Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1457: Prince Fu Jiang

Chapter 1457 Prince Fu Jiang

There are five in total. They don't know Mo Yao and Surin. They should be another group. Each of them uses the Rune of Domination. The whole body is boiling, and no specific cultivation can be seen.

"Prince Fujiang, how far is it?"

Xun and King Xuan Chan hide behind the ruins of a star. When Tian ear moves, Nie Yun hears the conversation in front.

"Hurry up, want something good, hold on to patience!"

The man named Fu Jiang snorted, straight forward.

五 The five of them circled two pieces of Xuan Chan King Wings in a circle, and the vitality was blocked out, and they could not hurt the slightest.

"Nine dynasties, when I got to the place, Zhou Tong and Zhang Zhuo were responsible for attracting the attention of King of Heaven. You and Hu Wei took the opportunity to sneak into the palace and steal the Chaos King stone! After you succeed, send a signal, and we will leave at the same time, otherwise, we will be King of Heaven. No one can escape!

Prince Fu Jiang explained.

"Rest assured, I have already learned that stealing the avenue is only a trace away from Dachengzhi, stealing some dead things, absolutely catching them, there will be no accidents, but you guys, be careful that old turtle fights back, this guy claims to swallow the sky, There must be a strong ability! "

The man named Nine Dynasties is a young man who looks twenty years old, his face suffocated, his eyebrows beating, with a bad smile. If he doesn't look at strength, he just looks at the face, he is definitely a little man in the market.


Doujiang nodded, and everyone said as they moved forward.

Nie Yunxuan and Cicada followed quietly.

Everyone and every cicada are good at speed. This misty environment is even more like a fish. Although the first five have used the dominator, they have not found it.

"Brother Gu Xiao. Do you know someone named Fu Jiang?"

As Xun moved forward, Nie Yun whispered.

"Fujiang? I seem to have heard of this person, not from the four main gates. It was from the royal family of the dry blood dynasty. What's wrong? Are they a few people before?"

Lao Guxiao hid in the Qingxu stone cave. The outside conditions were unknown. I was surprised when I heard the name Fujiang.

"Dried blood dynasty royal family?"

Nie Yun Yiyi: "Which dynasty is better than Guihui?"

Dried blood dynasty, he heard 顼 shake once before. The four major gates seem to be built within the bounds of this dynasty.

"Of course it is the dry blood dynasty. Our four main gates are actually subject to dynasty control! However, with the four main gates becoming stronger and stronger. The dynasty has been incapable of control and has been low for many years. I have not even heard of these years There was a big move to the dynasty. I didn't expect the relics of God this time. They actually sent someone. And they sent the famous Fujiang! "

Gu Xiao Road.

"What strength is Fujiang?"

"Even if you do not use the Rune of Domination, I am afraid that there are more than 2,800 avenues of power. Compared to the previous Mo Yao, it is only strong and not weak. It is best not to bump into him!"

Gu Xiao's face was dignified.

"So powerful?" Nie Yun's eyes tightened.

Although he merged with the wings of Xuan Chan, his defense increased a lot, but his combat effectiveness was not much different from before, and he was far from being a strong opponent like Mo Yao.

Unless you find a chance to let Devouring Heart Devour devour a few more powerful. Let it advance.

Otherwise, I am afraid it will be difficult to overcome.

"Not only that. This Fujiang seems to be an illegitimate son of the Emperor of the Dry Blood Dynasty, and was later summoned because of his talents. Although he does not have real power, he must have a lot of resources for cultivation, especially if he can not control it. Beheaded, let it be entangled, trouble is not small! "

Although Gu Guxiao said very implicitly, the meaning is obvious. If he cannot kill with one blow, once he is entangled by the opponent, he will surely be them.

Now their biggest reliance is on the Dominator Rune. The opponent may have more Dominator Runes than they have. If they lose all their advantages, how can they win?

他们 "They have a lot of Dominator Runes? Does the Dryblood Royal Family have a Master Dominator?"

Dominator Rune can only be refined by dominating the strong. The Dry Blood dynasty can allow a prince who returns from abroad to take so much. I am afraid there is a dominating strong behind him.

"Well, the Dry Blood Dynasty seems to have a strong leader. However, I don't know who it is. These are the secrets only known by big men. Although I have been with the master for a long time, I don't know ... ... "

Gu Xiao shook his head.

"Oh, there are four people who came with this prince of Fujiang, and they handed over the nine dynasties, Zhou Tong, Zhang Zhuo, and Hu Wei. Do you know these people?"

When I saw the other party, I wasn't sure if the other party dominated the ranks. Nie Yun stopped asking more, remembering the names of the remaining people, and asked each one in the past.

"None of these people have heard of it, but they should all be his guards. If they can come here with him, their strength should not be weak!" After listening to the four names, Gu Xiao shook his head, but still showed a cautious attitude.

"I know!"

I will pass on the conversation with Gu Xiao to King Xuan Chan.

"The people on the two thousand and eighty avenues are not very threatening to me. If you attack by surprise, killing one or two is fine, but five are still a bit difficult!" Xuan Chan Wang hesitated.

King Xuan Chan has the strength of more than 2,800 avenues, plus the speed of the wings, it should not be a problem to sneak attack or kill one or two people.

"Well, look for a chance later!"

Seeing that it was so certain, Nie Yun nodded and followed the other side slowly.

With these people leading the way in front of them, the two were shocked along the way, and soon a palace appeared in front of them.

宫殿 This palace is made of unknown materials and is semi-circular. It is full of special secret lines that block the surrounding vitality from outside.

"Here it is, everyone is ready!"

Prince Fu Fujiang fluttered his palm, a piece of Xuan Chan Wang Yi came out, and flew towards the Nine Dynasties and Hu Wei.

The two of them took it over, and their bodies moved quietly into the palace.

Before the tartars approached, they disappeared as if suddenly disappeared.

Hidden Avenue!

Although possessing the Rune of Lordship can make people exert the effects brought by many roads in a short time, after all, it is not as powerful as they have realized. It will also say that if a person has the ability to steal the sky using the Rune of Lordship, it is definitely not as good as stealing things. After comprehending the avenue of stealing the sky, he used the effect of dominating the rune.

Look at the hiding ability of the two, this one named Jiu Chao and Hu Wei has long realized the hiding talent, otherwise, it is impossible to hide so thoroughly, except for the natural eye talent, it is almost invisible.


The two concealed their talents and quietly came to a corner of the palace, all disguised, and then made a gesture with Fu Jiang and others.


Yan Fujiang and others glanced at each other, took a deep breath, stood in three directions, flung forward, and flew into the air.

"King Heavenly King, Prince Fu Jiang in the Xiagan Dynasty, wants to borrow something from you, I hope it will be done!"

The howling roared, like a thunderous thunder, and exploded throughout the desperate land.

"Dry blood dynasty? Don't know, get out!"

刚 The sound of his voice just shouted, and a loud drink rang out, and the air waves rolled out of the palace, like a sword, and the ears buzzed.

声音 This voice is in beast language, but everyone uses the Lord's Rune to understand it.

既然 "Since King of Heaven is not willing ~ www.readwn.com ~ We have to take the liberty!"

Hearing this, Prince Fu Jiang took a deep breath, flipped his wrist, and added a long black bow in his palm. An iron arrow was put up, and the curved bow was like a full moon! The iron arrow is like a shooting star, and shoots straight into the palace!


Before the iron arrow came to him, the vitality was torn apart by the mighty power, and a dark crack appeared in the space.

"Peak Chaos?"

Seeing the power of this bow and arrow, Nie Yun took a breath.

弓 The bows and arrows are carefully crafted, and each one has probably reached the peak of Chaos God Soldier level, and compared to his Zhiqiu sword, he is not weak at all!

With this level of bows and arrows, in conjunction with the power of the Dominator Rune, don't think about it, you know how terrible it is!


The King of the Heavens in the palace seemed to be aware of the power of the bow and arrow, and a shadow burst out from it.

He is an old man who looks very old, seeing the arrows coming straight, raised his eyebrows, and grabbed his right hand forward.

In the blink of an eye, the palm of his hand spread outward and turned into hundreds of phantoms. Each phantom touched the forward arrows for thousands of times. Although the arrows were powerful, the power came to be completely unloaded Drop it, grab the other hand and pinch it in your palm. (To be continued ...)

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