Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1465: Sneak attack successful

"Fuxan Danshan?" Nie Yun's eyes stared.

In this case, he once saw the introduction in Guixuhai books, called Fuxu Danshan, a violent offensive means.

The mountain above Prince Fujiang is a peak of chaos. It is extremely heavy. It is made by solidifying and refining countless planets. [Fuxan Danshan] Although it is famous, it is easy to put it plainly, it is to smash down this mountain-shaped weapon.

This smashing action is unpleasant, and people with high levels can completely escape, and the threat is not great, but if used to break the city and deal with the army and some weak people, the effect is very obvious, as long as you put the mountain back to its original appearance, you can With a single throw, weight and power alone can kill someone alive!

This trick was created by a powerful monk named Fuxu. When he was young, he was killed by a large family. In order to get revenge, he remained anonymous for many years, because he did not understand the means of refining, and refined all the good things he obtained. Together, it formed a magic weapon that looks like a mountain. Finally, it returned like a **** of war, swept across the mountain, and destroyed the enemy's family in one fell swoop.

The enemy family was very large. After its destruction, it caused a lot of turbulence. However, the ten major suzerainmen joined forces to siege him. As a result, he was killed by a mountain with a magic weapon. This method of directly suppressing people with the mountain was so famous. .

Although Prince Fujiang ’s giant mountain is unknown and rumored that Fuxu Danshan is strong or weak, such a fierce might, even if it is Nie Yun's strength, if he does not use the rune, he will probably be killed if he encounters it. No fight back.

Of course, Nie Yun is protected by the Temple of Heaven and the Wings of the Phoenix. This attack is not easy to kill him.

However, even if it is not simple, it is enough to illustrate the terribleness of this huge chaotic soldier.

This kept hammering the tortoise shell. Even if the tortoise shell cannot be broken, the people inside will surely be killed alive.

"King of Heaven, I advise you to come out quickly, although this turtle shell is hard. But it is so shocking, you must not be able to bear it!" Prince Fu Jiang did not find Nie Yun and others behind the secret line, and laughed, the voice came : "My request is very simple. You let the nine dynasties and Hu Wei come out and send me the Chaos King Stone that I want. I leave immediately and do not continue to disturb, if I do not agree, I can only continue!"

A giant mountain fell with your fingers, and a roaring sound was heard again, and the force scattered around was like a hurricane. The mountain peak and the tortoise shell collided, and there were dark cracks in the space, which kept spreading outward.

"Why do you want to be a turtle? Oh, sorry, I forgot, you are a turtle all the time! You still swallow the sky. I think the guts are not as good as mice!"

Prince Fu Jiang laughed again, with a strong mockery.


Hearing the other person's naked ridicule, the turtle's vitality sank, and he rushed forward, his arms being held tight by Nie Yun.

"Have a chance to get your shot, don't move, look at me!" Nie Yun smiled.

I was thinking about what opportunities to go out, and the other party was doing this to him.

Exhaling breath, Nie Yun looked up and looked forward. The eyes turned, and the sound suddenly started.

"Don't smash it, I surrender ... People can give it to you, but Chaos King Stone is the result of my hard work, and I can't give it to you. I will return the people to you, you can leave directly!"

Nie Yun's voice echoed in the tortoise shell, making people do not know where it came from. No matter the tone or the spiritual fluctuations, they are exactly the same as the extremely heavenly king Guiyuan, which makes people indistinguishable.

He pretended to be Guiyuan's voice and bewitched Prince Fu Jiang, so that the King of Heaven who was perceived by the other party could not do anything under his attack.

"It seems that you have no sincerity, I said, take out the man and Chaos King Stone, and I will leave immediately, otherwise, I will keep smashing and see how long you can sustain!"

Hearing the sound, Prince Fu Jiang was suspected of having him, thinking that it was Guiyuan answering him, laughing out loud, full of excitement.

"Do you think I can't kill your two subordinates?" Nie Yun's camouflage voice was vicious and cold.

"Hey, you can do it. You can kill them, and I can kill you. Anyway, I have time, and I can kill you sooner or later!" Prince Fu Jiang smiled slightly, seemingly indifferent to the life and death of the nine dynasties and others.


Nie Yun snorted and winked at Turtle Yuan and King Xuan Chan.

"I'll kill you now ... oh, damn, where do you run!"

Turtle Yuanling understood it, and with a scream and accompanying shouts, Nie Yun and Xuan Chan Wang rushed out of the tortoise shell at a rapid speed like a shooting star.

They moved forward, and the roar of the Celestial King was getting closer and behind him.

"Prince Fujiang, get started!"

In the Nine Dynasties disguised by Nie Yun, he roared and rushed straight towards Prince Fujiang.


Seeing the two men rushing in, Prince Fu Jiang stunned first, then exulted.

If Nie Yun had n’t “negotiated the terms” with him before, he might have doubts about these two people. At this time, when he saw the extremely desperate King following him behind, there were other ideas. Haha smiled, and when the giant mountain moved, he immediately turned to the turtle. Yuan smashed it.

At this moment, Dashan stood behind Nie Yunxuan's Cicada King, blocking the King of the Heavens. If he did not dodge and continued to pursue Nie Yun and others, he would be killed alive.


Full of anger and reluctance, the King of Heaven had to back away.

"Thank you Prince!"

Nie Yun and King Xuan Chan came to Fujiang and others.

"Have you got anything?"

Prince Fu Jiang showed joy.

"Here, look!"

A chaos king stone appeared on the palm of the palm. At the same time, when Nie Yun's body moved, Tianxin rattan octopus exploded on all sides, shot straight at Zhang Zhuo on one side, and Xuanchan King's wings spread out. Cut through time and space, blasted on Zhou Tong.

As a prince, Fu Jiang must have many ways to save his life. Once the hands cannot be killed, the three have endless troubles. Therefore, when the strategy was agreed, Nie Yun's goal was not Fu Jiang, but Zhoutong on both sides. Zhang Zhuo, as long as these two people are killed, Prince Fu Jiang will not be able to survive even if he is strong, and it will become much easier to kill.


While Tian Xin Teng shot at Zhang Zhuo, Nie Yun moved, and the sharp sword awns seemed to have a clear breeze, like a cold star appearing suddenly in the sky. They instantly gathered and came to the front.


Originally seeing the Nine Dynasties and others, Zhang Zhuo was excited. Who thought that such a sudden change would happen suddenly, the pupils suddenly contracted, and instinctively, they retreated quickly.

But before he left, his feet tightened, and a vine had caught him.

"What the **** is this!"

His face was ugly, and his power came out of his feet. Zhang Zhuo wanted to cut off the ghosts under his feet, but found that there were vines extended, and he grasped his palm firmly. For a moment, the whole man seemed to be **** with a rope. The power was exerted at all. Not coming out.


At this moment, the breeze-like Jianmang had come to the throat, pierced it in the blink of an eye, felt the strength of the whole body as if it had been taken away, Zhang Zhuo's eyes glared round, his face dared and unbelieving, and cut off his breath .


Immediately after his death, the vines of the Celestial Heart broke through the sea of ​​gas and devoured his entire body.

Coo coo!

Celestial heart once thicker again, it seems to be stronger.

After killing Zhang Zhuo, Nie Yun turned his head to look at King Xuan Chan. The Xuan Chong King who used the rune to run faster, leaving a black line in front of him. However, although Zhou Tong's strength is not weak, it is still difficult to fight under the attack ~ www.readwn.com ~ As previously predicted, Zhou Tong's head was cut off stiffly and he took Zhang Zhuo as soon as he took a breath. Footsteps.


As soon as Zhou Tong died, Tianxin Rattan seemed to see Dabuzhi and screamed. A vine stretched out and sucked it into a dead body.

Killing these two people, Nie Yun, King Xuan Chan and the King of Heaven who rushed around the road surrounded Prince Fu Jiang in the center.

From rushing out of the tortoise shell to beheading Zhou Tong and Zhang Zhuo, it took less than three breaths. Even though Prince Fu Jiang reacted quickly, he did not expect his subordinates to become enemies in a blink of an eye. Success in one fell swoop.

"King Xuan Chan and King Tian are very good. I didn't expect you to join forces ... who are you?"

Surrounded, Prince Fu Jiang didn't show panic, but showed anger, looked at the three of them one by one, and finally fixed his eyes on Nie Yun with a cold chill. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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