Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1452: King Cicada Wings


A soul entered Nie Yun's mind, and Xiong Gu surrendered to him like a demon pet.

"Unfortunately, you cannot leave this world ..."

Soul sacrifices were successful, and Nie Yun also knew Xiong Gu's strengths, advantages and disadvantages.

This ancient bear king has a strength of 2,800 avenues. If it is not the power to dominate the runes, it is definitely not an opponent.

And it controls an army of ancient demon **** bears. The ancient bears under its command obey orders and are willing to die for it. The combat effectiveness can be said to be terrible, but the only disadvantage is that it and these ancient bears cannot leave the ten ancient sites, let alone the world.

Once you leave, you will be oppressed by the chaotic ocean and die out.

"Very good. Is there any special area in Shijigudi that has many treasures?"

Seeing that the ancient bear king had completely surrendered, Nie Yun waved Gu Xiao and others over and asked.

These words, he did not carry Gu Xiao and others, and once again moved everyone.

According to the truth, the ancient bear king was surrendered by him, and everyone did nothing. Even if they asked anything, they were not qualified to know. When Nie Yun did this, he obviously trusted them and regarded them as his own.

"Ten Jue Gu is a dead place left over from ancient times. Because of the danger in various places, I do n’t dare to walk around. Only in this area is prestigious. If there is any treasure, I really do n’t know, but ... ... "

Speaking of this Xiong Gu stopped, as if remembering something, with strange meaning in his eyes.

"But what?"

"However, not long ago, a group of humans walked in one direction, because they didn't pay attention to my territory, but I knew the direction. It seems to be the most desperate place in the heart of Shijiegu! "

Xiong Gu thought for a moment, said.

"Desperate place?"

"The ten most ancient places are divided into desperate, soulless, desperate, desperate, lifeless, desperate, desperate, filial, loyal, and rootless ... Ten dangerous places, here are only the most marginal, not count Really dangerous. The most dangerous place is the core desperate place. Here, even the strongest people. You have to pull out a layer of skin, really desperate! "Xiong Gudao.

"So dangerous?" Nie Yun froze.

He felt terrible as soon as he entered here. If it wasn't for the dominance of the Rune Rune, I'm afraid I couldn't hold it. Such a dangerous place is actually the most marginal. How terrible should the center be?

And ... since it's so dangerous, who has passed and why should we go?

"Desperate place ... what on earth can make people willing to take risks?"

Thinking of this, I couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, but ... seems to hear that there are many chaos king stones in it!" Xiong Gudao.

"What?" Nie Yun's head exploded. Fist clenched.

He came to the Xieyue Supreme Realm with two main purposes, first, to resurrect Lingtai Lingyue, and second. Look for the soul chaos king stone, and find a way to resurrect Xu Yan and others.

I got one before and resurrected the silence. After that, there was no news of the second soul king stone. At this time, when I heard the chaos king stone, how could I not be excited?

Although the Chaos King Stone does not necessarily mean that it is the soul Chaos King Stone, at least one more hope!

"Here ... is there a King of Soul Chaos?"

Hold back the excitement, Nie Yun asked.

"The soul mixes Wang Shi? Yes, I heard that there are many more pieces! Of course, whether Wang Shi can get this thing depends on the chance. Even if you are standing in front of Wang Shi, you will not see anything ..."

Did not see his excitement, Xiong Gu shook his head, full of emotion.


Others may not have seen Chaos Wang Shi in his life, but he has seen two. Xue Jinger was originally changed from Wang Shi, and later he got a life-saving silence. If this kind of Wang Shi is not sealed, Usually self-awareness is generated, and even if the strength is strong, a little carelessness will let it escape.

Therefore, for all practitioners, Wang Shi is something that can never be met. Even if you are ready, the opportunity is not available, you will never get it.

"Take us to a desperate place!"

Hearing the other party's confirmation, Nie Yun didn't hesitate anymore and immediately ordered.

"Go to the desperate place? This ..." Upon hearing this order, Xiong Gu's face became very ugly.

"Want to disobey my orders?"

Nie Yun sank.

"Dare, but ... this desperate place has a desperate atmosphere. As long as the practitioner does not reach the level of dominance, once he enters, he will be poisoned. Both the physical body and the soul will rapidly weaken ... The master's strength is strong I used the Rune of the Lord, but I did n’t underestimate you, I still ca n’t bear the desperate spirit of the desperate place, just go in, let alone find the King of Chaos, I ’m afraid it wo n’t take long, we will all die ... ... "

Hesitated, Xiong Gu said slowly.


Nie Yun's eyebrows were frowned.

After experiencing the chaotic mountain, he knew that there are always some strange things between heaven and earth, and they have incredible power. As long as they do not reach the level of domination, it is difficult to deal with them. The terrible spirit is terrible!

"Can the avenue of defense resist?"

The defensive air can block spiritual attacks and material attacks, and may also have a certain effect on this desperate air.

"No! If the avenue of defense can be resisted, the desperate atmosphere is not so terrible. I heard that there is only one thing in the world that can block this weird atmosphere!" After thinking about it, Xiong Gu shook his head and said another. hope.

"What?" Nie Yun hurriedly asked.

"Xuan Chan King Wing!" Xiong Gudao: "Xuan Chan King is one of the four kings of the Ten Great Ancient Lands. It has the strength of 2,900 avenues. It is said that although the vitality is terrible, it cannot penetrate its cicada wings! "

"And this strange life? Where is it?"

Nie Yun was relieved when he heard that there was something to die for.

"Although King Xuan Chan has no subordinates, there is only one, and there is no fixed place, even if I can't find it! Besides, King Xuan Chan has only a pair of Xuan Chan king wings, and loses the advantage when cut off How could it be given to others ... "

Xiong Gu is not optimistic about looking for Xuan Chan Wang.

A 2,900 avenue powerhouse, if it is so easy to be hunted down, it is not worthy of being one of the Four Kings of the Ten Great Places.

"Did the four kings have you?" Nie Yun was curious.

"No, I ca n’t be ranked. The worst of the four kings is the King Xuanchan. The strongest [King Tianwang], I just heard that I have never seen it and I do n’t know where it is!"

Xiong Gu was a little awkward.

Although it is the ancient bear king, it can be regarded as the top master in the oblique moon supreme realm, but it is still worse in the ten absolute ancient places. The so-called four kings are not ranked at all.

"Anyway, I must get the soul chaos king stone!" Nie Yun's eyes were firm.

If you are out of here, go to the soul king stone again, I'm afraid I don't know how much time and energy it will take. Since it is here, it will never shrink back.

"Although the Chaos King Stone is very attractive, it would be unwise to enter the desperate place without the Xuan Chan King Wing ..."

Gu Xiao on one side said.

He just heard all the conversations between Nie Yun and Xiong Gu just now, but after thinking for a while, he still feels inappropriate.

This outer area is so terrible, how powerful should the desperate place be? I can understand it.

"If there is no Xuan Chan King Wing, then find Xuan Chan Wang first!"

Hearing his words, Nie Yun did not flinch, but smiled slightly.

"Looking for the King Xuan Chan? How to find it? Shijie Ancient Land is so large, it has always had no place to stay, and it is good at escape. It is very difficult to find it ..."

Xiong Gu shook his head.

The pair of wings of King Xuan Chan flashed ~ www.readwn.com ~ You can cut through space and jump into the distance in an instant, how difficult it is to catch it, let alone take the king wing from it!

"Of course you can't find it, but what if you use Tianji Avenue to calculate?"

Nie Yun laughed.

"Tianji Avenue? Did you realize Tianji Avenue?"

Xiong Gu was shocked.

Not only that, Gu Xiao and others are all incredible.

Tianji Avenue is ranked in the top ten again, and the Qianqi Avenue is unusually powerful. It is difficult to comprehend that he would, but it is too powerful.

"Well! With Master Rune, I am more powerful than King Xuan Chan, and I should be able to figure out its position!"

Nie Yun nodded, showing a strong self-confidence: "Even if you can't figure out where it is, you must be able to figure out where the group of people who have entered here before have gone! I don't believe they don't need Xuan Chan Wang Yi to enter A desperate place! "

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