxin vines were unfolded immediately. All the vines spread tens of thousands of kilometers, opened their mouths and swallowed madly.

Zizi Zizi!

Celestial vines with sufficient energy keep getting thicker and bigger. The vines have changed from a dozen or so to hundreds of vines. Although they have not changed much in quality, they are staggering in quantity.

"Sweep, continue to devour me!"

Seeing this change in Tianxinteng, Nie Yunxi was overjoyed and strode forward. There are hundreds of kilometers in each step, wherever they go, all the coffins are opened, and the demon ancient bear inside is killed. All energy is devoured.

The spirituality in the Celestial Heart got so much energy, became more active, and became more dependent on Nie Yun.

"Damn, dare to kill my grandchildren like this, who the **** are you ..."

The killer was refreshing, and a dull voice came from an unknown depth, shaking the soul.

"The King of the Ancient Devil Bears?"

Hearing this voice, Nie Yun's face turned positive.

Since the demon ancient bears existed in groups, there must be a so-called king who ruled the overall situation. He had long guessed that, but the other party had not appeared, and he was too lazy to care about it. At this time, he heard the voice and immediately understood.

"Don't pretend to be a ghost, come out for me!"

One step forward, Nie Yun grabbed the palm forward.


The right hand became a giant palm, traversing an unknown depth, breaking through countless layers of space and spreading to unknown depths.

The power to dominate the runes has not yet disappeared. At this time, he is still a superpower of the suzerain class. With all his efforts, the space can be broken, and the bears follow the sound. It is not difficult.


Space was squeezed, and a huge black bear was pinched over by him.

This ancient bear is much larger than the previous Devil Ancient Bear, which is a hundred feet in size. The wind exhaled from the nose and nose can destroy the planet and the world at will.

"Shameless man, you're looking for death ..."

After being caught, the ancient bear king seemed to feel a little crazy. The roaring sound was like waves, sharp tweets, forming a series of needles constantly stimulating the soul.

"Who is trying to die, it seems you haven't figured it out yet!"

Haha smiled, Nie Yun slammed his palm with a punch.

Time and space are chaotic, the world is spinning, and his fist has the taste of life and death annihilation. Before he came to the ancient bear king, he let its whole body explode and tear at any time.


Under the fist wind, the ancient bear king's skin exploded, and the blood kept splashing out.

Knowing this time, it knows that facing the person in front of him is like facing the master who controls life and death, and there is no room for resistance.

"Do not kill me……"

With a shout, there was no more acupuncture smell that stimulated the soul, but a pleading.

"Submit me and be my demon pet, I can't kill you!"

The fist wind was pressing down, just like the giant mountain was pressing down. The ancient bear king knew that if it said something wrong, the opponent's fist would straighten down and press it into a meat pie.

"I ... submit!"

Feeling that the strength of the other party is getting stronger and stronger, and they will fall at any time. The ancient bear king did not hesitate for too long, and hurriedly agreed.

"Make Chaos Oath!"

Nie Yun smiled slightly.

"Chaos vow?" The ancient bear king stunned, and then a strange smell appeared in his eyes: "chaos vow is no use. Would you believe me when you send this?"

"Useless?" Nie Yun took his turn this time.

The Chaos Oath has been extremely restrictive since it came into contact, and will be protected by the Chaos Ocean. How could it be useless?

"You try it ..."

Strangely, Nie Yun passed the thoughts together and explained how to make a vow of chaos.

"Yes, Xiong Gu is willing to swear by the ocean of chaos, and is willing to serve adults for life. If he violates it, his soul will fly away and he will never be born ..."

The ancient bear king Xionggu shouted quickly and respectfully.

When Xiong Gu swears, Nie Yun pays attention, the steps are not wrong, and there is no rebellious thought in his soul, with sincerity, but after sending it, the chaotic ocean that should have reacted as if dead and silent .

It's as if the sentence he said has nothing to do, not a vow of chaos.

Seeing Nie Yun's appearance, Xiong Gu grinned awkwardly and waved his hand.

"It's really useless. What's going on?"

Nie Yun's eyebrows were frowned, strange for a while.

According to the truth, as long as the big world exists in the chaotic ocean, it is subject to the constraints of the chaotic ocean. How can it be useless to make a vow of chaos?

Is it related to the remains of God?

Suddenly an idea popped up in his mind, and Nie Yun couldn't help asking: "It was useless to make a vow of chaos here?"

Xiong Gu shook his head: "Anyway, chaos vows have been useless since I knew things. This place is called a world abandoned by chaos. Making such vows has no effect!"

"Chaotic abandoned world?"

Nie Yun froze, why is there such a world?

Is it the first ~ www.readwn.com ~ the abandoned world as the book king calls it?

Previously in the Guixu Haizang Bookstore, the emperor in the book mentioned three worlds. The first is an abandoned world. The chaotic ocean is regarded as a tumor and necrotic cells. I ca n’t wait to dig it out. .

I am afraid that this remains of God is exactly this kind of world, so the Chaos Oath is useless here, and this place is dead and unable to absorb vitality.

"Sacrifice your soul!"

Thinking of this, Nie Yun no longer thinks about it, whether this world is abandoned or dead, it has nothing to do with him. This is something that big men should know. His current strength is far from reaching.

Since the vow of chaos is useless, then sacrificing the soul is the most basic and universal tactic, especially for the beast, which has an absolute restraint.


Xiong Gu nodded a huge head, his voice roared. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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