Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1458: Hand picking stars

"Haha, it's innocent, it's all about strength, King of Heaven, offended!"

When I saw the other person grabbing the arrow, Prince Fu Jiang was not surprised. In the blink of an eye, he pulled a bow like a full moon, and jī shot three arrows.

The three arrows traveled in the shape of “pin”, covering the whole body of the old man in front of his eyes, making it impossible for him to escape.

"you wanna die!"

* The King of Heaven in the air of desperation did not have any discomfort. In the roar, his hands were like big seals, shining with the color of red gold, and the whole person stepped back, as if jumping to another world.

However, the three arrows were like the poison of bone erosion, and he could not allow him to escape. He came to the front again, and the body of the King of Heaven receded, and his palm was pressed down.

Time and space trembled, heaven and earth trembled, a avenue representing the idea of ​​heaven and earth traversed, wrapped three arrows in it, and rolled it gently, submerging it like a strong tide.

"Do it!"

Seeing that the King of Heaven was so powerful, Fu Jiang no longer hesitated. In a low voice, Zhou Tong and Zhang Zhuo standing on both sides, a sword like the emperor and a blade like electricity, hit the volley at the same time.

"good chance……"

When I saw the three besieging at the same time, the King of Heaven was a bit self-conscious, and the nine dynasties and Hu Wei hidden above the palace moved gently and flew in along the gate of the palace.

"Sneak quietly, find an opportunity to kill the nine dynasties and Hu Wei!"

Seeing the two entering the palace, Nie Yun explained to the king Xuan Chan, one person and one cicada slowly approached the palace.

The two concealed their bodies with concealment, and while they were chasing forward, the King of Heaven, Fu Jiang, and others were in full swing. No one on either side found anomalies.


After a moment of consolidation, he came to the gate of the palace and Nie Yun rushed in first.

There is a rich and luxurious atmosphere in the palace, and it is magnificent. The whole hall is not made by any kind of refining. It is vast, sturdy and abnormal, under the impact of the gas of desperation. She remained motionless and unaffected.

Hidden in the palace, he will not be harmed in the slightest, even if he does not use the wings of Xuan Chan.

收 Put away the wings of the Phoenix. The talents of Li Han's Skywalker were running, and he moved forward cautiously.

I walked away for a moment, as if entering a new world, time and space changed instantaneously, there is no palace like, the stars of the sky shine, the sun and the moon are shining, and the soft light shines on the body is very comfortable.

"There is a small world in his palace?"

Xie Nieyun already knew that the strong liked to refine the small world into weapons, and there was not much shock.

"Is there a corps like King Kong?"

I took a few steps forward, and Nie Yun found no abnormalities. I felt something wrong in my heart, and turned to ask the King Xuan Chan behind him.

"I don't know, it almost lives in the palace, rarely meets people, and I don't know if there is a legion. However, it seems that it has the ability to scatter beans into soldiers. If it does not fight, it can be summoned in a short time A team formed by dozens of swallowing gold turtles! These swarms of gold swallowing turtles are not real life, but an unknown puppet with strong defense. Even the top chaos can not harm each other and fully obey orders. It is invincible. Because of this, it is the most powerful of the ten great ancient kings.

King Xuan Chan thought for a moment. To elaborate.

"傀儡? Very strong defense? Is there such a good thing?"

In accordance with normal principles, swallowing the life of a beetle is too much against the sky. A big world has only one or two heads, and a group of them is certainly unrealistic. Therefore, in his opinion, although the king of the sky is called the king, he should be the same as the Xuanchan King, but also an lonely widow!

I ca n’t help but feel weird to hear that the other party has a powerful 傀儡.

He knows a lot about him, because there is a so-called He Avenue in the Three Thousand Avenues. Although he is not in the top 100, he is not weak.

If you want to be strong, you must first have enough materials, otherwise it is impossible to have a strong strength. The Wolverine in the outer world did not get out of the wolf. Are these things in the palace?

When I thought of this, Nie Yun's heart moved, Tianyan moved, and looked around.

世界 The world in this palace is extremely empty. Although there are mountains and rivers and towering vegetation, there is no vitality, as if it is a dead world.

These are not surprising. The strangest thing is that the sky actually has the same brightness as the sun and the moon, and at the same time it reflects the world. Even so, there are seven or eight stars shining, shining brighter than the sun and the moon.

In the normal world, there is only one sun and one moon, and the sun and moon tour rises. The scenes of the sun and the moon also exist. However, as now, the sun, moon, and stars all appear in the same space and time, which is still very rare.

"Don't find the Chaos King Stone first, find the Jiu Dynasty and Hu Wei first!"

I carefully observed, but found no abnormalities, and some could not figure out. Nie Yun no longer thought about it, and ordered King Xuan Chan.

It is important to find the chaos king stone, and it is even more important to find people such as the Nine Dynasties.

最好 It's best to find Chaos King Stone. If you can't find it, it will be troubled by Jiu Chao and others. It is best to solve the opponent first, and then find it slowly.

Anyway, there are people outside Futian who are involved in Fujiang and so on. They should not be able to return in a short time. For the time being, they are safe.

And even if the other party comes back, it will definitely be defeated with Fu Jiang and others. With Phoenix Wing and Xuan Chan Wang Wing, it should not be difficult to escape!

"Over there!"

Xie Nieyun was looking for it. King Xuan Chan seemed to have discovered it earlier, and flew forward first.

This world is much less oppressive than the space of the ten ancient sites. One person and one cicada are extremely fast. After a while, I saw that the nine dynasties and Hu Wei were standing on a high mountain, laying out some array.

This formation has been completed by them. The secret lines are buzzing under the impact of special forces. The two stood in the middle of the formation, their wrists trembled in the nine dynasties, and an arrow-shaped thing suspended in the air, a circle below. Plate, depicting orientation and area.

Is like a huge compass.

"This should be a special magic soldier looking for Chaos King Stone. No wonder they can find it here, it turns out there is this!"

When I saw this, Nie Yun realized the role even though he didn't know it.

Prince Fu Fujiang and others rushed directly here and successfully found the King of Heaven. I am afraid that in addition to knowing some news, this compass also played a huge role.

Being able to explore the Chaos King Stone makes other things a lot simpler.


The compass compass appeared in the air, and under the condition of instilling power in the Nine Dynasties, it suddenly made a sharp sound, and the arrow-shaped pointer suddenly stopped and pointed in one direction.

"In the air?"

Nie Yun frowned.

The direction of the pointer is clear with the help of his eyes, but it is not a certain area or a special building, but the sky.

除了 Except for the sun and moon, Tonghui and a few stars, the whole sky has nothing. How could it point here?

"Don't ... these sun, moon, and stars are actually not the real sun and moon, but ... evolved from the Chaos King Stone?"

Xie Nieyun's heart trembled suddenly, an idea came out.

When I first came in, I felt that these sun, moon, and stars are weird ~ www.readwn.com ~ Will not all be changed by Chaos King Stone!

If that's the case, then it's no wonder.

"These stars and the sun and the moon!"

意识到 He realized this, and the two of the nine dynasties also understood it, and a long hiss was excited, and the nine dynasties flew to the sky first.

The sky is extremely hot and emits a scorching flame. The nine dynasties used the symbol of dominance as a means of sky. Before they came, they grabbed the palm.

Pick the stars!

Although the scorching sun was hot, under his grasp, it quickly shrank, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a small stone, emitting a hot temperature.

"Fire Chaos King Stone!"

When I saw this stone, Jiuchao laughed.

Chaos King Stone has many attributes, the soul is just one of them. Fire attribute Chaos King Stone can naturally emit endless flames, shining in Kyushu, and the heat is all things.

"Let's hide behind that star, you find a chance to sneak attack. After a serious blow, don't kill, let me kill!"

Seeing that the nine dynasties and Hu Wei learned the secret, they collected the stars and the moon frantically. Nie Yun calculated and pointed to the star on the edge.

"it is good!"

King Xuan Chan's opinion on him is now obedient and obedient. He doesn't say much at once. His body flickers and hides beside the stars.

Xie Nieyun looked around once more, and followed behind and hid on one side, while Tian Xin Teng in his body slowly stretched out, waiting for a fatal blow at any time.

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