Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1464: Rune of Dominator Run Out

"You mean ... King Shura?"

Nie Yun was shocked.

There are only a few of the strong kings, King Shura, Ashoka, Lore King, and Chaos King! Catch this ancient tortoise that survived in ancient times and let it pick up an ancient battlefield. I am afraid that only Shura will do it.

Although he didn't know much about the war of that year, it can be inferred from many clues that it must be the King Ashoka, the Lord of Chaos, and the King of Chaos who rushed into the world of King Shura and beheaded him.

In order to protect his people and keep his world from being completely destroyed, King Shura was forced to leave this means.

In this way, even if the world is broken, in the end, there are still a lot of lives like King Xuanchan, who are considered to have kept the kind of fire.

However, since then, new doubts have been added.

First, if this relic of God is the world of King Shura's original world, what is the broken world of the six adjacent places on that day?

Secondly, if this is the shattered world of King Shura, why the life in it did not accompany the death of the world.

Third, how could Ashoka and others allow such a world to exist!

However, I know too few things now, think too much, and it doesn't make any sense.

"It should be him, otherwise, no one would rather spend so much power to strip the ancient battlefield from the world and put it on my back!" Turtle nodded.

"Your mission is to carry the battlefield of ancient times, how did you get the King of Chaos?"

Nie Yun didn't want to be too entangled in King Shura. After all, it may not be safe here, and the topic will be directly transferred.

"These chaos king stones are actually ... flowed from the ancient battlefield, and I also got them by chance!" Guiyuan explained.

"Oh? From the ancient battlefield? How to enter the ancient battlefield?" Nie Yun asked.

"To enter the ancient battlefield, first go to my turtle's back. Then climb up the chain above, the end of the chain is, of course, I haven't entered, these are just guessing!"

Guiyuan hesitated. Slowly said.

"Follow the chain ..."

Nie Yun frowned.

This iron chain only gives a glimpse of coercion like a falling ice cellar at a glance.

This is different from the time when he first entered the spiritual realm from the floating continent. Although somewhat similar to this, crawling up along special things, it is far more dangerous than that.

even. These terrible desperate breaths were blown from the battlefields of ancient times, otherwise it would never be so powerful.

"Do you know any other channels besides iron chains?" Nie Yun asked.

"This is not very clear. I have been locked here since ancient times and have never been out. I haven't been in contact with anyone, so ... I don't know! But ..." Guiyuan shook his head, trying to continue talking, suddenly felt The entire Tianxuan Hall shook for a while.

A thunderous roar passed from a distance and pierced the soul.

"What's wrong?" King Xuan Chan hurriedly stood up, looking wary.

"Prince Fujiang cannot break the tortoise shell, and is using some violent means!"

Nie Yun grabbed the palm of his hand. The crowd flew out of the Tianxuan Temple and returned to the tortoise shell.

At this time, the tortoise shell seemed to be hit by some kind of violence, and the whole space kept trembling, making Huang Zhongda Lu's voice, which shook people's eardrums and was not strong. I am afraid that it will collapse at any time.

Just listening to the sound knows that the other party must have used an extremely violent thing and kept bombarding it, otherwise, such a sound would not have occurred.

"Master. What should I do?"

Seeing the tortoise trembling so violently, Guiyuan looked over.

At this time, Nie Yun was the main servant, and all of them were based on others.

"There is no other way but to meet them in the past, King Xuanchan. You continue to pretend to be Hu Wei, I continue to pretend to be the Nine Dynasties. As for Guiyuan, I will help you recover your injuries now!"

Tianyan looked through the tortoise shell to see the situation outside clearly. Nie Yun instructed that with the grasp of the palm, a woody gas was quickly instilled into Guiyuan's body. At the same time, Tianxin vine spread and a pure force passed.

Tianxinteng just swallowed up the power of the nine dynasties and Hu Wei, and had to spit it out again.

Coo coo!

Although the damage of Guiyuan was severe, there was the maintenance of the woody gas, and the infusion of countless energy, less than three breaths, it was intact and there was no discomfort.

"Now I'm rushing out with King Xuan Chan, and you chase behind, make the illusion of our escape, wait for us to approach each other, and then shoot at the same time ..."

Healing Guiyuan's injury, Nie Yun passed his plan on with his thoughts.

"Yes, master!"

After hearing the plan, the eyes of King Turtle and King Xuan Chan brightened.

With such a plan, even if Prince Fu Jiang and others are even stronger, I am afraid that this time they will suffer a great loss.

"Guiyuan, this is a master's seal, I will give it to you, but do n’t use it first, show it later when you start, you can have a better crushing effect!"

Nie Yun threw out a master's rune and handed it to Guiyuan.

"Thank you master!" After taking over the Master's Rune, Guiyuan's eyes lit up. It is comparable to the power of the Sovereign level. If it were not for this thing, he would never be crushed by the opponent.

"the host……"

Just passed the master's rune to Guiyuan, Xiaoling's timid voice came to his mind.

"what happened?"

Xiaoling is still in Tianxuan Temple. At this time, Tian Xuan Temple was taken into his body. According to normal circumstances, he would not contact him. He suddenly spoke. Is there anything wrong?

"Master Rune ... only one left!" Xiaoling said.

"One?" Nie Yun's face froze.

He can now conquer King Xuan Chan, the King of Heaven, killing the Nine Dynasties, and successfully enter the desperate place, all related to the **** of the Rune. Once this thing is not there, the strength has fallen back to its original appearance, even if the Tianxin rattan is used, it can only Can kill two thousand and eighty-eighty Avenue powerhouses. When encountering these things, there is definitely no chance to escape!

Therefore, dominating Rune is a guarantee of strength for him. Without this thing, it is difficult to say if he can survive, let alone deal with these strong ones.

"I remember that there weren't dozens of them before? Why ... run out so quickly?" Nie Yun asked in confusion.

When I first got the Tianxuan Temple, I saw dozens of them. Why did they run out so quickly? Even if you don't control yourself during this time, you should not use it so fast!

"In fact, there weren't dozens of them. There were only a dozen. They were piled together, and some were semi-finished products. They were not refined successfully. These cannot be used ... When we first met, I said, these symbols Yin is played by the old master. Not much ... Besides, when you left as a couple, you took away some. During this time, you have been burning to maintain strength, so ... "

Little spirit is a little wronged.


Nie Yun was embarrassed for a while.

At the beginning of refining the Tianxuan Temple, Xiaoling did say that the elderly Tianxuan didn't have much **** of the runes. They just practiced it and played with it. I felt a lot at the beginning, so I did n’t use it later, dreaming. Unexpectedly, among this pile of jade charms, there are still some semi-finished products.

When the avatar returned to Heaven and Earth, he feared that the master's rune would not be enough, so he brought a few extras. Now it would be useless even if he came over. Besides, the avatar would be exposed if he did not get it right. the study.

The semi-finished product cannot be used, and only one of the master's runes is used. Once it is used up, there is no current strength. What should I do?

"There is no other way, just to see if I can kill this Fujiang son and **** some of the master's runes from him!"

After thinking for a while, there was no other way, Nie Yun had to say.

Since this prince Fujiang is a man of the dried blood dynasty, although the runes that dominate it are precious, he will definitely have a lot. Now the best way is to kill them ~ www.readwn.com ~ plunder these things, maybe still Can alleviate the current embarrassing situation.

However, how many runes the opponent has, just guessing, I can only hope that he is a fat sheep and can kill it.


Do it when you think of it, and no longer talk to Xiao Ling, Nie Yun flew straight ahead as soon as his body moved.

Refining the tortoise shells, the extremely heavenly king Turtle Yuan was collected as the demon pet, and there will no longer be an obstacle here. I also know where to go. One person and two beasts, the speed is extremely fast, and I came to the tortoise shell exit in a moment.

This exit is very secret, hidden under a complex secret pattern. If it is not for refining tortoise shells, even if you have the natural eye talent, you can't find it.

Came to the front, one person and two beasts immediately saw the situation outside.

(I have to go out for dinner at night, but since I said I have to work hard, I ca n’t drop the chain, but the second one should be late! Continue to ask for two monthly tickets, and Laiya will really work hard next month!) (To be continued) . If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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