Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1467: King Aoba

The King of Heaven, King Xuan Chan and him entered into a soul affiliation. It is not long, and it will be lifted so soon, so that the two ancient gods and beasts are somewhat unbelievable.

"I entered the Shijue Ancient Land. I wanted to find an ancient relic, got some treasures, and accidentally learned about the Chaos King Stone. Now what I want has been obtained, and staying there will only delay more time. go away!"

Nie Yundao.

I came to Shijigudi. I was going to find the secret place of Jinxuan who was forbidden to contact the stele. But I couldn't find it, but got the news of Chaos King Stone.

It is no regret that he can get the Chaos King Stone this time, even if he goes out now, there is no problem.

King of Heaven and King of Cicada are very powerful. They can be taken out, and they can absolutely deter the ancestors. They will be famous throughout the oblique month, but they will not be uncomfortable if they are not taken out. There are gains and losses in life. You can't live without worrying about your gains and losses.

"the host……"

King of Heaven and King of Xuan Chan show reluctance.

Although these two great beasts were initially intimidated and tamed, but after a short period of getting along, they found that the owner in front of him, although young, has wisdom that is hard to reach by ordinary people, and a horrifying mind. Such characters may take time It is bound to become a famous Yuan. It is more exciting to follow him than simply staying here.

"Life is often scattered, by the way, the person I am going to kill went to a place called the temple. Have you heard of it?"

He waved his hand and interrupted the two beasts' perseverance. Nie Yungang wanted to leave, suddenly remembered something, and asked.

If you want to find Mo Yao, you must first find this so-called shrine. If you can't find it here, everything is nonsense!


The two beasts shook their heads at the same time.

"Master, we have been staying in Shijigudi. We have never been out. If this temple is in Gudi, we must know, but as far as I know, there is no such place here!"

Xuan Chan Wang apologized.

"Yeah, I live a long life, but I have never heard of any temple, so ..." Extreme King Turtle Yuan was also full of embarrassment.

"Okay, just don't know, just leave!"

I didn't think they might know that Nie Yun arched his hands and walked away.

"Master, slow!"

Just took a few steps. Guiyuan suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?" Nie Yun stopped.

"We don't know where the shrine is, but someone definitely knows!"

What Kamemoto thought of, quickly explained.

"Oh? Who?" Nie Yun's eyes lit up.

Although his combat effectiveness has increased, his strength is not enough to calculate the exact position of Mo Yao and others. It is calculated that the ten ancient sites are blindly searched aimlessly, and someone can know where the temple is naturally the best.

"In the tortoise shell just now, you asked me if there was any way to enter the ancient battlefield except through iron chains. I didn't know. I also said 'but'! At that time, Prince Fu Jiang attacked the tortoise shell with a giant mountain. Time to elaborate, I can tell you now! "

Turtle Yuan slowly said.

After hearing this, Nie Yun recalled it carefully. Turtle Yuan did say that at the beginning, and he couldn't help showing expectations.

"I say the word" but ". It is because one of the ten ancient sites has an ancient life that swam the entire ruins and knows all the allusions and secrets of the ruins!"

Guiyuan said: "I don't know, it doesn't mean it doesn't know, if it can be found. I can definitely find the answer the host wants!"

"Oh? And this strange life?"

Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

There are many strange creatures in the world. It is as if the Heavenly King realized the Tao of Heaven once he was born. It is incredible that he can have more strange life.

"It is King Aoba, one of the Four Kings of the Ten Ancient Lands!" Said Turtle Yuan.

"King Aoba?"

"King Aoba ranks third among the four kings. Although his strength is much worse than mine, he is good at hiding and speed. Moreover, it can leave the remains of God and is not affected. Because of this, the remains of God are It is wide and still traveled by it, but many secrets are in crisis, even if it knows where it is, it will not dare to break through! "

Guiyuan explained.

"Good at hiding, speed? And this life? What is its essence?"

Nie showed strong interest.

The body of the king of the heavens is the body of the tortoise and the king of the cicada. The king of the green leaf?

"Yes ... a leafy bat, who likes to move at night, so ..." Guiyuan was a little embarrassed.

Many monks in the Oblique Moon Extreme have different ideas about bats, and feel that night-time actions are just like ghosts, which is not pleasing.

"Bat?" He didn't have any other thoughts about Bat Nie Yun, and then asked: "Speak its characteristics, let me figure it out!"

"Yes, it likes hiding in the darker surface of the planet ..."

Guiyuan explained all the detailed characteristics of King Aoba.

"it is good!"

After listening carefully to Gui Yuan's introduction, Nie Yun's eyebrows moved, and a river of heavenly machines appeared in front of him. Countless stars flowed along the river. After a while, the two tortoise shells fell, and complicated secret lines appeared.

"I know where it is, go with me!"

Calculating the specific position of King Qingye, Nie Yun flew his wings and flew forward.

Although the turtle's tortoise shell was locked by an iron chain, the body has been cultivated to the point where it can be separated from the tortoise shell's existence. As long as it does not leave the ten ancient sites, it will not be greatly affected.

"King Aoba is in the land of absolute souls, Xuan Chan Wang Yi should be able to resist it!"

As he moved forward, Nie Yun said what he had calculated.

The ten most ancient land, the first is the most terrible land, the second is the most terrible land, and King Aoba is in that area.

"My Xuan Chan King Wing can resist even the vitality of the dead, and the spirit of the absolute soul is natural!" Xuan Chan Wang's face was proud.

"That's good!"

Hearing that the Xuan Chan King Wing can block the spirit of the absolute soul from being harmed, Nie Yun no longer says it first.

Tianji deduction is in line with Tiandi Avenue. There is no problem in calculating the location of Xuan Chan Wang before. At this time, there should be no omissions.

The speed of the party was fast, and about a dozen breaths flew out of the desperate place and came to a place full of bright red mist.

This place is full of aromas. When you first enter it, it feels like you have entered a huge garden. However, after a while, you will realize that it is completely different from the garden. These aromas have the effect of hypnotizing the soul and smell into your mind. Will involuntarily lose strength, dizziness and bloating, thus losing the ability to resist.

The soulless land, the hypnotic soul, even Nie Yun, who uses the rune of the dominator, would almost be in trouble if he did not prepare in advance.

"It's a terrific place. Crisis is everywhere. If it weren't for Xuan Chan Wang Yi to resist, it would be hard to do!"

Feeling the spirit of utter desperation and anger of desperation are completely different, but equally terrifying, Nie Yun can't help feeling.

In such a dangerous place, not only does life survive, but it is so moisturized, we have to say that the creation is magical.

Entering the soulless land, walking forward for a while, you can see countless planets in front of you.

These planets are similar to the outer fields of the starry sky. Most of them are broken and lifeless. They are silent in the dark night sky with no sign of life.

Nie Yun walked around the planets and moved forward quickly.

Through the derivation just now, he already knew the exact position of King Aoba. His speed was fast. After dozens of breaths, a huge black planet appeared in front of him.

"Just in the previous planet ~ www.readwn.com ~ Kuimoto, you can call it out, I'm afraid I will show up, and it will have the opposite effect!"

Nie Yun commanded.

He suddenly appeared here and looked for King Aoba again. The other side must be vigilant and troublesome. Changing to Turtle Yuan is completely different.


Guiyuan nodded and stepped forward, sounding like Hong Zhong: "Aoba, Guiyuan and Xuan Chan come to visit!"

The sound slowly passed through, echoing through the entire starfield through countless spaces.

"It turned out to be King of the Heavens and King of Cicadas, please come in. King Wanli is also here. It's been a long time since we met and we can just get together!"

Soon after the sound was heard, a laugh passed over with a hearty flavor, which was completely different from the impression that Nie Yun had in his heart before.

In his opinion, the bats walking in the dark should give people a gloomy feeling, but there is no such feeling in the voice, but it has a hearty taste, which makes people feel refreshed and uncomfortable.

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