Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1466: Presiding Hoi

"Do it!"

Don't bother talking nonsense to each other, Nie Yun stepped forward, covering the wild with strength.

People like Prince Fujiang must have many followers. The longer the delay, the greater the trouble, the harder it is to be killed. You must use the fastest, even the other party can not react to achieve a one-shot kill, success rate Will be bigger.

"Don't dare to reveal your true nature, a mouse-like villain, and want to kill me? Dream it!"

With his palm raised, Prince Fu Jiang greeted him.

The huge mountain traverses tens of thousands of miles and rises from the mid-air, with the taste of breaking through the sky, twisting the time and space, destroying the stars, and booming, and then knocks the space in front of Nie Yun into a large area.

The giant mountain is like a shooting star, with the force that penetrates the universe, with strong and inexplicable pressure, and before coming to Nie Yun, he feels that the muscles of his whole body are stripped by a violent force, and the blood will splash at any time.

"the host!"

When King Xuan Chan and King Tian saw their masters being met by the opponent's giant mountain, they all showed anxiety.

"Don't worry about me, he can't kill me, you shoot at him directly!"

Nie Yunlang's voice sounded, the wings of the Phoenix appeared behind him, a gentle blow, a strong wind, and the mountains that came forward stopped abruptly, and could no longer move forward. At the same time, a road under his feet suddenly appeared, and the whole portrait was walking On the way, it was smooth and stable, and was not affected by the pressure of Giant Mountain in the slightest.

"This is ... Avenue of Heaven and Earth!"

The king of the heavens, Guiyuan, looked straight at Nie Yun's feet.

Heaven and earth are divided into heaven and earth. All of them are heaven and earth avenue. They connect to God, understand God, take root in the earth, and nourish all things!

A person who fully understands heaven and earth can create all things and re-evolve the heavens and the earth, and the physical ground is born at the foot of Nie Yun. Obviously it is this ability that is used to make use of the courage to create a world against the amount of violent violence on the other side.


The eyes of the King of Heaven are full of worship and praise.

As soon as it was born, it understood the Tao, and it was not difficult for it to do this. But there is absolutely no such skillful speed of the other side, creating his own world in battle, which has simply surpassed the level of normal humans.

"God? No matter what you realize, you must die today!"

Seeing Nie Yun's move, Prince Fu Jiang's face sank, with twisted eyes in his eyes, and he even grasped the palms in the air, rolling suddenly, and Giant Mountain rushed over with more violent power.


The power of the mountain peaks increased, and an astonishing gully on the road Nie Yun just created appeared on it. The ground shattered like ice.

"Tian Xin Teng stabilizes the space!"

Facing the increased strength of the opponent, Nie Yun didn't care, and continued to move forward. Tianxinteng shot out from inside his body, like a giant pillar. Suppress the space that is scattered at any time.

He uses the Rune of Dominance, which in itself has the strength of the Sovereign Power, and with Tian Xin Teng, the power is stronger, and the immortal power is like endless rivers. I don't know where it spread.


With his full exertion, the space seemed to become a viscous liquid. Although the power of the mountain peak was large, it could not be pressed down. Instead, it seemed to be frozen in the swamp and nailed to the wall. No more ferocity before.

"I thought it was a fierce horse. It doesn't look very good. The Fuxu Danshan left in your hands is really an overuse and a waste of treasure. I leave it to me!"

With a chuckle, Nie Yun came to Dashan, grabbed his palm upward, and his five fingers crossed the space and time, appeared on top of the mountain, and moved gently.


The towering huge mountain was wrapped in the palm of his hand and disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if it had never appeared.

"What? My mountain!"

Unexpectedly, the mountain peak was taken away by the other party, and even that faint soul induction could not be found. Prince Fu Jiang's face became very ugly, and blood spewed out.

This mountain is a magic weapon that he has refined in his own life. It contains countless essences of the whole body. If you lose it, it is equivalent to taking half of his soul. Even if he is strong, he cannot bear it.

"I want you to die!"

Bleeding water was flowing from his eyes, and a long roar was issued, surrounded by swordsman princes on the dried palms of Prince Fu Jiang, spanning the distance, like a sharp blade that punctured time and space, and came in a blink of an eye.

"Carved worm tricks!"

One step forward, Nie Yun swayed his hands, and the vines all over the sky formed a huge barrier. Sword light hit these vines as if they were stabbed in the water, without any effect.


However, as soon as he blocked the sword of the opponent, he saw Prince Fu Jiang suddenly step down, and the whole man inserted into the void.

"Well, this guy wants to escape!"

Seeing his movements, Nie Yun's face frowned.

I didn't expect this guy to be so decisive. This time he came here to **** the Chaos King Stone. As a result, Wang Shi did n’t get nothing. His subordinates died four times in a row, even the treasure mountain was taken away by others. How to defeat the opponent, but turn around and leave, without any muddleheads, firm mind, indifference, and appalling.

If he was not afraid of death, he rushed directly to fight with him, the world would collapse, the sun and the moon would be dark, and there would be nothing, and then he would turn around and walk, and he could endure a moment of humiliation, be able to bend and stretch, and it would be the most terrible!

The wings of the Phoenix unfolded, hundreds of thousands of miles under his feet, one step out, countless stars were thrown behind, looking at the figure in front, Nie Yun volleyed, and nodded.

The immortal power of the whole body is like boiling, many avenues comprehended form a ring, spread straight ahead, and a ray of lightning strikes away, piercing Prince Fu Jiang's back.


At the same time, the King of the Heavens and the King of Cicadas, who are guarding on one side, also shot. The kings of the two top ten ancient sites exerted their attacks with all their might, and two cuts of cutting space cut from both sides.

"Haha! There is no door to kill me. I don't care who you are. The next time I meet, it will be when you die!"

Three rays of light stabbed Prince Fu Jiang and did not cut it into two sections. The latter flashed a light, and a special large urn appeared, shaking gently, blocking all power behind him.

He himself, with a shock of clothes, completely jumped out of the encirclement, headed to an unknown space, and disappeared from the crowd.

"Dominate the vestment?"

When he saw the last dress, Nie Yun's face was ugly.

The dominating robe is the defense method left by the dominating level. The clothes formed by the integrated three thousand avenues. Although this dress is only a virtual one, not a chaotic warrior, it combines the power of the dominating level. It is almost impossible to break this suit!

Of course, this suit is not able to be used indefinitely. It is entirely composed of energy. With many attacks, it will gradually become weak until it disappears!

"It is indeed the prince of the dry blood dynasty. There are enough good things on him!"

Knowing that the other party had completely escaped, Ning Yun shook his head.

The other party's ability to take out the lord's vestment means that it will be difficult to kill, even if it can catch up, it does not make any sense.

However, letting him escape without grabbing the Rune of Dominance still disappointed him.

Only the last one of the dominated rune will definitely bring a lot of trouble to the later things, and even bring countless dangers.

"For the sake of today, we can only look for Mo Yao and others, and find a way to kill them ~ www.readwn.com ~ to **** the master's rune!"

Can not kill the prince Fu Jiang, but can only think of other ways, Nie Yun thought of Mo Yao.

At the time, Mo Yao realized more than 2,800 avenues, and cooperated with the dominating Rune. He was naturally not an opponent, but now Tian Xin Teng swallows the Jiu Dynasty, Zhou Tong, and others, and his strength is greatly improved. In addition, he merges with Xuan Chan. Wang Yi, the strength has increased greatly, and once again encountered, it should not be so embarrassed, if you sneak shot, you can even kill it!

I only hope that the other person has the dominator's rune, who can spend his time in the ruins of God.

"It's getting late, and it's not too late, you must find Mo Yao and kill it before this Dominator Rune Force dissipates!"

With a final decision in mind, Nie Yun was relieved and looked at the King of Heaven and Xuan Chan who came to the front: "I want to leave Shishu Ancient Land to find an enemy. Knowing that you can't live without ancient land, our master-servant relationship has ended, I will give you your sacrificed souls now and restore your freedom, and there will be a period! "

"Restoring freedom, there will be a period ..."

The King Xuan Chan and the King of the Heavens stunned at the same time.

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