Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1453: Qingxu Stone Cave

A group of people who came here before, although they don't know what they are going to do, but since they dare to go to a desperate place, there must be a means of life-saving, otherwise, it is impossible to find their own death.

In this case, if it is possible to figure out the whereabouts of King Xuan Chan, it is impossible to figure out. These people can be found and deal with them!

"Yes, this is indeed a good idea!"

Gu Xiao's eyes brightened, but then she smiled bitterly: "I hope this group is not Mo Yao them!"

They are avoiding Mo Yao and others. In the case of this group, going to them would be tantamount to death.

"No matter who they are, let me first calculate the whereabouts of King Xuan Chan and see if I can find them!"

At this point, Nie Yun had long thought that there were other ways in his mind, but it was not easy to say. I wouldn't say more at once. The palm of the hand moved forward, and a river representing the imagination appeared in front of everyone.

Gently flicking his fingers, the two tortoise shells fell from it, and a complicated secret pattern appeared.

After looking at these secret lines for a while, Nie Yun laughed: "I already know where the Xuan Chan King is, go with me, Xiong Gu, can you take these people together?"

"Yes!" Xiong Gu nodded, making a long howl, the giant bear's claws moved forward, and a coffin appeared suddenly.

This coffin is much bigger than the other ancient bears living in the demon gods. It grows in the wind and grows larger and is almost the same as Nie Yun's dragon boat.


Hearing its howling, all the ancient bears that had been under siege all flew over with their living coffins and went into them at the same time, piled together.

"This is our [Ancient Stone Cave] in the group of ancient bears, which can hold the life of a tribe. It is similar to the ancient ship of human beings. It has its own space and can hold hundreds of thousands of people. If the owner does not hate it, he can also join us. ... "

See all the demon ancient bears enter the coffin. Xiong Gu introduced a thick hoof and introduced.

"Qingxu Stone Cave? What a great thing!"

Seeing that the level of this stone cave is no worse than that of the ancient Yueyue lord's Jingyue ancient ship, Nie Yun nodded secretly and greeted everyone: "Let's ride in its Qingxu ancient cave!"

Immediately after talking about Xiong Gu, he flew straight to the coffin.


The crowd entered the coffin, and the lid was immediately closed. The moment disappeared without a trace, as if everyone had entered another safe world.


Gu Xiao and his eyes brightened at the same time.

No wonder these ancient bears want to sleep in coffins. It turns out that these coffins are an excellent defensive treasure, able to block most of the attacks in the ten ancient sites.

"My Qingxu ancient cave can only resist the breath here. As for the desperate breath mentioned before, it cannot be resisted at all!" See everyone's expression. Bear Road.

"Well, go in this direction!"

Nie Yun nodded and pointed in one direction.

"Good!" As soon as Xiong Gu's spirit moved, the crowd immediately saw the outside space, and the surrounding coffin walls didn't stand in sight.

Immediately, "Boom!" Qingxu ancient cave broke into the air and flew away.

There are traps, space debris, and all kinds of dangerous places everywhere in Shigeu Ancient Land. If you are unfamiliar with the terrain here, you will fall into it if you are not careful.

Although Xiong Gu is only a regional king, he lives here all the year round. Many terrains know whether it is dangerous at a glance, plus Nie Yun's heavenly eyes and natural talents, go all the way. Not too much danger.

"Look, that's the Flame Venus Stone! It is a must-have for refining the peak chaos magical flame Venus hood. Get it!"

"Which one is the heart of the spirit bead, integration into the body can increase human physical strength and stronger defense!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Look at it, it is the leaf of the avenue. It is said that the avenue can be written on it, making the avenue more intuitive and easier to understand ..."

"And the water that shakes can clean the impurities in the soul and make the demons disappear. Better cultivation ..."


Going all the way, Gu Xiao and others looked outside, one by one exhaling with shortness of breath.

It is truly an extremely ancient place, and there are treasures everywhere. Everyone almost fell into a large treasure warehouse, which could not be found before, and even the rumors and treasures were easily available.

Soon everyone got a lot.

If this kind of gain is not here, I am afraid they will not find it for 100 million years in the outside world.

It can be said that this short journey has already been worth it. If you go back now, it will be a bowl full of profits, more than expected.

For these things, Nie Yun didn't need anything.

The peak of chaos in his hand is enough, and no matter how much refining will not increase the strength, as long as sufficient time is given, all roads can be understood sooner or later. The other auxiliary things are just to help. Not very useful.

What he longed for the most was Chaos King Stone, who didn't have much desire for these things.

"Okay, stop!"

After walking for a long time, suddenly Nie Yun's arm trembled and gave Xiong Gu a command.


Obeying his orders, the Qingxu ancient cave moved forward suddenly and stopped suddenly.

"I received you somewhere, don't come out for a while, listen to my instructions!" A greeting, Nie Yun's body stretched out from the ancient cave in Qingxu, grabbed with his hands, the ancient cave slowly changed. Small, fell into his palm, and arbitrarily collected into the object Dantian.

At this point, his daddy Tantian can already allow humans to live in it, similar to a small world, others will only think it is his world, and do not know that this world is just one of his Dantians.


After finishing these things, Nie Yun stepped out and came to a huge valley.

"In Xie Nie Yun, come to meet King Xuan Chan, and please come out and see!"

The drink sounded like waves, flashing a special pattern in the air, passing to the valley.

However, after the voice, Tanai did not respond, as if he had miscalculated the position, and King Xuan Chan was not here at all.

"Since King Xuan Chan is not willing to let me in, then I can only break through, and I hope Haihan!"

With a chuckle, Nie Yun grabbed the front, opened her palms, and yanked.


The space cracked from the middle, countless arrays in the valley were like flowers rolled by the storm, and in the blink of an eye, a stone cave appeared in front of him, sitting on a cross-legged golden mysterious cicada.

This golden cicada is more than ten meters in size, and a pair of wings are transparent, reflecting the light of the surrounding stars, shining into the eyes, making people chill.

"Who are you? How did you find my hiding place ..."

King Jin Chan saw Nie Yun break through its hiding place, his wings fluttered, and he fled at any time, and asked with a look of vigilance.

"Since I can find you, naturally I have a special method, do you think I will tell you this method?" Nie Yun laughed.

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, what do you want me to do? But no matter what, I won't agree!" King Jin Chan hummed, cautiously.

"I won't promise, I think you will!" Seeing that Jin Chan was so treacherous, when he said this, Nie Yun laughed: "I want to borrow your wings for use, I wonder if the king of cicadas can cut love ? "

"What? Borrow me Jin Chan's wings? You're looking for death!"

I did not expect that the visitor would borrow the most important wings of Jin Chan as soon as he opened his mouth. Jin Chan's royal spirit flew away, his wings flickered, and two electric pens struck directly, drawing two black cracks, straight Piercing the door.

"Don't worry ~ www.readwn.com ~ You listen to me and pay careful consideration!"

When he saw it directly, Nie Yun grinned and grabbed the palm of his hand in the air, forming a huge barrier, blocking the crack outside.

After using the Dominator Rune, his strength is far better than King Jin Chan, and he doesn't care about its attack at all.

"Cost? Nothing will change. Although your strength is strong, I'm not your opponent, but I don't believe you can catch me ..."

King Cicada's head shook like a rattle, and suddenly his wings broke through the space and flew away, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

"Want to leave? How could it be so easy!"

The wings of the Phoenix appeared behind Nie Yun, with the sound of wind and thunder, and chased after the blink of an eye, falling behind it, only a few hundred meters away.

Dominating the wings of the Phoenix moisturized by Rune, by speed alone, it is not slower than the wings of the Jin Chan of the Jin Chan King, and even faster. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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