Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 145: The second Nirvana begins

The sword array left by the funeral sword king is not one-way, but the monsters will be attacked as long as they enter a certain range, this range works regardless of up and down and left and right!

Therefore, as long as you sit in the middle of the sword array, even if these two super-level monsters are alive and mad outside, you will never dare to rush in!

聂 Nie Yun now has no way to the sky and no door to the ground. Since he is completely trapped here, he doesn't want anything anymore. He swallows the elemental spirit liquid first, and then hits Nirvana for the second time!

Shock the second Nirvana. As long as it succeeds, you can successfully reach the beginning of the Supreme. If you cooperate with the trick of the mountains and rivers, it is not difficult to kill the two monsters.

This is his only way of life now, just succeed and don't fail!

He made a decision in his mind, and Nie Yun opened the bottle cap.


令人 The exciting aroma in the bottle emerged again, making Nie Yun's whole body muscles and qi tremble all the time.

The Yuanyuan Elf Liquid is completely converged by Reiki, which contains powerful energy, no matter humans or monsters, it is a great supplement!


No longer going to control the roaring noises around him, Nie Yun swallowed the drop of spirit in the bottle as soon as she lifted her neck.


As soon as the spirit fluid entered the abdomen, a frog-like tweet was immediately made, and Nie Yun felt like she was immersed in the hot spring, and a heat flow surged, unspeakably comfortable.

Alas, the heat flow had just flowed for a while, and the whole sea of ​​air swelled like an explosion, and severe pain came!

"Oops! This aura is too much, it is beyond the scope of Qihai ..."

Feeling the abnormal change in his body, Nie Yun's face changed immediately.

Roaring in my heart, the seven datiantians were turning madly, and each one formed a violent aura vortex in the sea of ​​qi, transforming aura at a staggering speed.

Fortunately, Dantian is derived from the nameless method. If it is ordinary Dantian, I am afraid that the light will rotate completely and collapse!

This is so for Rao Rao, the body seems a little unbearable!

The former Nie Yun heard of Yuanling Elf Liquid, but never took it. I didn't know that such a small drop of liquid would contain such powerful power!

If you knew it already, you would not swallow a whole drop!

"Compress, compress, compress me!"

Yun Nieyun knew that once Qihai couldn't bear the complete collapse, he really had nothing, and he could not care about the severe pain in his body. His powerful spirit desperately compressed the concentration of Qi in his body.

Click! Click!

There is too much aura in Wuyuan's Elf Liquid. Even with Nie Yun's crazy compression, the later revision of the Bingjia Realm has been successfully promoted and reached its peak!

"The second Nirvana begins!"

Xun felt that the strength had reached the peak of the Bingjia Realm, and Nie Yun sank in her heart, and directly operated the second method of Nirvana.


As soon as the method is working, Nie Yun's whole person is instantly concentrated like a thunderbolt, staying still in place, motionless, falling into the deepest level of cultivation!

The second Nirvana starts, just waiting for the cocoon to turn!



"Damn, this boy has been inside for more than half a month, why can't he come out yet, and the Bingjia Realm has not reached the supreme level, it is impossible to break the valley, I don't believe he will starve!"

A black bear standing outside the burial sword Tsung Shan cave, screaming angrily, it has been more than half a month since Nie Yun started his second nirvana. In this half month, the two Supreme Monsters took turns to guard Outside the cave, once you see the boy appear, you will be given a fatal blow!

But ... this guy seems to be missing. There is no movement in it. No matter how he swears or humiliates, he doesn't even come out. He doesn't even say a word. If he's not sure that this guy is still inside, he thinks he might have left. It's up!

"If it wasn't for this sword formation was too powerful, my current ability cannot be destroyed, you would have died with this cave long ago!"

The black bear roared again and again.

The wound pierced by Xiuyanyan's chest is now all right. Without the injury, it can't help getting annoyed at the thought of the power of the sword array.

的 The sword array left by this funeral sword king is really terrible. His black rock iron armor is so strong in defense. He was pierced by the encounter. If he didn't escape quickly, I would have turned into a pile of meat mud!

"Black Rock, this kid hasn't shown up yet?"

As the black bear growled, a violent wind, the purple pupil iron armor dragon came over.

"No!" Black Rock's teeth clenched.

"The soldiers in the Bingjia Realm can't communicate with each other's vitality. If they don't eat or drink, they will stick to it for at least half a month. Today, I am afraid it is already the last day of his insistence. Be careful ..."

"On the tenth day, you said so! I didn't see him come out!"

Before the words of Zitong Tiejialong were finished, Heiyan interrupted the judgment.

On the tenth day, Tiejialong judged that the boy could not persist. As a result, it was now fifteen days, and there was still no figure, as if the kid had died inside!

But the two monsters know that the kid must not have died!

How could a human being that even two Supreme Monsters be able to pose together, die so easily?

"It's been twenty days, why haven't you moved yet?"

Blink of effort, five days later, these five days the two monsters stay outside together, for fear that the teenagers will take the opportunity to escape, but what makes them speechless is still not out!

I have nothing to do!

Everything is the same as the previous twenty days, nothing has changed!

"You can stop eating and drinking for twenty days before you reach the Supreme level. Is this kid a human? Isn't it a turtle!"

The black bear and the copper iron beast have waited for so many days, their irritable temper has long been worn away, and some jokes can be made while waiting.

Now they have also dug a cave opposite the Burial Sword Mound, and the two Supreme Monsters are leaning against the dug stone bed and eating fruit while chatting.

Since the boys do not know when they will come out, they will not waste time flying in the air and waiting, it is better to lie here while eating!

They do n’t believe it, this kid can stay a month without eating or drinking!

Hey ... Soon, a month has passed!

The two monsters are waiting impatiently at this moment, leaving only the monsters with eight heads of air sects guarding in eight directions ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is estimated that this kid must be dead! "


After two clusters of blasts, the two monsters, Heiyan and Zitong, came to the cave again, looking helpless at the cave where there was still no movement.

I really want someone to die for a month without eating or drinking, they also recognize!

"Whether it's dead or not, let's wait another three days. If no one has come out yet, I won't even recognize the Yuanling Liquid!"

Pu Zitong shook her head.

They do n’t think that the juvenile has swallowed the spiritual fluid. They know the power of the spiritual fluid. If they do n’t reach the supreme level and swallow it, they will explode!

There is no explosion sound in the cave now, which means that this kid must not have swallowed it!

I haven't swallowed the Yuan-elves liquid, but persisted for a month, how can they not understand!

At the time when the two monsters, Heiyan and Zitong, were distressed, Nirvana was silent like a rock for a whole month. Nie Yun sat in the cave and suddenly opened his eyes slowly. ps: Supreme, Supreme! Nie Yun's real life on the pinnacle is about to begin! !!

章 This chapter will be available after this chapter. We sincerely hope that everyone can support it in genuine editions. Your support is the biggest motivation for Laoya to update!

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