Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1468: Eater

"King Wanli is the last one of the four Kings of the Ten Great Ancient Places, ranking second! We are all lonely widows. It is a real king with billions of subjects, and the most important thing is ... it is a woman! "

Xuan Chan Wang Chuanyin's voice revealed a strong sense of fear.

"What is its essence?"

Can Xuan Chan Wang be so frightened, and there are billions of subjects, what is this guy?

"Its body is a [food ant] that can devour all realms!" Xuan Chan Wangdao.

"Eating ants?" Nie Yun froze.

He had heard of this life, and claimed that the individual strength is not too strong, but it has billions of subjects, and the group battle is terrible. It is said that there was a big world that was not weaker than Da Xuan's chaos world because it offended one Eater ants, the entire world has been swallowed up, and no life has survived!

This kind of life cannot be swallowed, and even runes and formations can be eaten in the stomach. Anyone encounters scalp numbness. I did not expect that this kind of life exists in an absolutely unique place, and it is still a king.

"Master, King Wanli and King Aoba are very disgusted with human beings. When you get to the place, don't talk too much. I will explain to them in detail before I say ..."

Guiyuan's voice sounded in his ear.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded. He had a sense of this.

While talking, one person and two beasts came to the surface of the planet.

The planet as a whole is gloomy, there is no trace of light, and a damp and decaying atmosphere is flowing everywhere, as if entering a garbage dump.

"Well! Why are you here with humans?"

The sky is moving, and Nie Yun can see the scene in front of him. On the high platform in the sky, a handsome young man was sitting on the throne, beside it was a cold-browed middle-aged woman.

When the young people saw Gui Yuan and Xuan Chan, they brought individuals. Voice indifferent.

"Aoba, this is ..."

Guiyuan was about to explain, and saw the young man's eyebrows frown: "You and Xuan Chan actually recognize him as the master? Why, you have become slaves, and you want us to be slaves? No way! I don't welcome you here, get out now! "

Seeing that Turtle Yuan and Xuan Chan have become demon pets, King Aoba's attitude has suddenly changed.

"King Aoba. Don't worry, listen to me!"

Guiyuan's eyebrows frowned.

In any case, it is the first king of Shijigudi, talk to it like this. So rude, even with a good temper, I was a little angry.

"Nothing to say. At the beginning, you said firmly. This world only recognizes the world as the master. Never recognize humans! Now? Leave now. I can leave it alone. Otherwise, we will be on the spot today. I want to Look, even if you have a master, how can you help me! "

King Aoba yelled, and the black wings behind him appeared like the demon. Show a ghastly atmosphere.

"The two kings surrender to a human being, Turtle Yuan and Xuan Chan. What benefits does he give you?"

The middle-aged woman looked at Nie Yun, her eyes were deep and cold, and her strength wandered out, as if she didn't agree with each other, she and the King of Green would attack together.

"How can you help me? Then let me see if you have increased your strength recently ..."

Seeing the two were rude, Guiyuan couldn't hold back anymore, and a handful of palms had to be put into action. Before he stepped forward, his shoulders were pulled by him.

I turned around and saw that Nie Yun came up, with a mockery in his eyes, and suddenly laughed: "Haha, haha!"

The laughter was thunderous, ringing through Kyushu, the whole planet seemed to be shaking in his laughter, and cracks appeared on the ground.

"What are you laughing at? What's funny?"

Seeing this human being not only not afraid, but laughing out loud, King Aoba and King Wanli looked at each other.

"No laughing! I have always heard Xuan Chan and Gui Yuan talk about the prestige and heroes of King Aoba and King Wanli. They turned out to be just two little people who are extremely ignorant and can only fight in the nest! It's better to meet!

Nie Yun's eyes showed mercy.

"what did you say?"

"Dare to say I'm ignorant, look for death!"

Hearing the taunting words of Nie Yunyun, King Qingye and King Wanli exploded their brains at the same time, their eyes became red, and their whole body was in a state of excitement.

Guiyuan and Xuanchan on one side saw this scene and stood on both sides at the same time, for fear that the two would be ashamed and angry, and did something bad for the owner.

However, as soon as the two came to the front, Nie Yun waved his hands and let them back down, and then he came to the two kings in two steps, with his hands behind his back, and the empty door opened without any defense.

"What? I'm not right? Guiyuan, Xuan Chan, and you, who are also called the Four Kings of the Ten Great Ancients, are facing each other with their swords, aren't they fighting in a nest?" Nie Yun sneered.

"Even if we can fight in the nest? It seems to have nothing to do with you, a human in the Extreme Moon Region."

King Aoba's face was grim and resisted the urge to shoot directly.

"It doesn't matter? Who said it doesn't matter? The two of them are my demon pets. You have to do something with my demon pets. Do you say they have anything to do with me? In addition, I'm not a person in the Xingyue Supreme Realm, you connect me Without clarifying his identity, he accused him. Isn't it ignorance? "

Nie Yun looked cold and arrogant, as if looking at two reptiles who didn't understand anything.

Looking at the posture just now, the other party didn't listen to the explanation at all. If the other party spoke normally, the other party would certainly not believe it, but using extreme methods may have unexpected results.

"Who lied to? The ancient battlefield, which is the ruins of God you said, I almost know the powerful life in it, and there is no you! In addition, it is opened once in a million years, and this is the time to start. You are not the Supreme Moon Who is the Trial Comer from the Domain? "

Aoba Wang hummed.

"I came to the trial of the Xieyue Supreme Realm, but I am not a person in the Xieyue Supreme Realm. You can believe it or not. You don't need to explain it to you!" Nie Yun waved his hand: "I'm here just to ask In a word, you have been living in this broken world, unable to absorb energy, you can only sleep and save your strength, and you can wake up for a while only when the relic of God is opened ... Is this what you want to live? "


Upon hearing this, King Aoba's face was ugly.

In this world, there is no energy absorption. In order to reduce consumption, you can only sleep. In the true sense, only when the relics of a million years are opened can you wake up and maintain the physical strength and life by hunting and killing the tester.

This kind of life is like being held in a cage, unspeakable and uncomfortable, they have already had enough.

But there was no other way. King Aoba was better and was able to leave the Shishu Ancient Land. The others, even Shishu Ancient Land, could not leave. They could only stay here, year after year, regardless of the passage of time.

"We want to live this kind of life, no matter what you do, don't tell me, you can take us out of here, there were people who said it before, but ... it was all eaten by me!"

King Wanli's eyes flickered.

"Take you out? You think too much!" Nie Yun waved his hand.

"If you don't think so, what are you talking about? Let's get started? Don't think that you let Gui Yuan and Xuan Chan recognize you as the mainstay, and you will be arrogant and tell you that if you really fight, they may not be able to take advantage! "

Wanli Wang sneered, with strong pride in his eyes.

It does have pride, and hundreds of millions of food ants are released. Even if the King of Heaven is a suzerain, he will feel powerless.

"I just want to ask you one thing ... Do you want revenge?"

"Revenge? How do you get revenge?"

"If your world did not experience the ancient war, it should have been rich and prosperous, and it was only stronger than the Oblique Moon Extreme Zone ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now it has become like this. Never thought of revenge? "Nie Yun stared at the two beasts.

"Revenge, who doesn't want it? Although we are alive now, we are actually the little mice that were deliberately left by those big men in the Xieyue Supreme Realm to hone their disciples for them! But what's the use of it? Just say something as soon as you talk about it Can revenge? Do you know who our enemies are? We do n’t even know who it is. It ’s ridiculous to say so! ”

Wanli Wang Lengheng looked at Nie Yun with indifference.

"Who are your enemies? Not only do I know, but I know better than you!" Nie Yun pointed a finger, a drop of blood appeared in front of the two beasts, exuding a special breath.

"Xiu ... you ... who are you?"

Seeing the power emanating from this drop of blood, with a taste that was slightly compatible with the world, King Wanli and King Aoba looked at each other, each of them shocked from the other's eyes, and couldn't help asking.

ps: The update will be earlier today, and strive to complete the second update around 4pm. There are monthly tickets, recommended rewards and the like. Please vote up. Laoya must work hard, work hard, and work hard! !! (To be continued ...)

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